US Pilots Labor Discussion

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:lol: Jeff who? :lol:

Oh, and how's that DOH coming along? I heard it's a slam dunk and USAPA would have a DOH contract inside of three months. Parker was sure to take USAPA up on their "cost neutral" contract. It's a done deal! NOT! :lol:

Almost posted without the usual tagline: Enjoy LOA93 my friend. It's only money - YOUR money that is.
Exactly, OUR money. The LOA 93 pay reversion to LOA 84 on DEC 31 09 is all the easts. You guys are not tagging in on this one! How s the Nic working? Six yrs into a merger, and they can't pull it off due to USAPA. That is one nice block!
:lol: Jeff who? :lol:

Oh, and how's that DOH coming along? I heard it's a slam dunk and USAPA would have a DOH contract inside of three months. Parker was sure to take USAPA up on their "cost neutral" contract. It's a done deal! NOT! :lol:

Almost posted without the usual tagline: Enjoy LOA93 my friend. It's only money - YOUR money that is.

Because of you furloughed west pilots.

Because of you, badge backers throwing money down a hole.

Because of you, no damage money for the west.

Are you still trying to cash that lottery ticket?

Evolve during evolution, there is no alternative.
Exactly, OUR money. The LOA 93 pay reversion to LOA 84 on DEC 31 09 is all the easts. You guys are not tagging in on this one! How s the Nic working? Six yrs into a merger, and they can't pull it off due to USAPA. That is one nice block!

Leonidas is at the trunk of your tree house, chipping away, little by little. Only a a matter of time before it all comes crashing down :unsure:
Because of you furloughed west pilots.

Because of you, badge backers throwing money down a hole.

Because of you, no damage money for the west.

Are you still trying to cash that lottery ticket?

Evolve during evolution, there is no alternative.

Because I took a page right of your Sleazham playbook and turning the tables.

Because I am really ticked off at what you did to the Cactus 18.

Becasuse I am really ticked off of what you did to these pilots' families.

Because I am tired of your intimidation of those who have the guts to stand up for justice.

Because it is the right thing to do.
Because I took a page right of your Sleazham playbook and turning the tables.

Because I am really ticked off at what you did to the Cactus 18.

Becasuse I am really ticked off of what you did to these pilots' families.

Because I am tired of your intimidation of those who have the guts to stand up for justice.

Because it is the right thing to do.

You did it to yourselves. You are intimidated by the truth, not the posters who are the messengers.
Leonidas is at the trunk of your tree house, chipping away, little by little. Only a a matter of time before it all comes crashing down :unsure:
Why no update for so long? How does the Leonidas founder look his fellow donors in the eye, and ask for more? The interesting thing that will crash the damages party big time is the Prater dissertation about how separate ops can go on for the long haul. There is NO mandate that says the deal has to be merged. All you need to do is trot out the Polar/Atlas ALPA abortion as exhibit One. Of course your ace Wake wouldn't let the Prater statement into the courtroom! Had that one been let in the door as it should have, it would have shut the Addington deal down right there. And you thought you had a victory! Hollow at best. Seham knew right then and there that Wake was going to get his britches lowered by the 9th, and he was right on. Koontz's damage promise cannot stand on its' own two feet without Wake keeping the truth out. Imagine how Koontz will try and tell you that you can argue damages, when the ALPA president himself says the two sides can operate separately indefinitely! When do the damages start? Simple, they don't! With him green lighting separate ops, it is totally legitimate and there have been no damages. And Brother Wake is not there for the cause! So how do you make a case for damage in that context? Simple, your case dies on the vine. Just like a piece of fruit that never ripened....Your only chance at the damage grasp is long after a joint contract at best. Koontz never dealt with that little nugget did he? The only damage has been to your wallet funding the strangely named army.
You did it to yourselves. You are intimidated by the truth, not the posters who are the messengers.

You can't handle the truth!....Son

I did nothing to myself, except write checks to a just cause.

It sure beats taxation without representation. I get exactly that from your association.
Why no update for so long? How does the Leonidas founder look his fellow donors in the eye, and ask for more? The interesting thing that will crash the damages party big time is the Prater dissertation about how separate ops can go on for the long haul. There is NO mandate that says the deal has to be merged. All you need to do is trot out the Polar/Atlas ALPA abortion as exhibit One. Of course your ace Wake wouldn't let that into the courtroom! Had that one been let in the door as it should have, it would have shut the Addington deal down right there. And you thought you had a victory! Hollow at best. Seham knew right then and there that Wake was going to get his britches lowered by the 9th, and he was right on. Koontz's damage promise cannot stand on its' own two feet without Wake keeping the truth out. Imagine how Koontz will try and tell you that you can argue damages, when the ALPA president himself says the two sides can operate separately indefinitely! And brother Wake is not there for the cause! So how do you make a case for damage in that context? Simple, your case dies on the vine. Koontz never dealt with that little nugget did he? The only damage has been to your wallet funding the strangely named army.

Where is DOH?

Shoved back across the table. The company knows good and well not to touch that garbage with your so-called protections for the West pilots.

Leonidas is watching my back and protecting my career against those who want to use me and my fellow pilots as furlough fodder.
You can't handle the truth!....Son

I did nothing to myself, except write checks to a just cause.

It sure beats taxation without representation. I get exactly that from your association.

Underestimating and trying to match wits with men, has not been productive for your side thus far.

I have said from the beginning of this abortion of a merger that the west has put themselves in a very poor position. We in the east live with our Date of Hire everyday. We are fine with that. Swan, I think it was you that said to the west............learn to live with what you have, it is all you are going to get. Freund tried to warn them of the risk!

I have not forgotten about a threat against me. I'm not sure if these two have read the following:

18 U.S.C. § 875(c) states: "Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both." From the wording of § 875(c) it is clear that the legislator did not require the element of 'intent.' Thus, it is irrelevant if the accused claims he/she did not have the intent to produce any injury on the victim; the mere act of sending the e-mail with threatening messages typifies the criminal conduct.

Something for them to think about....I plan on making one of them think about it until I hear back from my attorney next week.

CJ got it right about what you say at the Thanksgiving dinner table can come back and bite you.

Maybe you should look at some of your posts before you go and call the kettle black. At least before this lawyer laughs you out of his office.
I have not forgotten about a threat against me. I'm not sure if these two have read the following:

18 U.S.C. § 875© states: "Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both." From the wording of § 875© it is clear that the legislator did not require the element of 'intent.' Thus, it is irrelevant if the accused claims he/she did not have the intent to produce any injury on the victim; the mere act of sending the e-mail with threatening messages typifies the criminal conduct.

Something for them to think about....I plan on making one of them think about it until I hear back from my attorney next week.

CJ got it right about what you say at the Thanksgiving dinner table can come back and bite you.

maybe you should look at some of your posts before you go and call the kettle black. At least before this lawyer laughs you out of his office.

Oh Duphis 1...I live in a tree house, LOA 93 and all, did you just make threats against my house ?
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