US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Once again reading comprehension eludes you. I said I got it wrong and shouldn't have taken their word for granted. I said I couldn't even find the guy on a seniority list, so the papers may have gotten it wrong. That is want I was told by a west crew though. Something came up about one of our guys, maybe the photographer, and the very friendly crew said "we all have our winners" and mentioned this episode.

Besides, I should have know that the keepers of all that is good and pure in the world could have never done anything wrong.

And then you went on to blame a WEST crew...

You sound like a kid
My, My...mean and funny at the same time, and still pathetic...check the percentages all you like - you realize that a guy going from #1 on his side's list to #2 on the combined list lost 100% of his previous seniority, right junior?

PI brat is exposing his brat wings - Nos light so to speak. He's gotten to the point that he can't make a post aimed at a Westie or me without taking a swat at the target. Now I have to decide if jetjok's backing him up was just the standard Eastie covering for Eastie - after all they all came out in force supporting Nos yesterday, including some newbies. I guess PI got tired of pretending to be even-handed and level-headed and had to eventually let it out. Funny he should mention the Kaegel award - he lost much more than I did in that so now wants to get it back on the backs of the Westies...


My thoughts exactly- can't leave anything alone without taking a swipe at some supposedly "anonymous west crew told me this info" BS. Very silver spoon-ish way to act.
PI brat is exposing his brat wings - Nos light so to speak. He's gotten to the point that he can't make a post aimed at a Westie or me without taking a swat at the target. Now I have to decide if jetjok's backing him up was just the standard Eastie covering for Eastie - after all they all came out in force supporting Nos yesterday, including some newbies. I guess PI got tired of pretending to be even-handed and level-headed and had to eventually let it out. Funny he should mention the Kaegel award - he lost much more than I did in that so now wants to get it back on the backs of the Westies...


Fodder again, Eh Jim, show me MY post where I backed Nos...Sum....or whatever or whoever he is. I'm waiting.... show me! Pi brat asked me a question and I gave him an honest answer.......something some people around here lack
You're the one that challenged me- or is your revisionist history kicking in again? And you never answered the question, but here it is again.

If Monda has moved up about 150 numbers since May of 2005 and he now has 600 pilots behind him, how can you reconcile that as "no growth" of the east seniority list?

EDIT: I will make this simple for you. Monda has moved up about 150 to 200 numbers since May of 2005, and he now has over 600 pilots below him. So, whazzup with that???

No qualifiers there? On the Nic award Monda had 1752 names below him, on the 2011 east list, 811, so he has 941 fewer numbers below him. I believe you said before that he had moved up more than that, but if I take your word 150 to 200 is well within the amount of attrition on the east since May '05.

How can the May '05 bid have over 2700 pilot slots(which Jim said were butts in the seats), but the east have only 2200 active pilots, as you claim? Define growth, because as I said your definition must not match anyone I an come up with.

Still looking for a '05 east only list to break down.
Fodder again, Eh Jim, show me MY post where I backed Nos...Sum....or whatever or whoever he is. I'm waiting.... show me! Pi brat asked me a question and I gave him an honest answer.......something some people around here lack

You won't get an admission jet, he can't do it, he has to add you to the list of easties that just can't tell the truth, with no reason.
And then you went on to blame a WEST crew...

You sound like a kid

And you have the audacity to complain about attacks?...

All PI was stating was where he obtained the information... if you want to call it "blame"... well I guess you're right... they were to "blame" if they put out bad information.
Wow, this place has gone to the dogs since the rules were changed. You guys should all take a week break and come back only if you have something to say. The last few pages on this board are an embarrassment to the profession. What would you say if your kids were acting like this?
You have my permission to post my personal message on this thread...
It was deleted about 30 seconds after it was opened. But feel free to re-post it here, so everyone can see your narcism.

I'd love to hear THAT conversation...

Nos: "Dear Mr. Smisek, one of your pilots called me a bad name on an anonymous public forum. Wahhhh!"

