US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Yea and had NIC done the Delta HP merger the top 4000 piots would have been DAL and US cool with that??

I have no idea about your numbers, but I've never thought that I should NOT have the seniority to hold something the day after the merged list goes into effect that I couldn't hold the day before the merged list went into effect. So, whatever the numbers of DL pilots that held bigger equipment than I could hold should go above me.

Unlike almost all the East posters, who look at a merger as an opportunity for gains, I'd be cool with that. I've explained that several times since the HP merger. Remember, seniority is where you are on the list, longevity is when you got on the list - hence 16 year furloughees at US before the merger, been ON the list a long time but weren't far enough UP the list to hold a job.

I like the idea of fried Spud better. Lightly salted.

Stay out of trouble if you ever come to Phoenix. Sheriff Joe would love to dress you and your pals flyPG & NYC in pink underwear and let you fry in the 115 degree heat in a tent.

I can see y'all like pink underwear and would fit right in with your new boyfriends :lol:
Wrong direction of flight for me but tell the Sheriff I'll be on the other side of the thirty tomorrow night if he wants to find me. Tell him to come heavy.
Unlike almost all the East posters, who look at a merger as an opportunity for gains, I'd be cool with that.

A new low. Traderjake, 924PS, you guys get this? Have you conducted interviews with ALMOST ALL east posters to get their POV?I'm not looking to gain anything from west pilots, hopefully all pilots will gain from the merger.
USAPA's list is DOH, with C&Rs, not a straight DOH.

DOH with the minimum C&R's USAPA thinks it can get by a judge, and even those have enough holes to fly an A380 through. It's straight DOH pretending to offer protections to the West. Starting with the date used to establish "protected" positions for the West - after they were nearly down to min fleet and below min block hours. As I've said before, it's more of a one-way gate than protections - Easties can go West with the advantage that DOH gives them but Westies come east with only their DOH which doesn't let many of them hold the same job they held out west.

Starting with the date used to establish "protected" positions for the West - after they were nearly down to min fleet and below min block hours.


Where's the east? Should they have used May 19, 2005 for both sides? :D

If there are enough holes to fly an A380 through, the next DFR will take less than the first.
I don't know who "they" are. They wear masks so it is up to authorites to determine who are making threats. All you have to do is check if Cactuspilot1 visited your member area about 1pm on 07 Mar 11. I never visited 767jetz ;)

I was told a few weeks ago as a “newbie” to read a few hundred posts and catch up. I heeded the advice and did just that. I have plenty of time, sitting on reserve once again, (thanks Doug) in a Phoenix crashpad.

I’ve concluded that there is an organized but not well thought out campaign of intimidation against those who dare to speak the truth and not play along with Usapian deception.

I became the target of threats myself. Bad move. Federal law has a way of leveling the playground. I don’t care if you are a doctor, lawyer or the President of the U.S., you are not above the law.

US Airways offers protections as well. I should be able to go to work, fly an airplane to JFK and not worry about being assaulted by a longshoreman.

I have at least two resources that I used yesterday and my back is being watched.
Duphis1 you need to be watched,in a rubber room, with soft lights. You should call the FAA and tell them how you people with masks are following you. That it is a organized campaign of intimidation by a group or groups of Usapians. Also you are the target of threats and if you fly to New York the longshoremen are going to get you. Dont forget to tell them you have someone watching you back. Did you mean washing it? Is it the water out there of what?
A new low. Traderjake, 924PS, you guys get this? I'm not looking to gain anything from west pilots, hopefully all pilots will gain from the merger.
Yes, every East DOH supporter says that but the line for the first available Capt jobs out west will stretch around the block. I think I've said before that a formerly furloughed East pilot would be able to hold Captain out West and you corrected me by saying the bid would go senior to a former furloughee, so even you admitted there would be no shortage of Easties bidding every available opening that was better than what they hold on the east side.

Remember, every west FO is junior to most non-new hires on the East. They don't stand a chance of an upgrade for years to come if USAPA's list is used.

Yes, every East DOH supporter says that but the line for the first available Capt jobs out west will stretch around the block. I think I've said before that a formerly furloughed East pilot would be able to Captain out West and you corrected me by saying the bid would go senior to a former furloughee, so even you admitted there would be no shortage of Easties bidding every available opening that was better than what they hold on the east side.


