US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Keep the donations coming.

Isn't that what Parker keeps telling East Pilots? :lol: :lol: :lol: LOA 93 is nothing if not a full on donation to LCC at this point.

When you Dumb MFer's decide to grow up, perhaps you'll be allowed to play with the big boys. Until then, Pay up. Parker has that Paradise Valley property tax to pay. :lol: :lol:
Another awesome investor. With investments like that you should be well on your way to financial security. Have you had a chance to look into reverse mortgages yet? I hear they also pay out quite well. In the meantime, keep those donations coming...


I'd rather use the same logic as Usapians. Change my name and get out of my agreement to pay my mortgage all together.

It does not work that way in the real world.

The Usapian dream is about to turn into a nightmare. You are getting close to foreclosure, V.
Sure dufis 1...but in my opinion you still are an a**hole, stupid, narrow minded and stuck in PHX. Proof ? re-read your own post.

Keep the donations coming.

I plan on it, son of Spud. Whatever it takes to rid ourselves of the USAPA problem.

Oh, and keep paying those dues, I expect a nice return on your investment in the form of damages :lol:
"Too Young" - I wish. No I am not too young .... back then I was either at Edwards, Minot, or Dyess AFB (ironically that Reagan brought back) on a great airplane. The BONE was a 727 that could fly supersonic, stealthy, and could turn Libya into a glass parking lot from 50 feet. Still didn't change the fact that it was obsolete the day it was delivered.

Also doesn't change the fact that the 80s were a terrible time for the airlines (except maybe SWA) - Remember? Just a bunch of upstart, fly-by-night airlines that acted like parasites to the industry. They sucked the life force from it, and careers and wages from the people that worked in it.

Pretty much like today. Oh and there was the PATCO strike.

Yeah - those were Good times.

Yeah, I remember quite well..... Even without the revisionist history lesson. How about you?

Also never been a huge fan of Kool Aid like some.... Jim Jones, Tempe etc....

How about those 90s? Now those were good times!!

I blame deregulation in 1978 (signed by Carter) as the start of the decline of our industry. That was the same year I started flying so I am very familiar with the history of the day.

One final visit to politiics, I am a fan of Reagan because he was able to end the Cold War without firing a shot. GW, on the other hand was a bit more reckless, destabilized that part of the world and empowered Iran.

I thought Colin Powell would have been a better choice and hoped he would have entered the race.

If that makes me a Kool-Aid drinker, I am fine with it.
Another pot claiming the kettle is black. As one of the Easties that have thrown around the insults and attacks for the last years, you have some nerve complaining. Calling you all a bunch of spoiled brats is insulting to brats (except PI brat who thinks he's better than anyone else).

Stick to your photography hobby MM...

Thanx JIM are picture of you is crystal clear! MM!
What's the matter junior? You get your feelings hurt. Like Nos you can't resist the urge to throw darts can you. Must be diaper rash. Here's a clue - stop pooping your pants and that rash will clear up...unless it really a different rash from dipping your wick somewhere it shouldn't be.

You talk about my antics - they're nothing compared to you and the other Easties. Bet you didn't tell those "friends" that did you. As usual you and the rest lie to justify your sad attempt to steal from the West, use the ex-furloughees to further your cause after voting them pathetic wages and allowing the company to sell the E170's out from under them. Scum of the earth isn't bad enough to describe your behavior and you have the unmitigated gall to complain about anybody else. Go back to looking through your collection of little boy and girl pictures - it's probably the only time you can feel like a man. Oh that's right, when you're hiding behind an anonymous bulletin board moniker you're real brave aren't you. If I had to work with any of you I'd puke at the smell you hypocrites exude...

JIM you are the poster child , yes child , for old, bitter and pathetic! MM Wait that is your photo in WEBSTERS for those words!
You have not been paying attention, so I will give you a little catch up short version.

The three grand I have donated to West legal defense is necessary to ensure a part of the financial security. A mere %0.7 of my gross pilot income to keep usapa scumbags from stealing my income potential.

Why would I wan't a reverse mortgage? You must have me confused with some seperate ops forcing, LOA 93 loving, usapa supporter. Probably think Cleary is a smart guy too, don't ya?

One other funny thing about the donations. The donation roster could catch Sleezham in the lies he just told judge Silver. The ambulance chaser was once again dumb enough to go into court and concoct a story about how usapa represents the "majority of West pilots", when in fact, the "majority of West pilots" have their names on the donation roster. Hope the judge is paying attention to little nuances such as this when she decides the rule 11 motions. I am guessing as a federal court judge, she is probably a pretty sharp, and can easily beat the little lawyer at his own game.

Keep paying your dues and assesments, I think they will be increasing in the near future.

I intend to keep paying my dues and assessments. Best money I have ever spent. Doubt you can say the same but I do like it when you donate to the cause. Justify it any way you want but keep those donations coming...

I'd rather use the same logic as Usapians. Change my name and get out of my agreement to pay my mortgage all together.

It does not work that way in the real world.

The Usapian dream is about to turn into a nightmare. You are getting close to foreclosure, V.

Everything you say is wild speculation. Nothing more than another West Fantasy....But just in case; keep those donations coming...

Everything you say is wild speculation. Nothing more than another West Fantasy....But just in case; keep those donations coming...


Usapians live in a fantasy world, listening to questionable legal advice. The 9th was not a win, just a dealy. That reminds me, I had better go pick a RIPE grapefruit off the tree. Ah, the joys of living in the sunbelt. :p

Donations to AOL?

Count on it, V.
I intend to keep paying my dues and assessments. Best money I have ever spent.

I'm glad you spent all that money to get DOH and and industry leading contract. How's it working for you, V?

One other thing, hard to miss that avatar, considering that is the same V a madman painted the same symbol at a school board meeting before shooting the place up and killing himself.
Isn't that what Parker keeps telling East Pilots? :lol: :lol: :lol: LOA 93 is nothing if not a full on donation to LCC at this point.

When you Dumb MFer's decide to grow up, perhaps you'll be allowed to play with the big boys. Until then, Pay up. Parker has that Paradise Valley property tax to pay. :lol: :lol:


Check out the profit sharing computation.

east vs West pay disparity has to equal at least a conservative 30 million a year. Profit sharing = 10%. 10% of 30 million=3 million. 3 million x 36%= the pilots share, or roughly 1 million. 1 million/5000 pilots=$200

In other words, the reneging malcontents not only pay $200 bucks of their own profit sharing, they paid $200 bucks of mine.

Thanks easties!!! All I can say is "keep the donations coming".
I intend to keep paying my dues and assessments. Best money I have ever spent. Doubt you can say the same but I do like it when you donate to the cause. Justify it any way you want but keep those donations coming...


You are correct. I cannot say the same.

Because I pay neither dues or assessments to usapa.

"keep the donations coming.."
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