US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I see sumadarson didn't show up last night for his daily drive by mud slinging fest. Perhaps he crossed a line himself for sending threatening PM's, and got himself in hot water. Wouldn't that be ironic?

I also missed his daily UA update. I've been coming here lately to get my info since he's been so good about posting it. :lol:

Anyone thinking a merger will be your saving grace will probably be disappointed. With rising fuel costs, and most major airlines conserving cash and pairing capacity plans, no one will be in the mood for adding another problem. Fragmentation and liquidation are really the only viable options outside of independent survival.
You have my permission to post my personal message on this thread if you would like. I am acting on your slanderous post, I gave you a chance.

I post the UA alpa pilots update to point out how you are in others back yard when your own united airlines pilot groups cba is at a standstill.

You have your own problems.

The Not-So-Friendly Skies
This issue parallels the seniority issue.

Here, you know the "picture taker" was wrong and should be admonished by the pilot group. The group does not want to be tied in with him yet they do nothing to remove themselves from him or him from themselves.

In the seniority issue I am sure that there are east pilots who believe that (like it or not) it is wrong to ignore binding arbitration and wrong to attempt to overturn the decision and reneg on agreements made with the east. Many also know that the RICO against AWA pilots was wrong in so many ways.

Yet.... Although they know what the east is doing is wrong they do NOTHING to make the situation right. They hide away, along for the ride, hoping that eventually things work out in their favor - even though they know they are WRONG.

So, yes, it is guilt by association when you stand by and do nothing. You have no right to get all righteous if you have made no attempt to right the wrongs around you.

So out of touch. When I've seen things that I feel are undeniably wrong, I've said so, like the picture guy and and the RICO. What would you like me to do, get a rope? The picture guy was dealt with by the legal system.

What are you doing about the west guy accused of attempted murder?
As opposed to you who is always right? You love to take those jabs at others but are offended if you even think someone else may be slighting you. I used to think you were one of the most level-headed East posters and said as much on several occasions, but see now that I was WRONG...


Here's your big man prechill. He tells me I can't read, then the author of the line he quotes confirms he was wrong in his assumptions, yet no admission of his mistake or apology. Yeah, great guy.

Still angry over the Kagel after all these years.
So out of touch. When I've seen things that I feel are undeniably wrong, I've said so, like the picture guy and and the RICO. What would you like me to do, get a rope? The picture guy was dealt with by the legal system.

What are you doing about the west guy accused of attempted murder?
Accused of attempted murder?

Would you care to post the court charges? Or is this just another false accusation?

Prove it or retract it!!!!
Another non- answer, no surprise.
You can't answer a question to save your life, can you? But you are good at slinging barbs at a lot of us around here and here is just one more post by you to show it. Jim is a class act, you are far from it. He explained (again) quite well how you are looking at a completely different set of numbers (bids) than the # of names on a seniority list and yet you make yourself a self declared winner and basically call him (and me) stupid. You're like a nine year old dude! Silver spoon back in mouth!

I've answered every question I could, unlike you. I'm still looking for an '05 list so I can show you that you are wrong, but you won't listen anyway. Many people told you that there was no way your premise was correct, but you WON'T listen, you know it all. I don't have to call you guys stupid, you make the case pretty well yourselves.
I've answered every question I could, unlike you. I'm still looking for an '05 list so I can show you that you are wrong, but you won't listen anyway. Many people told you that there was no way your premise was correct, but you WON'T listen, you know it all. I don't have to call you guys stupid, you make the case pretty well yourselves.

You're the one that challenged me- or is your revisionist history kicking in again? And you never answered the question, but here it is again.

If Monda has moved up about 150 numbers since May of 2005 and he now has 600 pilots behind him, how can you reconcile that as "no growth" of the east seniority list?

EDIT: I will make this simple for you. Monda has moved up about 150 to 200 numbers since May of 2005, and he now has over 600 pilots below him. So, whazzup with that???
Accused of attempted murder?

Would you care to post the court charges? Or is this just another false accusation?

Prove it or retract it!!!!

It looks like I will have to retract it. That's what I get for listening to a west crew in a van. It was just assault. I could not find the guy on any list, so maybe he isn't and westie or eastie, but the crew I rode the van with said he was a westie.
It looks like I will have to retract it. That's what I get for listening to a west crew in a van. It was just assault. I could not find the guy on any list, so maybe he isn't and westie or eastie, but the crew I rode the van with said he was a westie.
You are unbelievable- blame everyone but yourself...
Why don't you act like an adult for once and maybe admit you can't get your facts straight- the problem is you, not everybody else.
It looks like I will have to retract it. That's what I get for listening to a west crew in a van. It was just assault. I could not find the guy on any list, so maybe he isn't and westie or eastie, but the crew I rode the van with said he was a westie.
Rumors from a crew van or crew room taken as fact. Just trying to bust the myths and be clear on the facts.
PI brat is exposing his brat wings - Nos light so to speak. He's gotten to the point that he can't make a post aimed at a Westie or me without taking a swat at the target. Now I have to decide if jetjok's backing him up was just the standard Eastie covering for Eastie - after all they all came out in force supporting Nos yesterday, including some newbies. I guess PI got tired of pretending to be even-handed and level-headed and had to eventually let it out. Funny he should mention the Kaegel award - he lost much more than I did in that so now wants to get it back on the backs of the Westies...

You are unbelievable- blame everyone but yourself...
Why don't you act like an adult for once and maybe admit you can't get your facts straight- the problem is you, not everybody else.

Once again reading comprehension eludes you. I said I got it wrong and shouldn't have taken their word for granted. I said I couldn't even find the guy on a seniority list, so the papers may have gotten it wrong. That is want I was told by a west crew though. Something came up about one of our guys, maybe the photographer, and the very friendly crew said "we all have our winners" and mentioned this episode.

Besides, I should have know that the keepers of all that is good and pure in the world could have never done anything wrong.
PI brat is exposing his brat wings - Nos light so to speak. He's gotten to the point that he can't make a post aimed at a Westie or me without taking a swat at the target. Now I have to decide if jetjok's backing him up was just the standard Eastie covering for Eastie - after all they all came out in force supporting Nos yesterday, including some newbies. I guess PI got tired of pretending to be even-handed and level-headed and had to eventually let it out. Funny he should mention the Kaegel award - he lost much more than I did in that so now wants to get it back on the backs of the Westies...


What a big man you are. Anyone with half a brain knew what jetjok1 meant, just admit you were wrong for once.

The Kagel still stings doesn't it. Were you really 30 something when you got hired? I didn't PI hired guys that old back in the 70's. Wasn't Leon your brother? Maybe it's your brother's failure to recover that angers you? I actually think you lost more % than me, but I will have to look it up. But don't worry, I want nothing of the west's backs and will do much better than you Nic or not.
Rumors from a crew van or crew room taken as fact. Just trying to bust the myths and be clear on the facts.

You're welcome, I was wrong. Does anyone know anything about the event? Was he even a US pilot. Certainly not behavior anyone could condone.
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