US Pilots Labor Discussion

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PS. There is not a single West pilot flying an "east route" and the constant whinning from the east does not make it so.
When in its history did America West fly a PIT-LAS pairing? Or CLT-MCO? Or CLT-Anywhere? How about PHL-SAN?
East city pairings/routes, now flown by west crews/metal.
This isn't to say that east crews/metal aren't flying traditionally west routes.
Easties never did PHX-SAN, or PHX-SLT - and there are a number of others, too.
The reality is that the transition agreement, being another of many resounding ALPO victories (in their own mind...), allows for this and mgmt is taking advantage.
It is the major reason why Tempe is not interested in combining fleets/crews. The synergistic dollar amount is only 8 million/year.
No wonder they are dragging their feet.....
Thanks again, ALPO.
I give up - you want an apples to oranges comparison and I'm not going to give you one. As I said a few posts ago, the only thing that can be said with certainty is that East has more active pilots in 2011 than it would have had without the post-merger additions to the East fleet.

I'll leave you to argue semantics, which list to use, the meaning of active, etc since you seem to not be able to accept reality. Or maybe looking at those pics of young ladies has distorted your reality - as Nos says, you are the company you keep and you have not contradicted him...

Back when this started Jim and I were on better terms. No good, but better. I asked him because he had knowledge of the bid processing system. I didn't include him this time until he opened his mouth. When he does that, I will answer him.

Pi brat,

I have the same list that you are using. Your numbers are spot on! Everyone in the east knows the numbers that you are posting are correct. That is why we will wait patiently for our attrition. Koontz/Fergie and their followers made the decision to go for the nic unaltered. Freund and ALPA tried to warn the west. Every future east bid will have nice movement for the east pilots. My feeling is Team Tempe likes the separate operations. It has worked nicely for them. Works for me!

Here's one for anyone, even you Jim. Jim says the PID was May 19, 2005. I thought it was later, but I will take his word for it. On page 23 of the Nic says they will use the fleet as of Jan. 1st 2007. Why? Why not use the PID date fleet? I don't see an explanation of that in the award. Did it have to do with ALPA's definition?
Here's one for anyone, even you Jim. Jim says the PID was May 19, 2005. I thought it was later, but I will take his word for it. On page 23 of the Nic says they will use the fleet as of Jan. 1st 2007. Why? Why not use the PID date fleet? I don't see an explanation of that in the award. Did it have to do with ALPA's definition?
That date means nothing to Jim. Remember the date of Dec 31 2009 in the LOA 93 discussion of frozen pay rates? Nicolau meant that was the date to mean the Nic seniority was Negotiable at that time.......
Pi brat,

I have the same list that you are using. Your numbers are spot on! Everyone in the east knows the numbers that you are posting are correct. That is why we will wait patiently for our attrition. Koontz/Fergie and their followers made the decision to go for the nic unaltered. Freund and ALPA tried to warn the west. Every future east bid will have nice movement for the east pilots. My feeling is Team Tempe likes the separate operations. It has worked nicely for them. Works for me!


Thanks. It's all right there for anyone that WANTS to see. We all know about Jim and his 20 year bitterness issues. I'm glad I flew with him pre-Kagel, I'm guessing it wasn't much fun after that. As for pre, I think she has said enough to cover things! :lol:
Nicolau meant that was the date to mean the Nic seniority was Negotiable at that time.......

Nic was the compromise. There is no more negotiating.

No compromise on the compromise.

Unless you want DOA, (date of acquisition) by America West holdings in 2005 :p
its friday nite boing you know where you wife is...?

I said I would get the last laugh and I did.

Bigbusdrvr, you should have thought about that before you started making threats.

Enjoy your retirement from airlineforums.

See ya ;)
Hahahahaha, another clown back to clown college

I have not forgotten about a threat against me. I'm not sure if these two have read the following:

18 U.S.C. § 875(c) states: "Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both." From the wording of § 875(c) it is clear that the legislator did not require the element of 'intent.' Thus, it is irrelevant if the accused claims he/she did not have the intent to produce any injury on the victim; the mere act of sending the e-mail with threatening messages typifies the criminal conduct.

Something for them to think about....I plan on making one of them think about it until I hear back from my attorney next week.

CJ got it right about what you say at the Thanksgiving dinner table can come back and bite you.
I have not forgotten about a threat against me. I'm not sure if these two have read the following:

18 U.S.C. § 875(c) states: "Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both." From the wording of § 875(c) it is clear that the legislator did not require the element of 'intent.' Thus, it is irrelevant if the accused claims he/she did not have the intent to produce any injury on the victim; the mere act of sending the e-mail with threatening messages typifies the criminal conduct.

Something for them to think about....I plan on making one of them think about it until I hear back from my attorney next week.

CJ got it right about what you say at the Thanksgiving dinner table can come back and bite you.
Where do we send the donations for this cause? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just make sure you don't use Jeff Koontz. He has given enough bad advice.
:lol: Jeff who? :lol:

Oh, and how's that DOH coming along? I heard it's a slam dunk and USAPA would have a DOH contract inside of three months. Parker was sure to take USAPA up on their "cost neutral" contract. It's a done deal! NOT! :lol:

Almost posted without the usual tagline: Enjoy LOA93 my friend. It's only money - YOUR money that is.
Just make sure you don't use Jeff Koontz. He has given enough bad advice.

Hopefully Seham will have a little free time when USAPA implodes. :lol:

Oh, never mind, I need someone who produces results ;)

How's DOH working out for ya? How about that industry leading contract?
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