US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Great question.

Here is the answere. I have donated close to $3000 to AWAPPA, Cactus 18 and AOL over the past three years. Another way of looking at it is, I have donated less than the difference between an east 320 captains pay and my West 320 captains pay for a month for each year that usapa has been in existence. Considerably less actually.

Which brings up a different subject.

usapa is now seeking back pay in any contract proposal that would grant east pilots retro pay for parity to West pay for the last 5 years??? When did this pipedream start?? Is usapa seeking back pay for the out of seniority furloughs and downgrades suffered by West pilots whose jobs they have stolen??

usapa is nothing more than hypocritical scumbags. When usapa loses their disingenous LOA93 arbitration, then gets told by the NMB mediator to go f themselves, maybe they will wake up and realize the position they are in, that being, nobody negotiates with reneging scumbags whose word is worth less than the alleged dog doo they recieved in the mail.

Just like an almost certain loss in the LOA93 grievence, usapa will never get retro pay parity for its reneging supporters. So my $3000 pales in comparison to the tens of thousands usapa has cost the majority of east pilots on just the parity issue alone. As the West is found of saying enjoy LOA93 usapa losers.
Well said Nic. Grab your fav lawn chair and make yourself comfortable, reach into the cooler and grab your fav brew, and just watch.
I owe you no explanation but it's obvious you skipped yesterday's posts or can't comprehend them. Do your homework...

More fantasy - ALPA gives the MEC great latitude and is blamed, ALPA gives the MEC no latitude and is blamed. All but the pension were voted for by the pilots who continually blame others for the results of their blind obedience to the Leader, no matter who it is.


No ALPA National intervention in the pension debacle was the last day they represented me, buh bye ALPA.......
You da man !...and paying our side too !

Maybe s/he can afford it, not living on LOA93 and all, plus, dues are tax deductible and guarantee this thing called a duty of fair representation.

hhmmm,,,fail in that duty and "suffer the pain of unquestionably ripe DFR".

By "pain" I am of course assuming they probably meant monetary damages. So Cactuspilot1 is indeed correct in his calling it an investment.
USAPA badge backer (without the Union Pilot part, since you have an association, not a real union)

I have a few buddies down at the dock I would like you to meet some dark night. Tell them that their

International Longshoremen's Association is merely an association and not a union, why dontcha?

And when they're done with their "discussion," we can have another group who merely have a "brotherhood," and not a union, cart what's left of you off in one of their semi- rigs.
I don't care what list gets used in the end. However, just like in elections, if you feel you are not being represented, you have the right to vote for who you feel will better represent you. That's what happened here, just like our last Presidential Election, can't please everyone.

If ALPA National continually endorses POS CBA's, LOA's and GIVING away Retirement Plans, NONE of which is good for the profession, well time for a new CB Representative.

HMMMMM, you think if the ALPA Merger Policy wasn't changed to include LOS now that UAL wouldn't be walking away from ALPA?
Pretty narrow view of the world. Just because US Airways sucked to work for does not mean that it is ALPA's fault. It was US airways that was BK and failing. That is the product of your airline on the union.

Let's see what usapa does if oil hits $150.00 again or goes BK. Do you think usapa will be able to gain anything in a contract or will usapa be at the table giving back?

What union brought you all those great contracts in the 80's that you all brag about?

AAA ALPA was the one that neg. and voted for contracts. Not national.
I have a few buddies down at the dock I would like you to meet some dark night. Tell them that their

International Longshoremen's Association is merely an association and not a union, why dontcha?

And when they're done with their "discussion," we can have another group who merely have a "brotherhood," and not a union, cart what's left of you off in one of their semi- rigs.
Union thugs and threats of violence. Is that what "union" means to you?

No thanks! That is not what a union or association means to me.

Typical east coast thug mentality. Not hard to figure out why US Airways was failing.
No ALPA National intervention in the pension debacle was the last day they represented me, buh bye ALPA.......
Quite delusional aren't you? It was your fellow Easties on the MEC that gave the pension away (though with US in bankruptcy they probably could at most have postponed it). ALPA (your fellow Easties on the MEC) still represented you - you were apparently too dumb to realize it. Hence your LOA 93 wages...

No ALPA National intervention in the pension debacle was the last day they represented me, buh bye ALPA.......
What would you have had national do? Put up the $2 billion that your pension was short? Tell you again to freeze your pension? Demand that the BK rules be changed just for you?

Your airline was failing and heading for liquidation. your pension was going and there was NOTHING anyone could have done to stop it. Blame whoever you want but bottom line it was your crappy company that caused it not national.
Pretty narrow view of the world. Just because US Airways sucked to work for does not mean that it is ALPA's fault. It was US airways that was BK and failing. That is the product of your airline on the union.

Let's see what usapa does if oil hits $150.00 again or goes BK. Do you think usapa will be able to gain anything in a contract or will usapa be at the table giving back?

What union brought you all those great contracts in the 80's that you all brag about?

AAA ALPA was the one that neg. and voted for contracts. Not national.

Um, well you will never get the ALPA National Accountability concept, I'll just drop it.

If oil goes to $150 a barrel, great. If LCC is not a viable entity, working for free won't save it. We know ALPA would be back at the table giving back, time will tell if the weak pilots will demand USAPA to "be at the table giving back" as ALPA (National ENDORSED) did.

How long has it taken for AWA to get an industry leading contract?
Quite delusional aren't you? It was your fellow Easties on the MEC that gave the pension away (though with US in bankruptcy they probably could at most have postponed it). ALPA (your fellow Easties on the MEC) still represented you - you were apparently too dumb to realize it. Hence your LOA 93 wages...


I'm always a NO voter, but in the past we didn't always get to vote.
What would you have had national do? Put up the $2 billion that your pension was short? Tell you again to freeze your pension? Demand that the BK rules be changed just for you?

Your airline was failing and heading for liquidation. your pension was going and there was NOTHING anyone could have done to stop it. Blame whoever you want but bottom line it was your crappy company that caused it not national.

Well at least we can count on you to buy into the sky is falling mantra from Management ..........
Actually, I think Cleary is promising that. Just another empty promise to keep the peons happy and kissing his ass..ets.



Oh, you mean the guy who stood up in the crewnews session a couple years back and accused Parker of furloughing as a negotiations tactic. The same guy who called Parker a liar at the company labor conference when he had the time to actuall show up and fail in his duty to represent West pilots??

History has proven him to be a complete moron. Furloughing as a negotiations tactic.....what an idiot...Parker should have told him right then and there..."Well Mike that would be awful presumptious on your part..we are not negotiating with you morons....since you have absolutely zero ground to stand on, you will either take what we give you, or you can sit in the status quo for the duration of your likely short tenure, longer if the east pilot group is stupid enough to keep you around, or better yet, keep a little idiot like you in power."

Had he called Parker a liar prior to this incident, he may have gotten that more factual answere.
How long has it taken for AWA to get an industry leading contract?
How long did it take All American Airways/Allegheny/US? Let's see - started carrying passengers in the 1940's (we'll just ignore the mail only operation that preceded that) to two months of an "industry leading contract" in 2002. Then a few years later down to industry bottom pay. That's 50-60 years for a couple of months of that "industry leading contract" that you immediately gave away so I don't think I'd be bragging about that...

I have a few buddies down at the dock I would like you to meet some dark night. Tell them that their

International Longshoremen's Association is merely an association and not a union, why dontcha?

And when they're done with their "discussion," we can have another group who merely have a "brotherhood," and not a union, cart what's left of you off in one of their semi- rigs.

..........can't type....shaking in boots. :blink: is that the best you can come up with?
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