US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Let's see, if this is a multiple choice question, I would choose Reagan. I was more than glad to help get Carter out of Washington. I think the Iranians were paying attention on inauguration day in '81. Carter was weak.

How was the economy under Carter, Mr Greenspan? You claim to be the expert. You tell me.

Probably too young to remember. Still drinking Kool-Aid, are ya?

Never mind.
IMO, it's best to leave politics out of it. This place and the east vs west civil war is complex enough. There are plenty of west supporters who may be liberal leaning in their political views. As for me, I'm a registered Republican, who has voted for mostly Democrats in past years. Go figure. Not a fan of Bush (either, but dad was better than sonny boy), McCain, or Palin. I did like Reagan. I guess I'm more a left leaning moderate these days. My point being, R or D, right or left, conservative or liberal, what the east is doing is wrong and the law will prevail.
IMO, it's best to leave politics out of it. This place and the east vs west civil war is complex enough. There are plenty of west supporters who may be liberal leaning in their political views. As for me, I'm a registered Republican, who has voted for mostly Democrats in past years. Go figure. Not a fan of Bush (either, but dad was better than sonny boy), McCain, or Palin. I did like Reagan. I guess I'm more a left leaning moderate these days. My point being, R or D, right or left, conservative or liberal, what the east is doing is wrong and the law will prevail.

Fair enough, point taken. I get sick and tired of this entitlement attitude I am seeing here. The Usapians think they are entitled to our jobs brought to the shotgun wedding and then have the nerve to threaten me/us. They cast a broad net scoop up 18 West pilots on charges which were subsequently booted out of court. A union is to imply unity, USAPA is no such animal. Like I said before conceived in a cess pool by people who wanted to take advantage of a smaller group. The same mentality as a bully.

Luckily, we have a group that has the guts to stand up to the threat in unity.
He's been holding back for years and making up for lost time

You're right Jetz - I can see why Nos enjoyed this game so much - as long as he was the one dishing it out. Blame every member of the group for the sins of the worst member of the group - it doesn't even require much thought. The Easties have been pretty silent today though - I see them lurking and then quietly disappear. Apparently they don't enjoy the game as much on the receiving end as they did on the dishing it out side either...

How are you feeling today Jim? Better? Have you enjoyed your game? Now that you have all the insubordinate easties to heel, and the westies again have you on your rightful pedestal, I'm going to give you one more shot to redeem yourself. Will you admit you were wrong in your interpretation of jetjok1's post?
Ya know junior, if you weren't trying go get back what you lost in the US merger on the backs of the West pilots you'd be funny. Why "enjoyed" - sounds like you think it was a one day thing. Never fear, I'll be accusing you and the others of things for a long time to come. You tell me, has Nos ever admitted that he was wrong? You can expect the same from me - apparently one of the rules of his game in never admit an error, just attack some more.

Pedestal - you rascal you. I don't need any pedestal - unlike you I don't need everyone bowing at my every word. How's your high chair today - poop in your pants and all...

Do some research? Termination accounting? The pilots pension was no different than any other pension, there was a stockmarket drop, your kidding? What rest home are you in anyway? MM!
Ya know, there's a saying that it better to keep your mouth shut so people have to wonder about your intelligence than open your mouth and remove all doubt that you're dumb as a brick. You might think about taking that advice sonny...

Have you had a chance to look into reverse mortgages yet? I hear they also pay out quite well.

So that's why all the East posters claim that they're independently wealthy. Better hope you die before those reverse mortgage payments run out, mr. investment guru.

Let's see, if this is a multiple choice question, I would choose Reagan. I was more than glad to help get Carter out of Washington. I think the Iranians were paying attention on inauguration day in '81. Carter was weak.

How was the economy under Carter, Mr Greenspan? You claim to be the expert. You tell me.

Probably too young to remember. Still drinking Kool-Aid, are ya?

Never mind.

"Too Young" - I wish. No I am not too young .... back then I was either at Edwards, Minot, or Dyess AFB (ironically that Reagan brought back) on a great airplane. The BONE was a 727 that could fly supersonic, stealthy, and could turn Libya into a glass parking lot from 50 feet. Still didn't change the fact that it was obsolete the day it was delivered.

Also doesn't change the fact that the 80s were a terrible time for the airlines (except maybe SWA) - Remember? Just a bunch of upstart, fly-by-night airlines that acted like parasites to the industry. They sucked the life force from it, and careers and wages from the people that worked in it.

Pretty much like today. Oh and there was the PATCO strike.

Yeah - those were Good times.

Yeah, I remember quite well..... Even without the revisionist history lesson. How about you?

Also never been a huge fan of Kool Aid like some.... Jim Jones, Tempe etc....

How about those 90s? Now those were good times!!
Ya know junior, if you weren't trying go get back what you lost in the US merger on the backs of the West pilots you'd be funny. Why "enjoyed" - sounds like you think it was a one day thing. Never fear, I'll be accusing you and the others of things for a long time to come. You tell me, has Nos ever admitted that he was wrong? You can expect the same from me - apparently one of the rules of his game in never admit an error, just attack some more.

Pedestal - you rascal you. I don't need any pedestal - unlike you I don't need everyone bowing at my every word. How's your high chair today - poop in your pants and all...


There you have it folks, the Charlie Sheen of USAviation.

Here's some differences between you and me Jim:

1) I have a dog in this fight
2) My dog has a lot of years left to go here and will have to deal with the aftermath of this train wreck of a merger. Your career is done, so if you stir the pot, it makes no difference to you.
3)I'm not bitter over a merger that happened 20+ years ago
4) I have issues with people that throw barbs at me or my peer group, you get furious if they are thrown at you, but couldn't care less when they have a field day with the group you were a part of for years.
5) I have occasionally defended the other side, I can't ever remember you defending your side.
6) When I'm wrong, I'm man enough to admit it.

