US Pilots Labor Discussion

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If someone told you two years ago that the people of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Yemen would band together to topple their oppressive and dictatorial regimes to force democratic reforms you would probably ask that person just what drug they were smoking. It is positively breathtaking to witness the oppressed transform their craving for freedom into action.

Concurrently, we watch the embattled dictators of these troubled nations proclaim with psychotic certainty the demise of the so called rebels and the infallibility of their regimes. In times reminiscent of Baghdad Bob, Muammar al-Qaddafi recently boasted to the press that his approval numbers have never been higher and his regime was winning the war.

In the grand scheme of our existence, the birth of democracy in the Middle East should never share the same papyrus as our struggles living under the USAPA regime. TheEye, however, feels it’s imperative to understand that human beings have an inherent yearning for freedom and upward mobility.

The recent mudslinging by the east domicile representatives is indicative of a regime teetering on the edge of collapse. The founders of USAPA along with the PHL and DCA reps are firing salvos at the current president and CLT reps. In turn, the CLT reps and president are firing back with absurd claims that they are launching their final attacks on the enemy and victory is around the corner.

The frustration level has reached its maximum because in three years USAPA has done absolutely nothing for the US Airways pilots. Quasi date-of-hire is no where close to being achieved nor is an industry standard contract.

In the latest distended rant by the CLT representatives they proclaim “We will not bring you a contract without back pay and parity provisions for our last 5 years of equal work for unequal pay. Management needs to know that the clock is ticking, and every day they delay, our new contract will cost them more money.”

Unbeknownst to the CLT reps, every day USAPA delays negotiating in earnest with the Company the US Airways pilots are losing millions in lost wages and benefits, not Doug Parker.

USAPA cannot and will not bring a contract with 5 years of back pay. But then again, this delusional proclamation by the CLT reps is indicative of their overall ignorance. Their rant started with a lecture that the cost of oil is not the problem of the US Airways pilots. Evidently McKee, Crimi, and Ingram didn’t miss their profit sharing checks in 2009 and 2010 when US Airways lost billions due to the rapid rise in the cost of oil. To them, the cost of oil is Doug Parker’s problem, not the pilots. Tell that to the hundreds of pilots who were sent packing during the worst recession in recent memory.

Eventually, the US Airways pilots on both coasts will need to find a better way to move forward. The divide and conquer strategy of USAPA is not sustainable.

USAPA was damaged goods from the first day of its existence. Unions are meant to bring workers together for the greater good. USAPA on the other hand was specifically designed as a bully to overpower a helpless minority.

Just like in the Middle East, this strategy cannot and will not succeed. Human nature dictates that the minority will never stop fighting their oppressors.

For as long as the oppressor attempts to stay in power, chaos and disfunction will rule the day.

Bravo! What a wonderful synopsis of current events. If I were a westicle I would be so happy to find some semblance of justification in worldly events. Unfortunately, the reality is again much different than the minor infighting that has occured in every power regime in history. Tell us again how ineffective USAPA is and how they will never succeed because it makes me realize all the more just how well they are doing. The company clearly does not want a contract and it is a mute point anyway since we all have to wait for the results of LOA 93 before going any further. Once that occurs and only then will either side have any reason to press forward. So rant all you want for as long as you want and read anything into the childish bickericking. Cleary is awesome and has never once lost focus. He will stay the course and noone will ever have to doubt his resolve.

Cleary is awesome and has never once lost focus. He will stay the course and noone will ever have to doubt his resolve.

You confuse focus with tunnel vision.

tunnel vision 
1. a drastically narrowed field of vision, as in looking through a tube, symptomatic of retinitis pigmentosa.
2. an extremely narrow or prejudiced outlook; narrow-mindedness.
Fodder again, Eh Jim, show me MY post where I backed Nos...Sum....or whatever or whoever he is. I'm waiting.... show me! Pi brat asked me a question and I gave him an honest answer.......something some people around here lack
Did you or did you not give Nos a pass - what he does may be offensive but... - while chastising others who merely used Nos' rules against him? Double standard - an East pilot can use the "every individual in the group is as bad as the worst individual" and say offensive things about those who don't agree but how dare anyone else play by those same rules. You and the others wasted no time in circling the wagons to protect Nos.

Letting Nos play his silly game with no comment speaks volumes - you and the others have been more than happy to let him play fast and loose with reality. Maybe if you and the others get a taste of being on the receiving end you'll decide you don't like the game so much after all...

