US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I sense that the scenario you paint regarding the DJ and the possibility of resultant separate ops continuing for the foreseeable future, would be preferable to a majority of the East vice the NIC. If somehow, USAPA is forced by the system, to put a NIC inclusive JCBA to a vote, it may or may not be ratified, it might be close either way. Not so much, if the LOA 93 ruling goes the way of the East pilots.

Just as all politics is ultimately local, all seniority is ultimately personal. There are a host of opinions and justifications voiced on this and many other forums regarding the seniority issue, but in the end the decision made by the individual in that "voting booth", will be private and centered on what the "perceived" effects of the result will be on the individual. It might not end up how you want, but it's always, all about," what's best for me". All the lofty verbiage from both the East and the West about what's fair and righteous not withstanding.


A thoughtout and reasonable reply to my post. Thanks, and I agree to the underlying logic you present.

Are you actually a West pilot?
Well, run some errands and all the East little girl lovers come out of their hole - too early for them to go to the mall since the kids are in school and not available for "candid camera" I guess. Good thing a psych test isn't part of the medical or the East would shut down for lack of pilots.

What a sorry bunch they are...


OK you sick old fool you can back off as well!!!

Whats the matter B - did you think I was kidding about 3+ years of this for you all? Just something else you got wrong...maybe you should take the bullets out of the gun the next time you're trying to put it away on approach...

A thoughtout and reasonable reply to my post. Thanks, and I agree to the underlying logic you present.

Are you actually a West pilot?

I'm actually a US Airways pilot. An original USAir "rust head" hired just prior to any of the mergers, PI, PSA, Trump or AWA. I remember flying with some of the old Mohawk and Lake Central captains, who when they weren't giving "flying lessons" they constantly groused about how they were "done wrong" in those mergers. Those guys could sure make a four day trip miserable!

I've never been furloughed and never been senior, the ALPA merger process utilized in the first two mergers, predominantly DOH with minor conditions and restrictions (no bump no flush, ect), placed nearly all of the PI and PSA pilots ahead of me on the list. At the time, that's just the way it worked, no problem. In those days, the ALPA AAA DOH mantra was almost a "religious conviction". It went something like this, " The march of time treats all equally, time can't be created or destroyed".

By the time the Trump merger came along, things had changed at ALPA and as I recall, slotting was all the rage. I felt they should have been given their EAL DOH (even though they had all specifically signed a letter when they went to work for "The Donald" giving up their EAL seniority) they went to Trump because they needed a job and EAL was in a "death spiral". In any case, all but a few new hire engineers, went on the list ahead of me.

Along came the AWA merger and I still felt the list should have gone DOH, of course by then the APLA slotting methodology had gotten it's nose under the tent here during the Trump merger and now something as simple as DOH became this relative position, equipment type, career expectation monster that is so complicated that the whole integration process became a "rubics cube" of trying to make everybody happy (or at least equally pissed off) and the end product ends up being decided by a bunch of overpaid (non-pilot) lawyers.

Personally, I still believe in the basic concept of DOH, with the above mentioned conditions and restrictions. I think it should go that way here and I think it should be very strictly adhered to. Which would also do away with the widebody set aside in the NIC. Been here long enough to hold it, East or West, and when there is a new opening, you get it. Period.

The other option is separate ops till the whole thing is overtaken by events. There's that time thing again.


ps: I appreciate your kind remarks regarding the character of my previous post.
I'm actually a US Airways pilot. An original USAir "rust head" hired just prior to any of the mergers, PI, PSA, Trump or AWA. I remember flying with some of the old Mohawk and Lake Central captains, who when they weren't giving "flying lessons" they constantly groused about how they were "done wrong" in those mergers. Those guys could sure make a four day trip miserable!

