US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You da man !...and paying our side too !

I'm paying your side because the law says I must pay my so-called bargaining agent. I'm playing by the rules rather than trying to cheat a process like Usapians.

I'm more than happy to pay Usapian dues because the longer this thing drags out, damages multiply.

See y'all in court....All three of you :lol:
Based on those investments I think you should buy into some Myan calenders stock....

While you've got everything invested in Remember - Mayan calendars are amazingly accurate even by today's standards, so make a pretty good investment as long as you ignore the simpletons that claim they predict the end of the world. Hmmm - sorta like the simpletons that predict victory for USAPA...

I have a sincere question for you. Do you have a life outside of this web board that you seem to be on 24/7/365?

You mean like chasing little girls around trying to take pictures with a cell phone like Easties? Or keeping a collection of little boy pictures like "BIG"busdrvr?

You mean like chasing little girls around trying to take pictures with a cell phone like Easties? Or keeping a collection of little boy pictures like "BIG"busdrvr?


I said "sincere" Jim. Thanks for the above though, you are bitter for some reason........
I agree and that is exactly what happened to ALPA a couple of years ago.......
Oh, that's right - the big exodus of pilots from ALPA promised by the Easties. All the other big carriers' pilots were going to follow the shining path laid out by the East pilots, right? Still waiting on that fantasy to unfold. Just like the East fantasy of all the "friend of the court" briefs supporting USAPA that other unions were going to file with the courts. Like I said, there are those who are blind to reality...

Why would I want to do anything about it. You are the one that thinks we care. I cold use a good laugh. By the way, how much did you donate to the cause?[ Keep those donations coming....


Great question.

Here is the answere. I have donated close to $3000 to AWAPPA, Cactus 18 and AOL over the past three years. Another way of looking at it is, I have donated less than the difference between an east 320 captains pay and my West 320 captains pay for a month for each year that usapa has been in existence. Considerably less actually.

Which brings up a different subject.

usapa is now seeking back pay in any contract proposal that would grant east pilots retro pay for parity to West pay for the last 5 years??? When did this pipedream start?? Is usapa seeking back pay for the out of seniority furloughs and downgrades suffered by West pilots whose jobs they have stolen??

usapa is nothing more than hypocritical scumbags. When usapa loses their disingenous LOA93 arbitration, then gets told by the NMB mediator to go f themselves, maybe they will wake up and realize the position they are in, that being, nobody negotiates with reneging scumbags whose word is worth less than the alleged dog doo they recieved in the mail.

Just like an almost certain loss in the LOA93 grievence, usapa will never get retro pay parity for its reneging supporters. So my $3000 pales in comparison to the tens of thousands usapa has cost the majority of east pilots on just the parity issue alone. As the West is found of saying enjoy LOA93 usapa losers.
usapa is now seeking back pay in any contract proposal that would grant east pilots retro pay for parity to West pay for the last 5 years???

Actually, I think Cleary is promising that. Just another empty promise to keep the peons happy and kissing his ass..ets.

Oh, that's right - the big exodus of pilots from ALPA promised by the Easties. All the other big carriers' pilots were going to follow the shining path laid out by the East pilots, right? Still waiting on that fantasy to unfold. Just like the East fantasy of all the "friend of the court" briefs other unions were going to file with the courts. Like I said, there are those who are blind to reality...


I don't care what list gets used in the end. However, just like in elections, if you feel you are not being represented, you have the right to vote for who you feel will better represent you. That's what happened here, just like our last Presidential Election, can't please everyone.

If ALPA National continually endorses POS CBA's, LOA's and GIVING away Retirement Plans, NONE of which is good for the profession, well time for a new CB Representative.

HMMMMM, you think if the ALPA Merger Policy wasn't changed to include LOS now that UAL wouldn't be walking away from ALPA?
That would be stock clerk, one's classification, have nothing to do with their knowledge, education and experience.
I agree. It's the message that counts but on the other hand, I love it when chipmunks insist that the message does depend on what uniform you wear to work, what your paycheck says, or how long you've been around.
It explains why they are so easily duped. Dress up neatly and put some BS title behind your name and preach the message they want to hear and voila! They'll be throwing money at you!
If ALPA National continually endorses POS CBA's, LOA's and GIVING away Retirement Plans, NONE of which is good for the profession, well time for a new CB Representative.

HMMMMM, you think if the ALPA Merger Policy wasn't changed to include LOS now that UAL wouldn't be walking away from ALPA?

More fantasy - ALPA gives the MEC great latitude and is blamed, ALPA gives the MEC no latitude and is blamed. All but the pension were voted for by the pilots who continually blame others for the results of their blind obedience to the Leader, no matter who it is.

I gave you fair warning, but you failed to comprehend it. So take your lumps like a good little boy...


I don't know what you are talking about, but your unprofessional posts to me in regards to little girls and little boys speaks volumes about you, so besides living your retired life on this web board, what else do you do on line???????
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