US Pilots Labor Discussion

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US East pilots never thought twice about crossing a picket line in 92, they ran across it, they are no friend of labor.
US East pilots never thought twice about crossing a picket line in 92, they ran across it, they are no friend of labor.

I realize not all East pilots are Usapians but their were enough of them who felt cheated in life to put their integrity aside to cheat a process by forming an organization to wriggle out of an agreement.

Usapians are looked down upon in the industry as a result and have no moral authoritiy to tell anyone how to conduct their business.
There you go stuffing words in my mouth again - you have no room to ever complain about others doing that to you. I said you were becoming more like them, not that you were there already. Remember Nos' rule - all of the group are guilty of what the worst in the group is guilty of. You sure didn't have any problem when he was applying that rule to attack me so what's your problem with me using it to attack Easties?

I see you are unable to criticize an eastie no matter what they say - don't ever accuse me of not being able to say a Westie is wrong in the future. You blissfully watch me getting attacked for years and say nothing then accuse me of taking sides.

You're a piece of work - complaining about others for doing what you do with abandon, and sticking by your buds no matter what. Yep, a real piece of work...



The "little game" you are playing shows your true character. You can say that I have done this, or not done that, but you have never seen me throw around things like anyone being a child predator. I guess that shows where you line is.

As I said before, I never thought you needed defending, you have always seemed to be able to do that just fine. Claims like the one that you were somehow responsible for putting the Empire pilots on the bottom of the list were so absurd, I didn't think they needed addressing. Time and time again I was hammered about the C18 when I was one of the few east pilots actively trying to stop it. Did you come to my aid? How about when the accidents of US were being thrown around? You have a standing with the west pilots, but did you use it to stop those conversations? No, I don't think you did.

I'm sorry I didn't help the little old guy cross the street.
I realize not all East pilots are Usapians but their were enough of them who felt cheated in life to put their integrity aside to cheat a process by forming an organization to wriggle out of an agreement.

Usapians are looked down upon in the industry as a result and have no moral authoritiy to tell anyone how to conduct their business.

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US East pilots never thought twice about crossing a picket line in 92, they ran across it, they are no friend of labor.

You really need to move on with this. We didn't cross any pilot picket line and we were told by our union to go to work. Without assurance that I wouldn't be fired, I wasn't going to stick my neck out for your bunch.

Did you go on strike with the hope of the pilots winning for you? Wasn't a great plan, was it?
As far as taking a job at less than a first tier airline? Well, I guess I'm guilty there. Guilty, but not ashamed.

I agree with Seajay, no reason to be ashamed there. I was lucky to get hired by the airline I wanted to fly for, but many looked down on PI. A few guys that thought they had careers at "top tier" airlines like TWA and Pan Am enjoyed the end of their careers at airlines like PI.
US East pilots never thought twice about crossing a picket line in 92, they ran across it, they are no friend of labor.

If Mechanics had a picket line... uh, mechanics decided not to pick up their wrenches to do any maintenance or repair work....

If a Mechanic was hired as a flight attendant the day after the strike started, would they be a scab? If a mechanic was hired as a gate agent the next day would they be a scab?

Did the gate agents perform mechanic's struck work? Did the flight attendants perform mechanic's struck work?

Oh never mind... you've held a grudge for nearly 20 years against people that didn't perform any struck work, why stop now. :rolleyes:
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Thank you moderators for cleaning up some of the potty mouth around here.

The report function isnt used anymore, it was used in the previous style of forum now that little line can go around the earth and it doesnt mean poop.

So much for your theory.

The "little game" you are playing shows your true character.

So that applies to Nos too, right? Why don't you add his name to your comment? Nos created the "little game" in the first place.

And BTW, no one said you are a child predator. Only that USAPA protects Joe, a convicted child predator east pilot, from being fired and does nothing to remove him from the union. Oh, and that you are part of that group.
Thank you moderators for cleaning up some of the potty mouth around here.

So much for your theory.

I'm hardly a potty mouth, jetz. I was getting sick and tired of repeated name calling and responded in kind.

I don't say anything on this board that I would not say to someone's face. Some people feel by hiding behind a screen name, they can do just that.

The very same people I look in the eye who look away or try to find a non-existant item on the floor.
If Mechanics had a picket line... uh, mechanics decided not to pick up their wrenches to do any maintenance or repair work....

If a Mechanic was hired as a flight attendant the day after the strike started, would they be a scab? If a mechanic was hired as a gate agent the next day would they be a scab?

Did the gate agents perform mechanic's struck work? Did the flight attendants perform mechanic's struck work?

Oh never mind... you've held a grudge for nearly 20 years against people that didn't perform any struck work, why stop now. :rolleyes:
There were picket lines at EVERY Airport where maintenance was staffed.

A mechanic couldnt not be hired as at another classification at US as they were all ready employed, plus the company was not hiring.

Pilots did, some FAs did and Gate Agents were forced by the company, pilots and fas werent.

And the FAs honored our picket line and had to be ordered back to work by a judge, and the FAs won the case in arbitration, at least they tried and didnt have a back room under the table deal like ALPA did.

Care to try again?
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