Smisek: "What did he say?"

Nos: "That my union supports a person convicted of being a child predator."

Smisek: "Did your union dismiss him from membership?"

Nos: "No."

Smisek: "Are they protecting him from being fired by the company?"

Nos: "Yes, but that's besides the point.

Smisek: "Are you a member of that union?"

Nos: "Yes, but what's this got to do with ME???"

Smisek: "Well, seems to me like you are part of a group who supports a child predator."

Nos: "No one ever listens to Me, ME, ME! Just like on the darn airline forums."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I know it's a hard concept for you, but try to wrap your brain cells around these three things:

- Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
- You have the power to bully no one.
- You certainly do not scare anyone with your tough talk.

... to point out how you are in others back yard when your own united airlines pilot groups cba is at a standstill.

Standstill, huh? Lets see... currently meeting with the company under the supervision of the NMB. (Which is the final step leading to a contract or being released to self help.) Is that what you call a standstill? You prove your ignorance every day.

If someone told you two years ago that the people of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Yemen would band together to topple their oppressive and dictatorial regimes to force democratic reforms you would probably ask that person just what drug they were smoking. It is positively breathtaking to witness the oppressed transform their craving for freedom into action.

Concurrently, we watch the embattled dictators of these troubled nations proclaim with psychotic certainty the demise of the so called rebels and the infallibility of their regimes. In times reminiscent of Baghdad Bob, Muammar al-Qaddafi recently boasted to the press that his approval numbers have never been higher and his regime was winning the war.

In the grand scheme of our existence, the birth of democracy in the Middle East should never share the same papyrus as our struggles living under the USAPA regime. TheEye, however, feels it’s imperative to understand that human beings have an inherent yearning for freedom and upward mobility.

The recent mudslinging by the east domicile representatives is indicative of a regime teetering on the edge of collapse. The founders of USAPA along with the PHL and DCA reps are firing salvos at the current president and CLT reps. In turn, the CLT reps and president are firing back with absurd claims that they are launching their final attacks on the enemy and victory is around the corner.

The frustration level has reached its maximum because in three years USAPA has done absolutely nothing for the US Airways pilots. Quasi date-of-hire is no where close to being achieved nor is an industry standard contract.

In the latest distended rant by the CLT representatives they proclaim “We will not bring you a contract without back pay and parity provisions for our last 5 years of equal work for unequal pay. Management needs to know that the clock is ticking, and every day they delay, our new contract will cost them more money.”

Unbeknownst to the CLT reps, every day USAPA delays negotiating in earnest with the Company the US Airways pilots are losing millions in lost wages and benefits, not Doug Parker.

USAPA cannot and will not bring a contract with 5 years of back pay. But then again, this delusional proclamation by the CLT reps is indicative of their overall ignorance. Their rant started with a lecture that the cost of oil is not the problem of the US Airways pilots. Evidently McKee, Crimi, and Ingram didn’t miss their profit sharing checks in 2009 and 2010 when US Airways lost billions due to the rapid rise in the cost of oil. To them, the cost of oil is Doug Parker’s problem, not the pilots. Tell that to the hundreds of pilots who were sent packing during the worst recession in recent memory.

Eventually, the US Airways pilots on both coasts will need to find a better way to move forward. The divide and conquer strategy of USAPA is not sustainable.

USAPA was damaged goods from the first day of its existence. Unions are meant to bring workers together for the greater good. USAPA on the other hand was specifically designed as a bully to overpower a helpless minority.

Just like in the Middle East, this strategy cannot and will not succeed. Human nature dictates that the minority will never stop fighting their oppressors.

For as long as the oppressor attempts to stay in power, chaos and disfunction will rule the day.
Wow, this place has gone to the dogs since the rules were changed. You guys should all take a week break and come back only if you have something to say. The last few pages on this board are an embarrassment to the profession. What would you say if your kids were acting like this?

