US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Why was our pension short under ALPA's watchful eye, a union that was suppose to monitor it, and not let it be stolen under it's watchful eye, oh yes they own liability in the situation and yes in the PEN INV ALPA will have plenty of questions to answer, "NOTHING ANYONE COULD HAVE DONE TO STOP IT!" We disagree so does the pension investigation committee! MM! Word up CLEAR it's your crappy company now!
Better learn to read. the pension investigation is aimed at the PBGC not ALPA.

AAA ALPA not national, as BB says look to your own boys for that one. Was it also ALPA's fault the the F/A and MX pension failed too? Could it be the that the market was collapsing and your company was failing and there was nothing anyone could do?

My question was what did you want ALPA national to do to stop it?
Are you threatening me, boy? Not too smart are you? Making threats on a public forum. That may work with the pukes at YOUR union office but it doesn't fly wiith me.

Unless you are prepared to back up your empty threats....Liberal puke. Oh, I have read enough of your posts to figure that out too ;)


Lighten up Francis.....

You inferring that having a liberal mind is a bad thing? Better having an open mind than a lemming that votes against your own economic means.

The airlines did so well under......

HW Bush?
GW Bush?

Yeah sure told him.
I have a few buddies down at the dock I would like you to meet some dark night. Tell them that their

International Longshoremen's Association is merely an association and not a union, why dontcha?

And when they're done with their "discussion," we can have another group who merely have a "brotherhood," and not a union, cart what's left of you off in one of their semi- rigs.

The Northwest Flight Attendants, who kicked the Teamsters off the property, were not as impressed by threats of violence as you seem to be.
I have a few buddies down at the dock I would like you to meet some dark night. Tell them that their

International Longshoremen's Association is merely an association and not a union, why dontcha?

And when they're done with their "discussion," we can have another group who merely have a "brotherhood," and not a union, cart what's left of you off in one of their semi- rigs.
You are a LIAR. No longshoremen would hangout or be friends with any union busting scab easties, what a freakin clown.
You are a LIAR. No longshoremen would hangout or be friends with any union busting scab easties, what a freakin clown.

I'm more afraid of you than any of his buddies. I was there when you tried to take on a whole motorcycle gang. :eek:
"NOTHING ANYONE COULD HAVE DONE TO STOP IT!" We disagree so does the pension investigation committee!

Continental. TWA. United. Northwest. Delta.

Airlines that took a trip through bankruptcy and lost their A plans. But you think US Airways was somehow special and could've kept it's pension. Lemme guess: you also think you can get around binding arbitration by changing unions, too.
Did you or did you not give Nos a pass - what he does may be offensive but... - while chastising others who merely used Nos' rules against him? Double standard - an East pilot can use the "every individual in the group is as bad as the worst individual" and say offensive things about those who don't agree but how dare anyone else play by those same rules. You and the others wasted no time in circling the wagons to protect Nos.

Letting Nos play his silly game with no comment speaks volumes - you and the others have been more than happy to let him play fast and loose with reality. Maybe if you and the others get a taste of being on the receiving end you'll decide you don't like the game so much after all...


???????????What??????? You make no sense whatsoever?
???????????What??????? You make no sense whatsoever?
Ah, they have eyes but cannot see, ears but cannot hear...making sense of things never has been an East strong suit...

you said "Scabs and drug runners are one thing..... Offensive, yes.....but are one thing. Child molesters are a totally different breed." You gave Nos a pass while chastizing Jetz who merely used Nos' own tactics against him. So I hope you enjoy Nos' tactics used against every one of the Easties.

I hope the moderators are proud that they changed this board into a insults-flying free-for-all. Less work for them but it sure hasn't done anything to improve East-West relations.
My apologies. I miss read your post the first time, and in my haste I thought I was responding to an eastie. Then I realized what you were actually saying.

I agree that the moderators have really let this place sink into the abyss. I guess a "Jerry Springer" type of forum draws a bigger crowd. So be it.

I still don't think Jim cracked.

He's been holding back for years and making up for lost time, cashing in the chips he earned. Pretty funny how some on the east seem to think they got to Jim, telling him to take some time off, etc. Meanwhile, they're the ones about to be pushed off the cliff.
Ah, they have eyes but cannot see, ears but cannot hear...making sense of things never has been an East strong suit...

you said "Scabs and drug runners are one thing..... Offensive, yes.....but are one thing. Child molesters are a totally different breed." You gave Nos a pass while chastizing Jetz who merely used Nos' own tactics against him. So I hope you enjoy Nos' tactics used against every one of the Easties.


How are you feeling today Jim? Better? Have you enjoyed your game? Now that you have all the insubordinate easties to heel, and the westies again have you on your rightful pedestal, I'm going to give you one more shot to redeem yourself. Will you admit you were wrong in your interpretation of jetjok1's post?
The good thing about this for East pilots I suppose, is the hardening of attitudes it will cause. I would imagine the moderate posters such as PI, and JetJok who probably voted for ALPA the first time around and were voices for compromise are likely seeing what is plainly obvious for everyone else concerned. The two sides should never be able to work the same flights and separate ops should be a priority of anything going forward.
Lighten up Francis.....

You inferring that having a liberal mind is a bad thing? Better having an open mind than a lemming that votes against your own economic means.

The airlines did so well under......

HW Bush?
GW Bush?

Yeah sure told him.

Let's see, if this is a multiple choice question, I would choose Reagan. I was more than glad to help get Carter out of Washington. I think the Iranians were paying attention on inauguration day in '81. Carter was weak.

How was the economy under Carter, Mr Greenspan? You claim to be the expert. You tell me.

Probably too young to remember. Still drinking Kool-Aid, are ya?

Never mind.
I'm sure you meant to say the East MEC - you know, your East pals.

Do some research - there are different accounting standards for an ongoing pension vs a pension being terminated. An ongoing pension can be relatively well funded, but when using termination accounting it can be significantly underfunded. Add in the recession of the late 90's and early 00's when the stock market dropped like the proverbial rock and you have the mess that was the pilot's pension.

A question though - who did you have to...ummm...service to get your name in green when you were posting. Never seen anyone except Mods have a different color...

Do some research? Termination accounting? The pilots pension was no different than any other pension, there was a stockmarket drop, your kidding? What rest home are you in anyway? MM!
Great question.

Here is the answere. I have donated close to $3000 to AWAPPA, Cactus 18 and AOL over the past three years. Another way of looking at it is, I have donated less than the difference between an east 320 captains pay and my West 320 captains pay for a month for each year that usapa has been in existence. Considerably less actually.

Which brings up a different subject.

usapa is now seeking back pay in any contract proposal that would grant east pilots retro pay for parity to West pay for the last 5 years??? When did this pipedream start?? Is usapa seeking back pay for the out of seniority furloughs and downgrades suffered by West pilots whose jobs they have stolen??

usapa is nothing more than hypocritical scumbags. When usapa loses their disingenous LOA93 arbitration, then gets told by the NMB mediator to go f themselves, maybe they will wake up and realize the position they are in, that being, nobody negotiates with reneging scumbags whose word is worth less than the alleged dog doo they recieved in the mail.

Just like an almost certain loss in the LOA93 grievence, usapa will never get retro pay parity for its reneging supporters. So my $3000 pales in comparison to the tens of thousands usapa has cost the majority of east pilots on just the parity issue alone. As the West is found of saying enjoy LOA93 usapa losers.

Another awesome investor. With investments like that you should be well on your way to financial security. Have you had a chance to look into reverse mortgages yet? I hear they also pay out quite well. In the meantime, keep those donations coming...

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