US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Seems to to me that "questionable advice " has kicked west butt time and time again. If I was a westie I would be looking for a new legal team, but it's your money!!!

Thanks for the morning laugh, 9er.

We love your legal team, Marty has your number. He'll be dialing you up soon enough. ;)
No, you are correct, in raw numbers Monda moved up about 800, I guess that could be considered "nearly 1000".

Pre-merger, when he was days away from his permanent furlough, he was number 2942, I do not know or care how many active were above him, they were about to all join the 1700 inactive below him.

On the 2011 east list he is number 2592, a gain of 350, but the list now has some 3403 names on it. Many still listed as furlough, but since west pilots have been offered recalled east, I am thinking we can assume they are no longer.

So, depending on how you measure "moved up", Monda has either moved 350 numbers or has moved 811 from his former bottom position.

.........My Official Company 2005 Seniority List has Monda at #3537. Monda's Official 2011 Seniority Number is 2592.......hmmmmm, that's a move up of 945 numbers. I'm not sure where you are getting your numbers from, but then again, these number's were taken from official company seniority lists, so they must be lies since it's from the East side.......LMAO!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad you spent all that money to get DOH and and industry leading contract. How's it working for you, V?

One other thing, hard to miss that avatar, considering that is the same V a madman painted the same symbol at a school board meeting before shooting the place up and killing himself.

Yea, kind of reminds one of Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe on the table and knowing his is in control of a nuclear arsenal; wonderinging all the while if he is a madman and just how far he will go.

So you just keep that thought in your feeble little head everytime you see the symbol.


Keep those donations coming....

Yea, kind of reminds one of Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe on the table and knowing his is in control of a nuclear arsenal; wonderinging all the while if he is a madman and just how far he will go.

So you just keep that thought in your feeble little head everytime you see the symbol.


Keep those donations coming....


Uh, OK V.

Multiple choice question, (since we like playing that game).

Does the above post remind you of?

a) Charlie Sheen


B) Moammar Gadhafi
Seems to to me that "questionable advice " has kicked west butt time and time again. If I was a westie I would be looking for a new legal team, but it's your money!!!

Another eastie rebel without a clue!!

The West couldn't care less what you, usapa, Sleezham, Cleary, the 9th, or any other player save one thinks of our legal team.

The company is scared shiiitless, and that is all that matters. The company can deal with the idiots at usapa for years to come, but Polsinelli Shughart is the hammer the West pilots hold over LCC's head. Why do you think the company filed the DJ? I won't be cryptic on this, I will straight up tell you.

The company filed the DJ, because the West has them by the short hairs if they touch the Nicolau award. The east's legal advice has been sooo lacking from day one, that the east is stupid enough to actually believe it can get out of binding arbitration. The company is perfectly content to keep you on LOA93 and the West on contract 2004 for the duration of you DOH pipedream. But since the 9th ruled, usapa thinks they have a free pass to force the company to contract breach. Ain't going to happen, but since we are in NMB mediation, there is a risk that the mediator will release. Unlikely, but still there is that risk. So, the company goes to court, gets a judgement that says they are liable if they deviate from the Nic, take it to the mediator, and the mediator will never release usapa over section 22 and/or usapa will never put out a TA with the Nic in it for a vote. So, we all stay in a company forced status quo, usapa is happy to maintain seperate ops on LOA93, the company is happy to retain their huge pilot wage concessions and industry advantage.

I would venture to say that the company has the best legal team of the three players involved. They are a step ahead of the West and furlongs in front of Sleezham. However, the West will not be changing legal teams any time soon.
Another eastie rebel without a clue!!

The West couldn't care less what you, usapa, Sleezham, Cleary, the 9th, or any other player save one thinks of our legal team.

Nice job, well said.

I'm getting bored with em. Take it from here, Nic.

Where is my neon sign??

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.........My Official Company 2005 Seniority List has Monda at #3537. Monda's Official 2011 Seniority Number is 2592.......hmmmmm, that's a move up of 945 numbers. I'm not sure where you are getting your numbers from, but then again, these number's were taken from official company seniority lists, so they must be lies since it's from the East side.......LMAO!!!!!!!!!

I took Monda's 2005 number of 2942 from an east breakdown of the Nicolau award. So it is probably skewd to show an overly disadvantageous east position. It is probably what his number would have been in may 2007 when the award came out.

I took the same number you have of 2592 out of a total of 3403 pilots, from the east 2011 seniority list on Wings.

