US Pilots Labor Discussion

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This issue parallels the seniority issue.

Here, you know the "picture taker" was wrong and should be admonished by the pilot group. The group does not want to be tied in with him yet they do nothing to remove themselves from him or him from themselves.

In the seniority issue I am sure that there are east pilots who believe that (like it or not) it is wrong to ignore binding arbitration and wrong to attempt to overturn the decision and reneg on agreements made with the east. Many also know that the RICO against AWA pilots was wrong in so many ways.

Yet.... Although they know what the east is doing is wrong they do NOTHING to make the situation right. They hide away, along for the ride, hoping that eventually things work out in their favor - even though they know they are WRONG.

So, yes, it is guilt by association when you stand by and do nothing. You have no right to get all righteous if you have made no attempt to right the wrongs around you.
Show me a list of 100 east pilots that think that we are wrong, Just 100 thats all. Put up or SHUT UP. No three page answers just 100 names.
I like this site because it allows debate. At least you have the ability to put someone in time-out if they don't play nice. Kinda like what I did to poor Mikey. He loves attention and is getting ignored. :p
No Duphis, I was working and my laptop locked up so I couldnt watch you swim in your mental cesspool, nice backstroke hey! look brown trout swimming beside you.
Show me a list of 100 east pilots that think that we are wrong, Just 100 thats all. Put up or SHUT UP. No three page answers just 100 names.
You've been playing the Nos side of the game too long - you don't understand the rules. The one making the claim has to prove nothing - just keep making the accusations again and again. Dispute the truth of the accusation and you just get attacked for something different. You Easties let Nos play his game for 3 years with nary a peep, time for turnabout....

Shot any airplanes lately mikey?

Well, so far we have a link between USAPA and Libya and Hitlers Germany. Surely you can do better than than. Come on, throw a real punch. My nose isn't even bleeding ....I do love the insults however. Justification of the inverse relationship.


Given your admiration for Hilter's army, you should be happy.
You've been playing the Nos side of the game too long - you don't understand the rules. The one making the claim has to prove nothing - just keep making the accusations again and again. Dispute the truth of the accusation and you just get attacked for something different. You Easties let Nos play his game for 3 years with nary a peep, time for turnabout....

Shot any airplanes lately mikey?

I didnt make the claim you. He claimed that many east pilots would and I just stated that I would like to see a list of 100 just 100. Go back and play big fish in little pond you two faced pain in the ass.
I didnt make the claim you moron.

And thus you don't understand the rules, pea brain. The one making the claim doesn't have to prove anything - the claim stands on it's own. That's Nos' rules, don't like them muzzle him.

Had any more warrants issued for your phone mikey?

And thus you don't understand the rules, pea brain. The one making the claim doesn't have to prove anything - the claim stands on it's own. That's Nos' rules, don't like them muzzle him.

Had any more warrants issued for your phone mikey?

Why do you have a 737 sticker in the window behind you on your avatar? Your ego is so big, your afraid someone might think your in a dash-9 or something. What are you 65-70 and still living in the past.You probably still go out in uniform shirts and black pants and your "fly'n shades. Ramble on about Nos and everyone else you can get in your sights but remember your a sorry old man that lives on this fourm, no friends no nothing. PS I missed the " warrants issued for my phone " comment and I dont care. And one more thing, your rambling about Nos, I vertually never read them.
See, you can't even play a simple game right - you're still taking the role of Nos. But how about deciphering something for me. "And one more thing, your rambling about Nos, I vertually never read them." Did you mean that you vertically never read them or virtually never read them? Or is it some kind of made up 2 years old language?

Also, do you still carry those inflatable kids water wings "just in case" when you go to LGA?

See, you can't even play a simple game right - you're still taking the role of Nos. But how about deciphering something for me. "And one more thing, your rambling about Nos, I vertually never read them." Did you mean that you vertically never read them or virtually never read them? Or is it some kind of made up 2 years old language?

Also, do you still carry those inflatable kids water wings "just in case" when you go to LGA?

Would you like to guess what company the two pilots,no four pilots came from?
Would you like to guess what company the two pilots,no four pilots came from?
Doesn't matter - anyone in the group is guilty of whatever anyone else in the group or the majority of the group does. And that is the East group now. You see, I've been subjected to about all kinds of attacks over the last 3+ years, and by all of you thinking you were so smart, for the "crime" of not agreeing that DOH is the Gold Standard. When you all defended Nos this morning you crossed a line. I will now say whatever I can think of about all of you and repeat it as often as I want. You all enjoyed Nos' game as long as the West and people like me were the target, so you all get to be my personal targets for the next 3+ years.

Now you are an especially ripe target, having already admitted that you want to screw the West pilots royally. Heck, you'd probably rent your grandmother out by the hour to any lowlife (your friends, in other words) for one seniority number.

Here's a hint about your warrant: link

Enjoy the game - I know that I will...

Seems like mikey doesn't want to play any more...loves to be the one dishing it out but goes crying to mommy if anyone dares to make him the target. Anyone else...I see you lurking out there...

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