US Pilots Labor Discussion

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And then you went on to blame a WEST crew...

You sound like a kid

You have the hardest time grapsing the most simple things. I didn't blame the west crew, I said that is where I got the info. It wasn't a deposition, it was a friendly conversation with both sides agreeing that every company has a few that "slip through".

So, another poster said he was gone. Was he a west pilot? Was it OK for him to beat the crap out of the guy? What if he had killed the guy by accident? Why did he leave, was it the west pilots that took him out? If he was an east pilot would it have been awful, but a west pilots just a boys will be boys thing?

I really don't care. My point is that there will always be bad apples and it is wrong to compare the whole group to them. But at least on this board for one group to say the other has the high ground is a crock.
Seems like mikey doesn't want to play any more...loves to be the one dishing it out but goes crying to mommy if anyone dares to make him the target. Anyone else...I see you lurking out there...



I think maybe we pushed you too hard. These last few pages are bizarre for you. Maybe you should take a break and talk to someone, seriously.

I think maybe we pushed you too hard. These last few pages are bizarre for you. Maybe you should take a break and talk to someone, seriously.

I think some one out west has some dirt on Jimmy (boeing boy) maybe pics of him and other boys, im just guessin....he does seem to preach a lot, kinda like a prierst.....just tryin to follow the trail.....hhmmm....he sure seems to be in there back pocket, or is just rt in their drawers...inquiring minds want to know...did i mention that i dislike jim?

I think maybe we pushed you too hard. These last few pages are bizarre for you. Maybe you should take a break and talk to someone, seriously.

Let me tell you a secret junior. That's not a throne of righteousness you're sitting in - it's your high chair that your mommy straps you in so she can get a break. All the nonsense you've posted about DOH not being fair to the West is just your cover - you've done nothing to even attempt to influence the direction of USAPA. All you want is to make up for what you've lost on the backs of the West pilots.

Here's a hint for you - you'll not "make out better than" me if you work to 70. I'm at least half a million dollars ahead and pulling away every day you're on LOA 93. Which you voted for since you were "too old to start over" at the time.

Let me tell you a secret junior. That's not a throne of righteousness you're sitting in - it's your high chair that your mommy straps you in so she can get a break. All the nonsense you've posted about DOH not being fair to the West is just your cover - you've done nothing to even attempt to influence the direction of USAPA. All you want is to make up for what you've lost on the backs of the West pilots.

Here's a hint for you - you'll not "make out better than" me if you work to 70. I'm at least half a million dollars ahead and pulling away every day you're on LOA 93. Which you voted for since you were "too old to start over" at the time.


Absolutely right on all counts Jim.
Doesn't matter - anyone in the group is guilty of whatever anyone else in the group or the majority of the group does. And that is the East group now. You see, I've been subjected to about all kinds of attacks over the last 3+ years, and by all of you thinking you were so smart, for the "crime" of not agreeing that DOH is the Gold Standard. When you all defended Nos this morning you crossed a line. I will now say whatever I can think of about all of you and repeat it as often as I want. You all enjoyed Nos' game as long as the West and people like me were the target, so you all get to be my personal targets for the next 3+ years.

Now you are an especially ripe target, having already admitted that you want to screw the West pilots royally. Heck, you'd probably rent your grandmother out by the hour to any lowlife (your friends, in other words) for one seniority number.

Here's a hint about your warrant: link

Enjoy the game - I know that I will...


You need help.

Beoing Boy Mutiny
Hate you buddy.....

And that's supposed to be some kind of big revelation??? You hate everybody that doesn't bow down and kiss your as...feet. Your screen name tells your story - everyone is supposed to be in awe since you're supposedly a "BIG"busdrvr. So how many West airplanes have you clipped "BIG"busdrvr? Methinks that hit a nerve...

You need help.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! What's the matter mean Nos - you don't like this little game you invented. But speaking of help, a little bird told me you needed two days of extra sim training to squeak by your last check ride. Are you gonna do better next time or are you just too busy making up lies?

Ah, the big bad Easties. Nos has been back with his usual bag of tricks for what - 10...15 minutes and not a word from any of you. You all must like this game too.....

Oh, I smell wood burning. Nos is busy composing more of his usual drivel. PI, bigbusdrvr, any Eastie - nothing to say it seems. Reserving your venom for me and the Westies I guess...

Ah, the big bad Easties. Nos has been back with his usual bag of tricks for what - 10...15 minutes and not a word from any of you. You all must like this game too.....


I think you need some rest. You have made some good contributions to this forum, everyone knows this.

30 in 7 is a good rule for a message board too. See you in a few days.
Ah, the big bad Easties. Nos has been back with his usual bag of tricks for what - 10...15 minutes and not a word from any of you. You all must like this game too.....

Wow, for a bunch of grown men, the east pilots who are so anti-west and anti-nic are so immature, you all need to get a psych evaluation before you get in the cockpit.

Do any of you realize, no matter what bravado, and chest thumping posts you make, its not gonna change the nic, or the outcome one bit.

Some of you really need to grow up.
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