US Pilots Labor Discussion

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There you have it folks, the Charlie Sheen of USAviation.

What's the matter junior? You get your feelings hurt. Like Nos you can't resist the urge to throw darts can you. Must be diaper rash. Here's a clue - stop pooping your pants and that rash will clear up...unless it really a different rash from dipping your wick somewhere it shouldn't be.

You talk about my antics - they're nothing compared to you and the other Easties. Bet you didn't tell those "friends" that did you. As usual you and the rest lie to justify your sad attempt to steal from the West, use the ex-furloughees to further your cause after voting them pathetic wages and allowing the company to sell the E170's out from under them. Scum of the earth isn't bad enough to describe your behavior and you have the unmitigated gall to complain about anybody else. Go back to looking through your collection of little boy and girl pictures - it's probably the only time you can feel like a man. Oh that's right, when you're hiding behind an anonymous bulletin board moniker you're real brave aren't you. If I had to work with any of you I'd puke at the smell you hypocrites exude...

What's the matter junior? You get your feelings hurt. Like Nos you can't resist the urge to throw darts can you. Must be diaper rash. Here's a clue - stop pooping your pants and that rash will clear up...unless it really a different rash from dipping your wick somewhere it shouldn't be.

You talk about my antics - they're nothing compared to you and the other Easties. Bet you didn't tell those "friends" that did you. As usual you and the rest lie to justify your sad attempt to steal from the West, use the ex-furloughees to further your cause after voting them pathetic wages and allowing the company to sell the E170's out from under them. Scum of the earth isn't bad enough to describe your behavior and you have the unmitigated gall to complain about anybody else. Go back to looking through your collection of little boy and girl pictures - it's probably the only time you can feel like a man. Oh that's right, when you're hiding behind an anonymous bulletin board moniker you're real brave aren't you. If I had to work with any of you I'd puke at the smell you hypocrites exude...


If you don't get help at Charter, get help somewhere.
I received a 2005 east seniority list today. It's going to take a while to go back and look up all of prechil's claims, but a quick look at it has some interesting numbers. Before I share them, I would like to get a count of all the westies that agree with prechill and her assessment of east attrition and "growth". Just a agree or disagree will do. We know Jim won't answer, he already had the chance and his silence said it all.
What's wrong junior - you've never said a word about Nos' little game as long as it was aimed at the West, Jetz, or me. Never said a word to any Eastie for the last 3+ years while I've been called everything in the book. So why the complaints? Just another Eastie bully that loves to dish it out but can't take it? The little first grade bully that goes crying if anyone stands up to you? Quite an "man" you are. Your daddy should be proud of his little little boy - a shining example to bullies everywhere.

Now you're begging for support. Is it so strange that a bunch more active pilots are now under what's his name than were in 2005? All the furloughed recalled and new hires to boot? Heck, just the planes that East would not have if not for the merger is 300-400 pilots.

I received a 2005 east seniority list today. It's going to take a while to go back and look up all of prechil's claims, but a quick look at it has some interesting numbers. Before I share them, I would like to get a count of all the westies that agree with prechill and her assessment of east attrition and "growth". Just a agree or disagree will do. We know Jim won't answer, he already had the chance and his silence said it all.

I remember there was some banter about Monda only moving up, what was it, something like less than 200 numbers or 150 some odd numbers..........Brat, I'm thinking he had to move up nearly 1000 numbers from 2005 until now, 2011............No that can't be true, I'm an East Pilot............
I remember there was some banter about Monda only moving up, what was it, something like less than 200 numbers or 150 some odd numbers..........Brat, I'm thinking he had to move up nearly 1000 numbers from 2005 until now, 2011............No that can't be true, I'm an East Pilot............

Stay tuned..........I want to look it over again and make sure I got it right, I want to give pre every consideration.
I want to give pre every consideration.

You are funny at times though...does "every consideration" mean waiting 30 minutes before proclaiming, like every East poster, that you're right and the Westie is wrong...

You are a piece of work, but sticking with little girls is probably a good idea - they're more easily impressed...

You are funny at times though...does "every consideration" mean waiting 30 minutes before proclaiming, like every East poster, that you're right and the Westie is wrong...

You are a piece of work, but sticking with little girls is probably a good idea - they're more easily impressed...

So much for the deregulation act and proctective hiring, talk about looking what you get, bitter, old lonely, self RIGHTIOUS and angry you go JIM!
Another pot claiming the kettle is black. As one of the Easties that have thrown around the insults and attacks for the last years, you have some nerve complaining. Calling you all a bunch of spoiled brats is insulting to brats (except PI brat who thinks he's better than anyone else).

Stick to your photography hobby MM...

You are funny at times though...does "every consideration" mean waiting 30 minutes before proclaiming, like every East poster, that you're right and the Westie is wrong...

You are a piece of work, but sticking with little girls is probably a good idea - they're more easily impressed...


Proof Jim? Where did I claim that? I don't see it, could it be that you know she was incorrect? I haven't finished going over the numbers yet. Her's were all over the page and I want to get it right.

Let's get the last line clear. What are you accusing me of?
Proof Jim? Where did I claim that?

Proclaim -- try reading for a change and not just automatically attacking. One time I didn't kiss your ass..ets and ask for another beating please, you turned into a monster, as bad as Nos ever dreamed of being, and you've been attacking me ever since. You are indeed a piece of work. Maybe you should join "BIG"busdrvr - he seems to have a fascination with little boys.

I remember there was some banter about Monda only moving up, what was it, something like less than 200 numbers or 150 some odd numbers..........Brat, I'm thinking he had to move up nearly 1000 numbers from 2005 until now, 2011............No that can't be true, I'm an East Pilot............

No, you are correct, in raw numbers Monda moved up about 800, I guess that could be considered "nearly 1000".

Pre-merger, when he was days away from his permanent furlough, he was number 2942, I do not know or care how many active were above him, they were about to all join the 1700 inactive below him.

On the 2011 east list he is number 2592, a gain of 350, but the list now has some 3403 names on it. Many still listed as furlough, but since west pilots have been offered recalled east, I am thinking we can assume they are no longer.

So, depending on how you measure "moved up", Monda has either moved 350 numbers or has moved 811 from his former bottom position.
I suggest that you all take the time to read the LOA 93 transcripts for a couple reasons. First so when you don’t get your snap back you will know why second. The entire history (under oath) is there. Just a couple excerpts for your reading pleasure. Anyone want to say that ALPA national just gave your pension away? You guys really need to let go of the past and accept reality as it is today.

You do understand that without the ATSB loans US Airways would have closed the doors right. ATSB was not going lend $1 billion when the company also had a $900-1.5 billion pension to fund. That would have taken all of the operating cash. You would have no pension AND no job.

So answer this. The court and PBGC terminated your plan whether you liked it or not. What exactly was ALPA national supposed to do? What did you want ALPA to do that they could have done but did not do?

Kicking screaming, holding your breath or throwing a tantrum on the floor of the court does not work. So besides that. What?
Fair enough, point taken. I get sick and tired of this entitlement attitude I am seeing here. The Usapians think they are entitled to our jobs brought to the shotgun wedding and then have the nerve to threaten me/us. They cast a broad net scoop up 18 West pilots on charges which were subsequently booted out of court. A union is to imply unity, USAPA is no such animal. Like I said before conceived in a cess pool by people who wanted to take advantage of a smaller group. The same mentality as a bully.

Luckily, we have a group that has the guts to stand up to the threat in unity.

Sure dufis 1...but in my opinion you still are an a**hole, stupid, narrow minded and stuck in PHX. Proof ? re-read your own post.

Keep the donations coming.
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