US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Where is DOH?

Shoved back across the table. The company knows good and well not to touch that garbage with your so-called protections for the West pilots.

Leonidas is watching my back and protecting my career against those who want to use me and my fellow pilots as furlough fodder.

There seems to be a lot of concern about a possible future furlough. With the rate of projected new hiring for attrition starting to gear up and be in full swing soon, by the time the seniority issue and JCBA get settled (lots of time consuming litigation and collective bargaining still to come) particularly in light of the company's apparent lack of interest in reaching what will undoubtedly be a more expensive contract, the reality of that concern will have diminished significantly.

Furthermore, the C&R's could be modified to use the NIC seniority list for purposes of a future furlough, for several years going forward, until such time as the aforementioned attrition kicks in and the "fear of furlough" becomes overtaken by events.

Kinda like I did to your buddy bigbusdrvr. Splat! His 330 just became an E190.

It's so easy picking on you.

You set yourself up every time :lol:
Sorry I must have missed that one, must be the reason that very few people are with us. That is,they are laughing hysterically on the floor. Tell us again so we can all laugh together.
There seems to be a lot of concern about a possible future furlough. With the rate of projected new hiring for attrition starting to gear up and be in full swing soon, by the time the seniority issue and JCBA get settled (lots of time consuming litigation and collective bargaining still to come) particularly in light of the company's apparent lack of interest in reaching what will undoubtedly be a more expensive contract, the reality of that concern will have diminished significantly.

Furthermore, the C&R's could be modified to use the NIC seniority list for purposes of a future furlough, for several years going forward, until such time as the aforementioned attrition kicks in and the "fear of furlough" becomes overtaken by events.

The Nic goes in the trash.Just like its' progenitor ALPA . Case closed.
The Nic goes in the trash.Just like its' progenitor ALPA . Case closed.


15 to 20 years from now the young guns out west will realize how much they underestimated old guys in the east. Guys like the cofounders of AOL are in the late 30's. They have alot to learn. We in the east have nothing to prove to anyone. The east pilots are protecting our assets.


15 to 20 years from now the young guns out west will realize how much they underestimated old guys in the east. Guys like the cofounders of AOL are in the late 30's. They have alot to learn. We in the east have nothing to prove to anyone. The east pilots are protecting our assets.

Total misjudgement. Wye River was the judgement day. They were warned by Freund. They will NEVER see the Nic on this property. Guaranteed.
The Nic goes in the trash.Just like its' progenitor ALPA . Case closed.

Assuming the company DJ eventually gets clarified and if USAPA is able to move forward with a new JCBA inclusive of a DOH section-22 and if it gets ratified, I would fully expect the C&R's to have been "modified" in such a manner as to insulate the contract, as much as possible, against the possibility of losing the inevitable DFR-II.

Addressing the "furlough fears" of the West pilots in some effective manner should defiantly be a part of those "modifications". My suggestion to use the NIC "pecking order" is merely a suggestion, there are no doubt other methods of achieving the same goal.

To think that a DOH JCBA would not be challenged by a DFR-II, would be foolhardy to say the least and if USAPA doesn't provide C&R's acceptable to a majority of the West pilots, they would be effectively increasing the likelihood that a DFR-II could succeed. To not do everything possible to "inoculate" a DOH JCBA in such a manner as to address the concerns of the West pilots, would really be shortsighted!

Exactly, OUR money. The LOA 93 pay reversion to LOA 84 on DEC 31 09 is all the easts.
Only a true lemming believes the LOA93 fantasy. Think about it for a moment. Snapbacks represent a liability measured in the billions. It's a potential financial impact which clearly meets the SEC reporting criteria for a material change. Final briefs were submitted nine months ago yet there is still no decision communicated to the pilot group. Parker is on tape at Crew News sessions on several occasions stating his confidence and comfort with the outcome. Parker has been doing business with Wall Street while this so-called "material change" lingers. Ask yourself for a moment how on Earth Parker could be doing business and running the company with a liability that large hanging over the corporation. He couldn't - and he isn't - because the arbitrator has already conferenced with the parties and informed them of how this decision is going to go. Line pilots are not the parties. It's the union and the company. Parker knows and so does Cleary, and that's why Parker is so damn smug and Cleary is so hysterical of late.

