US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Some "big man" you are - admit one mistake and act like a saint. Then back to attack mode thinking you're perfect...

hey boing "boy" put this in your mouth..!!

suck on it , you fu...k!

Hope you fu...kin die before me...ill dance on your fu,,,,,kin grave.......

..... :)
I hope you're proud of your pals PI - you're getting more like them every day...

its friday nite boing you know where you wife is...?

oops, never mind........i found her.......

Monica lewinsky looked better.......)
Ray(whatever his screen name was) used to brag about it all the time. Not paid a dime. Are you paying anything?

So, if an east pilot decided that ALPA did not honor it's part of the two-way street, and legally elected another union, they are scumbags, but if a west pilot decides that USAPA isn't honoring theirs, it's perfectly okay to not pay what you are required to pay? Wow, no double standard there!

If it is the same Ray I am thinking about, he brags about a lot of stuff. But, he is really harmless. He is the exact opposite ot Teddy Roosevelts walk softly and carry a big stick.

I fail to see the double standard.

The West pilots did not "decide" usapa was not honoring its agreements. usapa decided usapa was not honoring its agreements, and they told us up front they would not.

usapa comes out with its CB&Ls that say, Number 1, and first and foremost, "establish uniform principles of seniority based on DOH" (i.e. immediately renege on the contracts we are under obligation to adhere to, disregard and trash the binding arbitration award, and steal the West pilots seniority) and then Number 2. construct our association in a manner to strip West pilots of meaningful representation, so that they cannot interfere with Number 1.

They did not become "scumbags" until they then filed the frivolous RICO suit as a means to enhance Number 2, by attacking the West's organizing and financing capabilities.

Further, ALPA sure screwed up, but they never failed to adhere to their obligations to the east pilots. Now the West pilots had a legitimate DFR claim the day Prater entertained the idea of post final and binding, lets see if we can get out of defending this award because the east want more of what belongs to the West BS.
All You westies are no different than your hero pilot Dan Cloud, talk about stealing jobs I would be so embarrassed and humiliated to be an AWA pilot with this heritage. I will say that you do live of up quite well to Mr. Clouds expectations. I think I would have taken a job at Mesa before AWA.

Guilt by association.

USAirways had two fatal accidents caused by pilot error in a span of five years.

You must be an unsafe pilot.
Haven't figured out exactly what his screen name means yet, but I am thinking it has something to do with his practicing autoerotica asphyxiation too many times and the lack of oxygen has him a little brain damaged.
No, you haven't seen anything like that, or anything like you accusing people of being child predators, from me.
There you go stuffing words in my mouth again - you have no room to ever complain about others doing that to you. I said you were becoming more like them, not that you were there already. Remember Nos' rule - all of the group are guilty of what the worst in the group is guilty of. You sure didn't have any problem when he was applying that rule to attack me so what's your problem with me using it to attack Easties?

I see you are unable to criticize an eastie no matter what they say - don't ever accuse me of not being able to say a Westie is wrong in the future. You blissfully watch me getting attacked for years and say nothing then accuse me of taking sides.

You're a piece of work - complaining about others for doing what you do with abandon, and sticking by your buds no matter what. Yep, a real piece of work...

but I am thinking it has something to do with his practicing autoerotica asphyxiation too many times and the lack of oxygen has him a little brain damaged. ain't it...he is obviously just an idiot.

You sure it couldn't be both? I figure the "big" is fantasies of his youth when he could get it up, at least that's what his wife says.

FWIW, I have never, nor will I ever cross a picket line under any circumstance, not even a usapa one. As far as taking a job at less than a first tier airline? Well, I guess I'm guilty there. Guilty, but not ashamed.

Now we are getting somewhere! Never, ever, cross a pilot picket line.

We are ALL "guilty" of accepting employment at a "second tier" airline. USAir, PI, Empire, PSA, Trump, AWA. That's a fact. Good airlines?, sometimes; great places to work?; it had its moments;....... how about, "I needed a job and they offered one". First tier airline?; hardly!

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