US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I think some one out west has some dirt on Jimmy (boeing boy) maybe pics of him and other boys, im just guessin....he does seem to preach a lot, kinda like a prierst.....just tryin to follow the trail.....hhmmm....he sure seems to be in there back pocket, or is just rt in their drawers...inquiring minds want to know...did i mention that i dislike jim?

Hey guys...this is just a little over the all need to back off a bit ....JMHO....get back to he issues!!!
None of the West guys have done a thing to anyone here....just trying to cash the check NIC handed them
.....we believe the check is backed by nothing least compared to the East......the train has been seriously derailed
if you can't participate here ....with a least a little tongue in cheek,....then take a break........hey BB why don't you just stay away for a month may even be missed.....give yourselves a break........asfor you might be spending a lot of time jousting
with some one who wasn't even born when you held your pilots license!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and by the way.......NICDOA........NPJB.......
I think you need some rest. You have made some good contributions to this forum, everyone knows this.

30 in 7 is a good rule for a message board too. See you in a few days.

Trying to make up rules that you don't abide by Nos (or Joe)? I guess rules are for everyone else in your fantasy world, not you. As the saying goes I'm serious as a heart attack. Besides, I'm finding that it's easier to just make up lies like you do instead of attempt to keep discussions at an adult level. So how was that court approved predator evaluation? Maybe that was weighing on you when you had so much trouble on that last check ride.


I think some one out west has some dirt on Jimmy (boeing boy) maybe pics of him and other boys, im just guessin....he does seem to preach a lot, kinda like a prierst.....just tryin to follow the trail.....hhmmm....he sure seems to be in there back pocket, or is just rt in their drawers...inquiring minds want to know...did i mention that i dislike jim?

Thanks Barrister - I missed that post of bigbusdrvr. Don't worry, though, cause I won't forget him. Maybe I'll pray for him - he needs help given his preference for little girls...

Oh, and B, maybe your advice should be directed at Nos - the king of the lie.

You all need to grow up! This has been going on long enough! Pee on each other's legs. mark your territory, or do whats necessary and move on! Nothing will change and what was determined in the Nic will stand. Mergers are mergers and sorry for the people who do not benefit frome them. I will admit that I am a flight attendant and say what you want but this isn't my first rodeo and sure as hell isn't my last. I have worked for a company thats gone bankrupt, been transferred by juniority, and furloughed by yes... US Airways. We don't have it so good on the AFA side but do you see us fightiing amongst each other? No! We are trying to unite and fight for what we deserve. When this merger happened you were all ALPA... and when one side of the house didn't get what they wanted they cried like a baby and pouted in the corner. It is what it is folks so you may as well just live with it if you want some sort of quality of life for the rest of your career. Oh and by the way... yes the junior flight attendants at this company do qualify for food stamps and accept them graciously at the accord of the child acting pilots at US that has been holding up our negotiations for years! Stick that in your self rightous A$$e$ and see if you can afford your boat slip and registration in Florida next year. Oh and by the way... the next time you want to deny an east/west pilot on a vice versa cockpit jumpseat... as long as one of my FA colleagues isn't requesting it. Its all theirs!
Looks like Nos has slithered back to his hole and the rest of you have been struck speechless. Maybe it's Nos that has the pictures of you all with little boys, or is it just unthinkable for an Eastie to criticize him. I was serious earlier - after 3+ years of being your punching bag while mostly trying to take the high road I give up. I can get down and dirty with the best of you and fully intend to. So you can decide - muzzle Nos (a public admission here that he made up lies and an apology from him will do) or it's mud wrestling for at least the next 3+ years (or until you're all beaten down by the courts, whichever comes first).

Do any of you realize, no matter what bravado, and chest thumping posts you make, its not gonna change the nic, or the outcome one bit.

The proverbial "lav truck driver" according to the East lemmings on this board, has yet to be proven inaccurate in anything he's ever posted. Three years on and USAPA isn't anywhere close to contract. You will see nothing but the Nic. Reality is a bitzh for the delusional.
I think you need some rest. You have made some good contributions to this forum, everyone knows this.

30 in 7 is a good rule for a message board too. See you in a few days.

I think you need some rest too... Seriously, take a time out and read the training manuals again- maybe those V1 cuts won't surprise you so much next time. This whole Nicolau seniority list is really getting to you over the past three years. Acceptance is a hard but good thing. Put your emotions and energy where they are needed more, we all know where that is. Peace.
Holy crap boeing boy is #### slapping the clowns all around the big tent. They are dazed and confused. Lol

I noticed that too. I think their tent is about to collapse and the show is about to hit the road.

It's just a dog and pony show and Jim knows it.
The proverbial "lav truck driver" according to the East lemmings on this board, has yet to be proven inaccurate in anything he's ever posted. Three years on and USAPA isn't anywhere close to contract. You will see nothing but the Nic. Reality is a bitzh for the delusional.
That would be stock clerk, one's classification, have nothing to do with their knowledge, education and experience. But thanks for the compliment.
Libya and Hitler's Germany have at least one thing in common with YOUR union. They hate(d) dissenters. All I have to do is point at a lawsuit by YOUR union against 18 pilots YOUR union claims to represent. How did it work for you? The case was punted out of court. You can't control free speech. It appears the Supreme Court had the last word on that subject.

Deal with it.

You know, I had almost forgotten about the 'Feces 18'. Thanks for the memory. How are those crapshooters doing anyway?

How did it work for me? Gave me quite a laugh, thank you. Still cracks me up. But you go ahead and honor them. Maybe you could give them a chocolate badge backer...

You know, I had almost forgotten about the 'Feces 18'. Thanks for the memory. How are those crapshooters doing anyway?

How did it work for me? Gave me quite a laugh, thank you. Still cracks me up. But you go ahead and honor them. Maybe you could give them a chocolate badge backer...


Maybe we will do that. C18 (actually 24) are heroes to all of us out west. You guys tried a Blitzkrieg attack on a select few, a sucker punch, in an effort to break the resolve and demoralize the west. Totally backfired, especially after the Appeals Court told your counsel to get the he** out of court. That was priceless! Subtle words in judicial speak go unnoticed by many of the idiots out east, but the meaning certainly isn't lost by AOL and the west pilots. We got a good laugh reading both the district and appeals courts' writings. Great laugh! And it really helped more on the west understand how diabolical and stupid the east is (painting with broad brush strokes here- THANKS NOS!) which turbocharged the funding of AOL. Thank you V, you guys helped us more than you will ever realize.
Good luck finding your way out of that collapsing tent...
You know, I had almost forgotten about the 'Feces 18'. Thanks for the memory. How are those crapshooters doing anyway?

How did it work for me? Gave me quite a laugh, thank you. Still cracks me up. But you go ahead and honor them. Maybe you could give them a chocolate badge backer...


Hey Jack,

I wear my Cactus 18 shirt proudly on layovers. Just to rub it (feces) in your face. Not a damn thing you can do about it, loser.
You know, I had almost forgotten about the 'Feces 18'. Thanks for the memory. How are those crapshooters doing anyway?

How did it work for me? Gave me quite a laugh, thank you. Still cracks me up. But you go ahead and honor them. Maybe you could give them a chocolate badge backer...

Yep, just the first of the promised fireworks shows by the great Oz that fizzled (pay no attention to the little sleaze and his sleazettes hiding behind the curtain)...

Wow, I never thought I'd see the day when BoeingBoy would crack. I say bravo yet at the same time it's a bit saddening. The treachery of the East claims another victim.

I hope the moderators are proud that they changed this board into a insults-flying free-for-all. Less work for them but it sure hasn't done anything to improve East-West relations.
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