US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I don't think we're doing much better with USAPA than ALPA thus far.

There really is no way to know. To say that you would have to assume that ALPA could navigate this disaster, and I don't think they could have any better. Nicolau made this mess and I'm not sure there is a way out.
All You westies are no different than your hero pilot Dan Cloud, talk about stealing jobs I would be so embarrassed and humiliated to be an AWA pilot with this heritage. I will say that you do live of up quite well to Mr. Clouds expectations. I think I would have taken a job at Mesa before AWA.
His seniority of 1979 put him behind a large group of AL and PSA that were hired in 1978. This group was big enough to keep him off the 75/76 probably until his retirement date. Im sure with a ego the size of his this was unacceptable, it couldnt happen to him, well it did and he would have to stay on the 737 for the last years of his career. He probably hates the PSA guys even more because they poured into CLT after the merger with PSA, all senior, all way younger and all in his seat.

He was old when he got hired too. His brother was even older.
Because this is the new and improved AIRLINEFORUMS, and I can pretty much do whatever I want.

When the TA was written, any new aircraft would be shared. We shared any aircraft yet? I hear the east has something like 8 new 330's some ATA 757s, and a fleet of 15 E190s. How many West pilots flying those airplanes? Owe the West any of those seats?

When the TA was written, AWA could not hire until all 1700 of the east furloughs were offered recall. All were recalled, then new hiring began, then another round of furlough. The West took a disproportionate 10% hit, while flying was transfered east, (we won the TA 10 grievence,,,remember) while the east took a small 3% hit while flying airplanes they owe West seats on. Then, the seniority theives at usapa petition the company to allow formerly furloughed east pilots who took recall West, but were now getting furloughed again, to go back east and retain employment, while pilots senior to them were furloughed. Job theft!!!

Rationalize your claim to the jobs however you wish, simple truth to the matter is usapa is actively stealing West positions. No lie, just fact.

Does the east have anything to do with where the airplane is flown?I do see your point but we only fly them. Did you contact your PHX reps. I question just how strong this TA is or isn't. what else is in the TA.
His seniority of 1979 put him behind a large group of AL and PSA that were hired in 1978. This group was big enough to keep him off the 75/76 probably until his retirement date.

If you only had a clue how wrong you are (over and over). You're really pathetic.

All You westies are no different than your hero pilot Dan Cloud, talk about stealing jobs I would be so embarrassed and humiliated to be an AWA pilot with this heritage. I will say that you do live of up quite well to Mr. Clouds expectations. I think I would have taken a job at Mesa before AWA.
All politics aside, thanks for that article. As a matter of fact, I was just reading a compilation of Len Morgan's flying magazine articles in View from the Cockpit and Reflections of a Pilot. I also remember hanging on his every word when I was younger, and he touched on the decline of things in many of his writings. My father warned me that I likely would not have a career like his. He was right.

I believe, if I'm not mistaken, a relative of Captain Darnell was and possbilbly still is a west pilot. By the time I showed up on the west, Cloud was long gone, this is the first I ever heard of him. FWIW, I have never, nor will I ever cross a picket line under any circumstance, not even a usapa one. As far as taking a job at less than a first tier airline? Well, I guess I'm guilty there. Guilty, but not ashamed.
All politics aside, thanks for that article. As a matter of fact, I was just reading a compilation of Len Morgan's flying magazine articles in View from the Cockpit and Reflections of a Pilot. I also remember hanging on his every word when I was younger, and he touched on the decline of things in many of his writings. My father warned me that I likely would not have a career like his. He was right.

I too enjoyed Len Morgan's writing. His son Terry came to PI after BN shutdown.
I still have a first edition of the book they wrote together, B-727 Scrapbook. I made sure I made off with that in settling dad's affairs between the brothers.

I have a copy of it too, not in too good shape. Great book about a great airplane.

Does the east have anything to do with where the airplane is flown?I do see your point but we only fly them. Did you contact your PHX reps. I question just how strong this TA is or isn't. what else is in the TA.

Holy cow,,What is up here?? Not a mispelled word,,,Almost every sentence begins with a cap,,I think Mikey discovered spell check.

To answere your question,does the east have anthing to do with where the airplane is flown? The answere would be, if you can avoid running it into another one on the ground first, then yeah.
Holy cow,,What is up here?? Not a mispelled word,,,Almost every sentence begins with a cap,,I think Mikey discovered spell check.

To answere your question,does the east have anthing to do with where the airplane is flown? The answere would be, if you can avoid running it into another one on the ground first, then yeah.
HAHAHAHAHA.......Your are so funny.Why dont you just answer the question. And no I just type it in and if its wrong, who cares its just for you.
The report function isnt used anymore, it was used in the previous style of forum now that little line can go around the earth and it doesnt mean poop.
What line? Must be the "warning" thing I heard of. Wouldn't know since I don't have one.

But I heard the new moderators WILL cut you off after a certain point. So you keep it up and when you disappear we'll have our answer. (Until you resurrect as a Newbie again.)
All politics aside, thanks for that article. As a matter of fact, I was just reading a compilation of Len Morgan's flying magazine articles in View from the Cockpit and Reflections of a Pilot. I also remember hanging on his every word when I was younger, and he touched on the decline of things in many of his writings. My father warned me that I likely would not have a career like his. He was right.

I believe, if I'm not mistaken, a relative of Captain Darnell was and possbilbly still is a west pilot. By the time I showed up on the west, Cloud was long gone, this is the first I ever heard of him. FWIW, I have never, nor will I ever cross a picket line under any circumstance, not even a usapa one. As far as taking a job at less than a first tier airline? Well, I guess I'm guilty there. Guilty, but not ashamed.
Most people dont have a choice where they go, In 1978 it had been years since anyone was hired,you went with the first one that called and hoped.
You can do whatever you want and still be wrong at all most every turn.

How were the 757s and E190s split up? Wasn't that decided in advance? You would want to renege on an agreement, would you? The A330s, I don't know, but without them and the new 320s we would be below our min fleet. You wouldn't want to violate that part of the TA, would you? Or is it only the west part you are interested in?

You make the assumption that had we stayed with ALPA, things would be different, we would have a contract and the Nic would be in place. That is not a sure thing and pretty doubtful in my opinion. Absent that-no theft and you are just full of it.

I make no assumptions regarding a hypothetical ALPA legacy. I accuse usapa. Did usapa ask the company to retain furloughed pilots over pilots who by any definition in the TA are senior to them? Yes they did as part of a larger scandal of promoting their DOH seniority theft scheme.

Did you ever read Theurs USA today article? The one where he talks about how this merger it is his turn to come out ahead. I would bet that chief usapa scumbag cried for a week when the Nic came out. He is going to be pouting again. Did you watch any of the Bradford youtube videos, where he consitently smugly told West pilots how it was going to be DOH and that there was nothing they could do about it, except pay their union dues while he throws the Nic under the bus. Sorry Stephan, no widebody for you.

The West has not or will not renege on any agreements, that is why we will bury usapa. I love being able to say that to east pilots who cannot say the same.
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