So, as I said, depending on how you define "moved up" (we will use your number) Monda has either gained 945 from his original 2005 number, or he has moved 812 from the absolute bottom position.

350, 812, 945, really does not matter. The bottom line fact of the matter is east pilots have stolen West jobs. We are coming to collect on the debt the east owes.
The bottom line fact of the matter is east pilots have stolen West jobs.

Make sure you yell that loud when you commute in to your new crew base, CLT/PHL/DCA........Enjoy the "stolen" attrition the East has provided for you....LMAO...This is so entertaining...........The only way you will have move up is through East Attrition.......
Hey duphis 1....Maybe they know you are an a**hole ?

As I am not the sharpest tool in th shed, perhaps you can explain to me your screen name?


I do not get it. Do you fly in Papua New Guinea, Pacific Grove? Work for Proctor and Gamble?

Oh wait,,,I know,,,you must need Parental Guidance when you fly. Probably ought to do the same when you post there junior.
Make sure you yell that loud when you commute in to your new crew base, CLT/PHL/DCA........Enjoy the "stolen" attrition the East has provided for you....LMAO...This is so entertaining...........The only way you will have move up is through East Attrition.......

I will be staying in PHX for the forced seperate ops, TA fleet min time being.

But, I would imagine that the West furloughees that took recall east will either keep it as civil or make it as nasty as their newfound east co-workers would like.

If I were one of them, I would simply not bring up controversial conversation, but if the scumbag next to me brings up anything, I would gladly inform the ignorant POS of my Nic number and the damages I suffered as a result of their scab tactics.

Keep laughing, it is good therapy.
Another eastie rebel without a clue!!

The West couldn't care less what you, usapa, Sleezham, Cleary, the 9th, or any other player save one thinks of our legal team.

The company is scared shiiitless, and that is all that matters. The company can deal with the idiots at usapa for years to come, but Polsinelli Shughart is the hammer the West pilots hold over LCC's head. Why do you think the company filed the DJ? I won't be cryptic on this, I will straight up tell you.

The company filed the DJ, because the West has them by the short hairs if they touch the Nicolau award. The east's legal advice has been sooo lacking from day one, that the east is stupid enough to actually believe it can get out of binding arbitration. The company is perfectly content to keep you on LOA93 and the West on contract 2004 for the duration of you DOH pipedream. But since the 9th ruled, usapa thinks they have a free pass to force the company to contract breach. Ain't going to happen, but since we are in NMB mediation, there is a risk that the mediator will release. Unlikely, but still there is that risk. So, the company goes to court, gets a judgement that says they are liable if they deviate from the Nic, take it to the mediator, and the mediator will never release usapa over section 22 and/or usapa will never put out a TA with the Nic in it for a vote. So, we all stay in a company forced status quo, usapa is happy to maintain seperate ops on LOA93, the company is happy to retain their huge pilot wage concessions and industry advantage.

I would venture to say that the company has the best legal team of the three players involved. They are a step ahead of the West and furlongs in front of Sleezham. However, the West will not be changing legal teams any time soon.

I sense that the scenario you paint regarding the DJ and the possibility of resultant separate ops continuing for the foreseeable future, would be preferable to a majority of the East vice the NIC. If somehow, USAPA is forced by the system, to put a NIC inclusive JCBA to a vote, it may or may not be ratified, it might be close either way. Not so much, if the LOA 93 ruling goes the way of the East pilots.

Just as all politics is ultimately local, all seniority is ultimately personal. There are a host of opinions and justifications voiced on this and many other forums regarding the seniority issue, but in the end the decision made by the individual in that "voting booth", will be private and centered on what the "perceived" effects of the result will be on the individual. It might not end up how you want, but it's always, all about," what's best for me". All the lofty verbiage from both the East and the West about what's fair and righteous not withstanding.

Well, run some errands and all the East little girl lovers come out of their hole - too early for them to go to the mall since the kids are in school and not available for "candid camera" I guess. Good thing a psych test isn't part of the medical or the East would shut down for lack of pilots.

What a sorry bunch they are...

Well, run some errands and all the East little girl lovers come out of their hole - too early for them to go to the mall since the kids are in school and not available for "candid camera" I guess. Good thing a psych test isn't part of the medical or the East would shut down for lack of pilots.

What a sorry bunch they are...


Some of them seem very unstable. Fights in the association office, threats of violence on a public forum are good examples.

Maybe we will get to see how good their union is in justifying such behavior to the company.

We'll see. :unsure:
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