US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Yep, another a**hole.
I know you think the moderators enjoy this kind of stuff, but there is still a "report function." How many times do you think you can call people "duphis", "a**hole", "moron",and "stupid" before you get banned?

Anyone who has not reported this class act should do so.
I know you think the moderators enjoy this kind of stuff, but there is still a "report function." How many times do you think you can call people "duphis", "a**hole", "moron",and "stupid" before you get banned?

Anyone who has not reported this class act should do so.

He's a kid with a llimited vocabulary and a weak mind needing attention.

Ignore feature activated ;)
Show me a list of 100 east pilots that think that we are wrong, Just 100 thats all. Put up or SHUT UP. No three page answers just 100 names.

100! i never said that. I would believe maybe 10 but if you read my post it pertains to even one and I have seen at least one claim that the east is wrong. Try reading things in the context they are given.

Besides, west pilots and supporters have provided endless facts. You easties just aren't interested in them so why do you ask for them so often? Does it satisfy you to think that you are making us serve you in some way?

PS: you are at the top of the list of most juvenile posters here. Keep yelling "shut up". That will get you real far.....
A thoughtout and reasonable reply to my post. Thanks, and I agree to the underlying logic you present.

Are you actually a West pilot?

How can you praise this post from seajay(your were right, it was a good one) and continue to say the east stole jobs? The ultimate end of this will be when/if a joint contract is ratified, and not before. Separate ops until then, bottom line. For the east that has worked well for those that have moved up the list, not so much for those at the top and stuck on LOA 93, but you only harp on the "theft". That makes your claim of theft one of the biggest lies on here.
I'm actually a US Airways pilot. An original USAir "rust head" hired just prior to any of the mergers, PI, PSA, Trump or AWA. I remember flying with some of the old Mohawk and Lake Central captains, who when they weren't giving "flying lessons" they constantly groused about how they were "done wrong" in those mergers. Those guys could sure make a four day trip miserable!

I've never been furloughed and never been senior, the ALPA merger process utilized in the first two mergers, predominantly DOH with minor conditions and restrictions (no bump no flush, ect), placed nearly all of the PI and PSA pilots ahead of me on the list. At the time, that's just the way it worked, no problem. In those days, the ALPA AAA DOH mantra was almost a "religious conviction". It went something like this, " The march of time treats all equally, time can't be created or destroyed".

By the time the Trump merger came along, things had changed at ALPA and as I recall, slotting was all the rage. I felt they should have been given their EAL DOH (even though they had all specifically signed a letter when they went to work for "The Donald" giving up their EAL seniority) they went to Trump because they needed a job and EAL was in a "death spiral". In any case, all but a few new hire engineers, went on the list ahead of me.

Along came the AWA merger and I still felt the list should have gone DOH, of course by then the APLA slotting methodology had gotten it's nose under the tent here during the Trump merger and now something as simple as DOH became this relative position, equipment type, career expectation monster that is so complicated that the whole integration process became a "rubics cube" of trying to make everybody happy (or at least equally pissed off) and the end product ends up being decided by a bunch of overpaid (non-pilot) lawyers.

Personally, I still believe in the basic concept of DOH, with the above mentioned conditions and restrictions. I think it should go that way here and I think it should be very strictly adhered to. Which would also do away with the widebody set aside in the NIC. Been here long enough to hold it, East or West, and when there is a new opening, you get it. Period.

The other option is separate ops till the whole thing is overtaken by events. There's that time thing again.


ps: I appreciate your kind remarks regarding the character of my previous post.

Interesting you mention the Kagel award. The Messiah, aka Jim, got a little hot when I brought it up as a reason he might still be having issues. I think he said I was hurt much more than. In the big picture that was probably true as he stayed a captain and I stayed and F/O! But here are some interesting numbers:

Jim went from about 19% relative position on the PI list to about 32% on the combined list.

I went from around 76% all the way down to.........about 77%

I wondered where Jim's % went, so I looked up who I think 924PS is. He jumped up from about 41% to 29%, or to put it another way, he gained about the same % points that Jim lost! And that is from the US Air list, I would imagine from PSA to final US list that jump was even greater.