I like this site because it allows debate. At least you have the ability to put someone in time-out if they don't play nice. Kinda like what I did to poor Mikey. He loves attention and is getting ignored. :p
What would you say if your kids were acting like this?

"So I guess you kids decided not to take my advice, and went on to become pilots after all - One Question? Why in the Sam Hell did you pick US Airways?"
"Decade long abortion of a merger and STILL no joint contract."

"Didn't I tell you US Airways would probably wind up as Republic's commuter airline. Geeez - Even Ray Charles saw that one coming.....

"Spokespersons for both sides of the labor dispute commented that both sides remain steadfast in their individual interests."

"Just remember kids - what I told you."

Something like that......

If someone told you two years ago that the people of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Yemen would band together to topple their oppressive and dictatorial regimes to force democratic reforms you would probably ask that person just what drug they were smoking. It is positively breathtaking to witness the oppressed transform their craving for freedom into action.

Concurrently, we watch the embattled dictators of these troubled nations proclaim with psychotic certainty the demise of the so called rebels and the infallibility of their regimes. In times reminiscent of Baghdad Bob, Muammar al-Qaddafi recently boasted to the press that his approval numbers have never been higher and his regime was winning the war.

In the grand scheme of our existence, the birth of democracy in the Middle East should never share the same papyrus as our struggles living under the USAPA regime. TheEye, however, feels it’s imperative to understand that human beings have an inherent yearning for freedom and upward mobility.

The recent mudslinging by the east domicile representatives is indicative of a regime teetering on the edge of collapse. The founders of USAPA along with the PHL and DCA reps are firing salvos at the current president and CLT reps. In turn, the CLT reps and president are firing back with absurd claims that they are launching their final attacks on the enemy and victory is around the corner.

The frustration level has reached its maximum because in three years USAPA has done absolutely nothing for the US Airways pilots. Quasi date-of-hire is no where close to being achieved nor is an industry standard contract.

In the latest distended rant by the CLT representatives they proclaim “We will not bring you a contract without back pay and parity provisions for our last 5 years of equal work for unequal pay. Management needs to know that the clock is ticking, and every day they delay, our new contract will cost them more money.”

Unbeknownst to the CLT reps, every day USAPA delays negotiating in earnest with the Company the US Airways pilots are losing millions in lost wages and benefits, not Doug Parker.

USAPA cannot and will not bring a contract with 5 years of back pay. But then again, this delusional proclamation by the CLT reps is indicative of their overall ignorance. Their rant started with a lecture that the cost of oil is not the problem of the US Airways pilots. Evidently McKee, Crimi, and Ingram didn’t miss their profit sharing checks in 2009 and 2010 when US Airways lost billions due to the rapid rise in the cost of oil. To them, the cost of oil is Doug Parker’s problem, not the pilots. Tell that to the hundreds of pilots who were sent packing during the worst recession in recent memory.

Eventually, the US Airways pilots on both coasts will need to find a better way to move forward. The divide and conquer strategy of USAPA is not sustainable.

USAPA was damaged goods from the first day of its existence. Unions are meant to bring workers together for the greater good. USAPA on the other hand was specifically designed as a bully to overpower a helpless minority.

Just like in the Middle East, this strategy cannot and will not succeed. Human nature dictates that the minority will never stop fighting their oppressors.

For as long as the oppressor attempts to stay in power, chaos and disfunction will rule the day.

Bravo....Outstanding analysis!
USAPA was damaged goods from the first day of its existence. Unions are meant to bring workers together for the greater good. USAPA on the other hand was specifically designed as a bully to overpower a helpless minority.

I agree with everything except that the minority is helpless.

The courts will most likely protect them.
USAPA on the other hand was specifically designed as a bully to overpower a helpless minority.

I learned at an early age how to handle a bully. Always try to walk away from a fight, if the bully persists, help him off the ground, hand him his teeth and give him the address to the dentist.

Usapa is a bully who will get their teeth handed to them. <_<
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