I had lunch with a couple of friends the other day and I asked if they knew you. They had both flown with you. When I discussed your antics on here they both said "Why does he care either way?", but neither was really surprised. I guess they pegged you better than I did.

It's a shame you were ever part of Piedmont Airlines. Just goes to show you there are good and bad guys hired everywhere.

I really feel sorry for you. It's too bad that this is the highlight of your life. Traderjake, 924PS and USA320 all agree with most of your positions, but not even Chip goes to the lengths you do to discredit your former co-workers. Sad. Good luck to you.
The good thing about this for East pilots I suppose, is the hardening of attitudes it will cause. I would imagine the moderate posters such as PI, and JetJok who probably voted for ALPA the first time around and were voices for compromise are likely seeing what is plainly obvious for everyone else concerned. The two sides should never be able to work the same flights and separate ops should be a priority of anything going forward.


I get frustrated with some on this board, but when I sign off I remember that this board is not an accurate representation of east or west. I have never had a face to face altercation with a west pilot, lot's of cold shoulders and nasty looks, but no in my face things. I think most of us have said things on here that we wouldn't have said in person, and I'm not proud that I'm in that category. I know that as much as west guys on here don't want to admit it, the percentages of aholes to good guys is pretty much the same everywhere. When/if we ever fly together there will be a few that can't get along, but most will be the professionals they are paid to be.

I just walked by the pool and there was a teen girl there with no hair. I overheard her mother say "I see more and more growth everyday" as she brushed her eye brows. As a Dad of wonderful, healthy children, that puts all of this board crap in prospective. The Man upstairs know I need that from time to time.
I and the rest of the airline industry pity the East pilots. It's tough to hate someone who is just plain dumb regardless of how bad they might act.

I have never had an OAL pilot say a negative thing about east pilots or a positive thing about west pilots. I bet the same has happened to you in reverse. Any chance they play to their audience?
Ya know, there's a saying that it better to keep your mouth shut so people have to wonder about your intelligence than open your mouth and remove all doubt that you're dumb as a brick. You might think about taking that advice sonny...

Jim back at ya ! You lonely old fool!
There you have it folks, the Charlie Sheen of USAviation.

Here's some differences between you and me Jim:

1) I have a dog in this fight
2) My dog has a lot of years left to go here and will have to deal with the aftermath of this train wreck of a merger. Your career is done, so if you stir the pot, it makes no difference to you.
3)I'm not bitter over a merger that happened 20+ years ago
4) I have issues with people that throw barbs at me or my peer group, you get furious if they are thrown at you, but couldn't care less when they have a field day with the group you were a part of for years.
5) I have occasionally defended the other side, I can't ever remember you defending your side.
6) When I'm wrong, I'm man enough to admit it.

I had lunch with a couple of friends the other day and I asked if they knew you. They had both flown with you. When I discussed your antics on here they both said "Why does he care either way?", but neither was really surprised. I guess they pegged you better than I did.

It's a shame you were ever part of Piedmont Airlines. Just goes to show you there are good and bad guys hired everywhere.

I really feel sorry for you. It's too bad that this is the highlight of your life. Traderjake, 924PS and USA320 all agree with most of your positions, but not even Chip goes to the lengths you do to discredit your former co-workers. Sad. Good luck to you.
So we are to believe you when you say that the top 517 who have no dog in the seniority fight but support the junior guys. That is OK. They are doing what is right in their minds. But BB is not or should not be allowed to have his opinion.

Double standard?

Maybe because he understands right and wrong and BB sees that what you east guys are doing is wrong. Perhaps he might be embarrassed to have been a part of your little group.
So we are to believe you when you say that the top 517 who have no dog in the seniority fight but support the junior guys. That is OK. They are doing what is right in their minds. But BB is not or should not be allowed to have his opinion.

Double standard?

Maybe because he understands right and wrong and BB sees that what you east guys are doing is wrong. Perhaps he might be embarrassed to have been a part of your little group.

Where did I say all the 517 support the junior pilots? Haven't I asked why you guys think they aren't breaking down USAPA's door to get a contract? I believe 924PS is in the 517 and we know he doesn't support DOH or USAPA, so that shows, once again, you got it wrong, but what's new?

I've never heard of anyone being embarrassed to be a PI pilot, we are just embarrassed that he was.

I've never said Jim shouldn't have the right to his opinion, but if you would open your eyes you would see it goes beyond that.
Another awesome investor. With investments like that you should be well on your way to financial security. Have you had a chance to look into reverse mortgages yet? I hear they also pay out quite well. In the meantime, keep those donations coming...


You have not been paying attention, so I will give you a little catch up short version.

The three grand I have donated to West legal defense is necessary to ensure a part of the financial security. A mere %0.7 of my gross pilot income to keep usapa scumbags from stealing my income potential.

Why would I wan't a reverse mortgage? You must have me confused with some seperate ops forcing, LOA 93 loving, usapa supporter. Probably think Cleary is a smart guy too, don't ya?

One other funny thing about the donations. The donation roster could catch Sleezham in the lies he just told judge Silver. The ambulance chaser was once again dumb enough to go into court and concoct a story about how usapa represents the "majority of West pilots", when in fact, the "majority of West pilots" have their names on the donation roster. Hope the judge is paying attention to little nuances such as this when she decides the rule 11 motions. I am guessing as a federal court judge, she is probably a pretty sharp, and can easily beat the little lawyer at his own game.

Keep paying your dues and assesments, I think they will be increasing in the near future.
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