Bravo! What a wonderful synopsis of current events. If I were a westicle I would be so happy to find some semblance of justification in worldly events. So rant all you want for as long as you want and read anything into the childish bickericking.

Bickericking? Bravo!! A new word.

I'll add Westicle to your impressive vocabulary as well :lol:
So out of touch. When I've seen things that I feel are undeniably wrong, I've said so, like the picture guy and and the RICO. What would you like me to do, get a rope? The picture guy was dealt with by the legal system.

What are you doing about the west guy accused of attempted murder?

Not out of touch at all. Yes, it's nice that you voice your opposition to the wrongdoings of your union. Too bad you don't actually DO SOMETHING like initiate a recall of your leadership. That's the point of my post. Those of you that recognize the wrongs will say something but DO NOTHING. You are coasting along hoping that you get your way yet admit that your way is wrong.

We have no one on our list accused of attempted murder. The guy you refer to is no longer on the seniority list.

But, thanks. Keep on saying you don't agree with ucrapa. At least it's a start.
Not out of touch at all. Yes, it's nice that you voice your opposition to the wrongdoings of your union. Too bad you don't actually DO SOMETHING like initiate a recall of your leadership. That's the point of my post. Those of you that recognize the wrongs will say something but DO NOTHING. You are coasting along hoping that you get your way yet admit that your way is wrong.

We have no one on our list accused of attempted murder. The guy you refer to is no longer on the seniority list.

But, thanks. Keep on saying you don't agree with ucrapa. At least it's a start.

Do something? How do you know what I have or have not done? Why don't you tell me since you know.
Did you or did you not give Nos a pass - what he does may be offensive but... - while chastising others who merely used Nos' ruules against him? Double standard - an East pilot can use the "every individual in the group is as bad as the worst individual" and say offensive things about those who don't agree but how dare anyone else play by those same rules. You and the others wasted no time in circling the wagons to protect Nos.

Letting Nos play his silly game with no comment speaks volumes - you and the others have been more than happy to let him play fast and loose with reality. Maybe if you and the others get a taste of being on the receiving end you'll decide you don't like the game so much after all...


As sure as the sun will come up tomorrow, Jim can't admit he was wrong! I'm expecting you westies to step up and tell him!
Yep. That worked great for Hitler. Germany certainly reaped the benefits of his "resolve" as well.

Well, so far we have a link between USAPA and Libya and Hitlers Germany. Surely you can do better than than. Come on, throw a real punch. My nose isn't even bleeding ....I do love the insults however. Justification of the inverse relationship.

Quiet junior. What's up with this "Do something? How do you know what I have or have not done? Why don't you tell me since you know." That's part of Nos' favorite game - why stick with the truth - which you chose to ignore as long as you weren't the target. You thought Nos' rules were fine as long as the game was directed at the West, Jetz, or me - how's it feel to be on the receiving end...

Well, so far we have a link between USAPA and Libya and Hitlers Germany. Surely you can do better than than. Come on, throw a real punch. My nose isn't even bleeding ....I do love the insults however. Justification of the inverse relationship.

Well, we could go into pedophilia again, but you all went crying to mommy the last time that came up. You do love to dish it out, but cry foul when on the receiving end...

Well, so far we have a link between USAPA and Libya and Hitlers Germany. Surely you can do better than than. Come on, throw a real punch. My nose isn't even bleeding ....I do love the insults however. Justification of the inverse relationship.


Libya and Hitler's Germany have at least one thing in common with YOUR union. They hate(d) dissenters. All I have to do is point at a lawsuit by YOUR union against 18 pilots YOUR union claims to represent. How did it work for you? The case was punted out of court. You can't control free speech. It appears the Supreme Court had the last word on that subject.

Deal with it.
Quiet junior. What's up with this "Do something? How do you know what I have or have not done? Why don't you tell me since you know." That's part of Nos' favorite game - why stick with the truth - which you chose to ignore as long as you weren't the target. You thought Nos' rules were fine as long as the game was directed at the West, Jetz, or me - how's it feel to be on the receiving end...


You completely ignored that I defended you about your feelings about doh, huh? How dare I not step up and defend the Messiah at every turn!

So, you scream like a stuck pig when its done to you, but enjoy it when its used on orhers. How "integrity" of you!
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