But....stay the course, little lemming.
agree 100% with aqua- the case is closed and the news aint good for the home team (again). Another loss for USAPA, just waiting for the news to break.
Only a true lemming believes the LOA93 fantasy. Think about it for a moment. Snapbacks represent a liability measured in the billions. It's a potential financial impact which clearly meets the SEC reporting criteria for a material change. Final briefs were submitted nine months ago yet there is still no decision communicated to the pilot group. Parker is on tape at Crew News sessions on several occasions stating his confidence and comfort with the outcome. Parker has been doing business with Wall Street while this so-called "material change" lingers. Ask yourself for a moment how on Earth Parker could be doing business and running the company with a liability that large hanging over the corporation. He couldn't - and he isn't - because the arbitrator has already conferenced with the parties and informed them of how this decision is going to go. Line pilots are not the parties. It's the union and the company. Parker knows and so does Cleary, and that's why Parker is so damn smug and Cleary is so hysterical of late.

But....stay the course, little lemming.


The full pay restoration is less than 150 million for the full 41%. You have put your followers in a poor position. Your desert judge took you as far as he could. Remember what Kasher said.........if you owe them the will pay them the money!

Only a true lemming believes the LOA93 fantasy. Think about it for a moment. Snapbacks represent a liability measured in the billions. It's a potential financial impact which clearly meets the SEC reporting criteria for a material change. Final briefs were submitted nine months ago yet there is still no decision communicated to the pilot group. Parker is on tape at Crew News sessions on several occasions stating his confidence and comfort with the outcome. Parker has been doing business with Wall Street while this so-called "material change" lingers. Ask yourself for a moment how on Earth Parker could be doing business and running the company with a liability that large hanging over the corporation. He couldn't - and he isn't - because the arbitrator has already conferenced with the parties and informed them of how this decision is going to go. Line pilots are not the parties. It's the union and the company. Parker knows and so does Cleary, and that's why Parker is so damn smug and Cleary is so hysterical of late.

But....stay the course, little lemming.
The typical CRAP that comes out of Leonidas. Did Koontz green light this one? Because it has his fingerprints all over it, and they are greasy, slimy, and incorrect. How does this guy successfully solicit capital from his tribe? Easy, he slides low like MADOFF. The masses believe the story, the ones who have any understanding, continually beat the drum of SCAM! For someone to even begin to insinuate this information is out there, is totally out to lunch. Parker knows squat on this. This thing is going to come out of the dark and take him and Leonidas out with one swift hit. All the crap he, and Leonidas fed the masses is going to be blown away in one, easy swipe. Parker has no knowledge of the outcome of this yet, nor does Koontz and Leonidas. The flailing is telling. If this one comes home to roost, Leonidas is dead. Koontz knows it, the west pilots know it, Parker knows it. There will NEVER be one reason for an East pilot to agree to anything that has any consideration for a West pilot in it ever again. Even if it does not go East, no East pilot is going to sign off on Nic. You have totally underestimated the East resolve. For you, and the leader of Leonidas, to say this crap is an indication of how little you really know. How could Parker be doing business with this hanging over him? What choice does he have? Do you really think he could do anything but? This is just the cost of employment. That is what he is going to have to say when he gets "served." What are you going to tell the following when you lose????
PS. There is not a single West pilot flying an "east route" and the constant whinning from the east does not make it so.

Since airlines are deregulated in domestic operations, then there really is not "east" route. AWA could have flown any route that USA flew, and vice versa, absent the merger.

So, technically, you are correct.

However, there are plenty of former AWA pilots flying routes that were traditionally flown by former USA pilots (and vice versa.) I don't think that previous to the "blissful" marriage, AWA pilots ever flew CLT-TPA, or CLT-MCO. They do now. So in that sense, you are absolutely wrong.
You did it to yourselves. You are intimidated by the truth, not the posters who are the messengers.

Then you should have plenty of proof to back up your attacks. No proof no truth. Maybe you should stick to the little girls. "You are the company you keep" - Nos

Assuming the company DJ eventually gets clarified and if USAPA is able to move forward with a new JCBA inclusive of a DOH section-22 and if it gets ratified, I would fully expect the C&R's to have been "modified" in such a manner as to insulate the contract, as much as possible, against the possibility of losing the inevitable DFR-II.

Addressing the "furlough fears" of the West pilots in some effective manner should defiantly be a part of those "modifications". My suggestion to use the NIC "pecking order" is merely a suggestion, there are no doubt other methods of achieving the same goal.

To think that a DOH JCBA would not be challenged by a DFR-II, would be foolhardy to say the least and if USAPA doesn't provide C&R's acceptable to a majority of the West pilots, they would be effectively increasing the likelihood that a DFR-II could succeed. To not do everything possible to "inoculate" a DOH JCBA in such a manner as to address the concerns of the West pilots, would really be shortsighted!



I can tell at least you think prior to posting unlike the Usapians.

C&R's got Seham laughed out of court. We Don't Trust Him or the UHL's who think they are running the show.

You have my attention and I am listening. Just wondering if anybody else on this forum is.

The floor is yours.
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