I've never been furloughed and never been senior, the ALPA merger process utilized in the first two mergers, predominantly DOH with minor conditions and restrictions (no bump no flush, ect), placed nearly all of the PI and PSA pilots ahead of me on the list. At the time, that's just the way it worked, no problem. In those days, the ALPA AAA DOH mantra was almost a "religious conviction". It went something like this, " The march of time treats all equally, time can't be created or destroyed".

By the time the Trump merger came along, things had changed at ALPA and as I recall, slotting was all the rage. I felt they should have been given their EAL DOH (even though they had all specifically signed a letter when they went to work for "The Donald" giving up their EAL seniority) they went to Trump because they needed a job and EAL was in a "death spiral". In any case, all but a few new hire engineers, went on the list ahead of me.

Along came the AWA merger and I still felt the list should have gone DOH, of course by then the APLA slotting methodology had gotten it's nose under the tent here during the Trump merger and now something as simple as DOH became this relative position, equipment type, career expectation monster that is so complicated that the whole integration process became a "rubics cube" of trying to make everybody happy (or at least equally pissed off) and the end product ends up being decided by a bunch of overpaid (non-pilot) lawyers.

Personally, I still believe in the basic concept of DOH, with the above mentioned conditions and restrictions. I think it should go that way here and I think it should be very strictly adhered to. Which would also do away with the widebody set aside in the NIC. Been here long enough to hold it, East or West, and when there is a new opening, you get it. Period.

The other option is separate ops till the whole thing is overtaken by events. There's that time thing again.


ps: I appreciate your kind remarks regarding the character of my previous post.

Great post Seajay.............OK underlined pass, no comment!!!!!.......three wire......
Me neither, just kept on trying too.......the good old days.....

Life sure was simpler then, staying alive, mid-rats and ready room popcorn and movies! That just about covered it. It does kind of suck that everything I few in the Navy, is now in a museum! Which makes me next, I guess. :eek:

Life sure was simpler then, staying alive, mid-rats and ready room popcorn and movies! That just about covered it. It does kind of suck that everything I few in the Navy, is now in a museum! Which makes me next, I guess. :eek:


I hear you. In my case the fourth version just came out, lol.........I guess I will just be a museum visitor instead of a display for now at least.....
As I am not the sharpest tool in th shed, perhaps you can explain to me your screen name?


I do not get it. Do you fly in Papua New Guinea, Pacific Grove? Work for Proctor and Gamble?

Oh wait,,,I know,,,you must need Parental Guidance when you fly. Probably ought to do the same when you post there junior.

Hey duphis 1 ! found another a**hole.
I will be staying in PHX for the forced seperate ops, TA fleet min time being.

But, I would imagine that the West furloughees that took recall east will either keep it as civil or make it as nasty as their newfound east co-workers would like.

If I were one of them, I would simply not bring up controversial conversation, but if the scumbag next to me brings up anything, I would gladly inform the ignorant POS of my Nic number and the damages I suffered as a result of their scab tactics.

Keep laughing, it is good therapy.

Yep, another a**hole.
Did you thank Tracy and Mike for getting your job back? you should be fired again for putting catcrew information on a public internet site.

USAPA supporters can't wait to get their first dissident fired.

They can't defend their actions so they have to silence their critics.
Whats the matter B - did you think I was kidding about 3+ years of this for you all? Just something else you got wrong...maybe you should take the bullets out of the gun the next time you're trying to put it away on approach...

Anyone who thinks you were kidding would be sorely mistaken.

Did you notice that Nos hasn't done his drive by mudslinging the last few nights? I guess he doesn't like the shoe being on the other foot. Either that, or he's busy writing letters to Smisek because he didn't like my opinion of him being part of a group who supports a child predator by helping him keep his job. Do you think USAPA or anyone on the east will call for Joe to be fired or ejected from the union for his actions, instead of just being "suspended?"

Hey nos, you never responded to my response to your threats. Does your silence constitute a cease fire? Are you crying uncle? Or are you busy crying to the "authorities" that my opinion of you and your union is an actionable offense? I'm still waiting to hear from my chief pilot. :lol:

Have a great weekend!
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