So the Messiah holds a grude, the PS dude who got DOH in three mergers and now says DOH is a travesty, and we get a changed merger policy that would hand our waiting over to another group. What a world.
I took Monda's 2005 number of 2942 from an east breakdown of the Nicolau award. So it is probably skewd to show an overly disadvantageous east position. It is probably what his number would have been in may 2007 when the award came out.

I took the same number you have of 2592 out of a total of 3403 pilots, from the east 2011 seniority list on Wings.

So, as I said, depending on how you define "moved up" (we will use your number) Monda has either gained 945 from his original 2005 number, or he has moved 812 from the absolute bottom position.

350, 812, 945, really does not matter. The bottom line fact of the matter is east pilots have stolen West jobs. We are coming to collect on the debt the east owes.

On the '05 east list Monda was about 2933 active(raw minus ret, med, loa, sup). Raw number was 3537. No east pilot has stolen any west jobs. The TA calls for separate ops until a joint contract, and you cannot predict when/if that will happen. You want to brag about not being on LOA 93, but want to claim theft for your brothers not being able to take east jobs. What's wrong nic, feeling guilty for keeping your junior down?
The company filed the DJ, because the West has them by the short hairs if they touch the Nicolau award.

You sure about that? I think not. Delay, Delay, Delay....................all the way to the bank, or at least away from loan covenants!
Proclaim -- try reading for a change and not just automatically attacking. One time I didn't kiss your ass..ets and ask for another beating please, you turned into a monster, as bad as Nos ever dreamed of being, and you've been attacking me ever since. You are indeed a piece of work. Maybe you should join "BIG"busdrvr - he seems to have a fascination with little boys.


Definition of PROCLAIM
transitive verb
a : to declare publicly, typically insistently, proudly, or defiantly and in either speech or writing : announce b : to give outward indication of : show <his manner proclaimed his genteel upbringing>
: to declare or declare to be solemnly, officially, or formally <proclaim an amnesty> <proclaim the country a republic>
: to praise or glorify openly or publicly : extol <proclaimed the rescue workers' efforts>
— pro·claim·er noun

No Jim, that sounds more like you. Proof, where did I PROCLAIM? Hearing those voices again? The have meds for that, just don't mix it up with the blue one.
Interesting you mention the Kagel award. The Messiah, aka Jim, got a little hot when I brought it up as a reason he might still be having issues. I think he said I was hurt much more than.

PI must stand for poor intelligence. You said you were be a lot better of than I was, I guess as a way to justify your lies. That's the only reason I responded as I did. Apparently you like percentages - liars, damn liars, and statisticians. That's why I put in the little reminder about percentages - the #1 guy on one sides list loses 100% if he goes to #2 on the combined list. The lower you are the smaller percentage change a given number makes.

Stick to taking those "candid" pictures - you're better at that than math.

PI must stand for poor intelligence. You said you were be a lot better of than I was, I guess as a way to justify your lies. That's the only reason I responded as I did. Apparently you like percentages - liars, damn liars, and statisticians. That's why I put in the little reminder about percentages - the #1 guy on one sides list loses 100% if he goes to #2 on the combined list. The lower you are the smaller percentage change a given number makes.

Stick to taking those "candid" pictures - you're better at that than math.


Do you still put on your London Fog and slog off to a smoking room in your house. Wife got a closet for you?

I don't see you disagreeing with those numbers, just twisting them. It stung didn't Jim, it still stings doesn't Jim?
Proof, where did I PROCLAIM?

You still don't get the rules Nos set up for this game - you neither get nor deserve any proof. Go back to sorting you pics junior, according to your wife you need the little blue pills a lot more than I.

Jim - the East's pilots nightmare for the next 3+ years.
Do you still put on your London Fog and slog off to a smoking room in your house. Wife got a closet for you?

I don't see you disagreeing with those numbers, just twisting them.

Yep, extremely poor math skills.

It stung didn't Jim, it still stings doesn't Jim?

Apparently not as much as it did you - you're the one trying to make it back up on the backs of the Westies. Try to stay out of the bay when you go to LGA - twice dunked is more than enough.

You Easties are something else - you love to dish it out but you've got a glass jaw when it comes to taking it. The slight punch and you come out swinging - I took that for 3+ years. You babies can't take it for a day. Scum is giving you too much credit.

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