Wait, wait. Why would it stretch around the block? We do it on computers. Bronze star. :lol:

I want to fly A320 C/O in CLT until I can hold A330 C/O in CLT, so how is that on a west back?

Junior to which "new hires" the '88 ones, the '98 ones , or the 2008 ones?
Wrong direction of flight for me but tell the Sheriff I'll be on the other side of the thirty tomorrow night if he wants to find me. Tell him to come heavy.

I like Sheriff Joe since he enforces the law. He gets a lot a flack because of his targeting of illegal aliens, hence the word, illegal. No skirting the law with sheriff Joe, at least he has the guts to stand up for justice, unlike some folks in San Francisco.

As far as which direction you are flying, you can say verify and trigger a thousand times but it only adds to my workload. Real aviators don't have to recite lines like it is a Broadway play.

So what direction do you and FlyPG fly, Mikey?
Where's the east? Should they have used May 19, 2005 for both sides? :D

Well, a date having to do with the merger would be nice. I guess USAPA could make it sometime in 1982 and just staple every West pilot but 1982 doesn't have anything to do with the merger either.

If there are enough holes to fly an A380 through, the next DFR will take less than the first.

You're starting to get it now...not only did USAPA propose a few weak C&R's but guess who get to interpret how they're implemented. USAPA, of course...

Remember Kaegel? The differences between PI and US were magnitudes less than between US and HP, yet Kagel devoted something like 10 pages of the award to the C&R's. What does USAPA offer - half a dozen lines of C&R's?

Wait, wait. Why would it stretch around the block? We do it on computers. Bronze star. :lol:

Guess you've never heard of "figuratively"...

I want to fly A320 C/O in CLT until I can hold A330 C/O in CLT, so how is that on a west back?

There you go, putting words in my mouth again (you've gotten good at the game of telling others not to do something then doing it yourself) - note that I didn't specifically say that you'd bid out west - I said there's be plenty of Easties who would. You say you won't bid PHL 330 - does that mean nobody will bid it? Captain jobs out west are no different - most of the bottom half (roughly) would be able to hold Captain out west and as sure as Nos lies plenty would take it in a heartbeat.

Well, a date having to do with the merger would be nice. I guess USAPA could make it sometime in 1982 and just staple every West pilot but 1982 doesn't have anything to do with the merger either.

You're starting to get it now...not only did USAPA propose a few weak C&R's but guess who get to interpret how they're implemented. USAPA, of course...

Remember Kaegel? The differences between PI and US were magnitudes less than between US and HP, yet Kagel devoted something like 10 pages of the award to the C&R's. What does USAPA offer - half a dozen lines of C&R's?


If you would spend a little more time listening instead of all your time preaching, you might find I got a lot, a long time ago.

And you got it right the second time, it's Kagel. Double Bronze.
Guess you've never heard of "figuratively"...

There you go, putting words in my mouth again (you've gotten good at the game of telling others not to do something then doing it yourself) - note that I didn't specifically say that you'd bid out west - I said there's be plenty of Easties who would. You say you won't bid PHL 330 - does that mean nobody will bid it? Captain jobs out west are no different - most of the bottom half (roughly) would be able to hold Captain out west and as sure as Nos lies plenty would take it in a heartbeat.


Me putting words in your mouth, pot? I never said I wouldn't bid PHL, I said what I wanted. CLT or PHL is not on "west backs".

I'd have to look at the C&Rs again, but aren't capt positions protected in PHX until above whatever that level was you mentioned? So, wouldn't attrition mean that west only fill them. I don't see any growth out there, if I were a west pilot I'd be more concerned about the shrinkage.

I agree with you that there will be plenty of east guys that will want to bid PHX. 924PS comes to mind. They would need to be protected, which the Nic doesn't do.

I've said the current C&Rs fall short and I have no idea how, or if, they could be made DFR proof. Most DOH diehard guys disagree with me. We'll see.
Duphis1 you need to be watched,in a rubber room, with soft lights. You should call the FAA and tell them how you people with masks are following you. That it is a organized campaign of intimidation by a group or groups of Usapians. Also you are the target of threats and if you fly to New York the longshoremen are going to get you. Dont forget to tell them you have someone watching you back. Did you mean washing it? Is it the water out there of what?

OK Mikey, I realize you have an inflated ego because you are a child TV personality:

You really should find children your own age to play with.

Darn kids and their electronic devices. :angry:

It's bedtime kiddo.

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