US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I will take that as "no, prechilill, I cannot reconcile how the east has added so many names to the seniority list when only about 150 or so have retired"...

You are still the weakest link. I bet your brothers with half a brain shiver every time you post........................
Get the log out of your eye. I couldn't care less about Noc, Sum or whoever he is, I responded to jetz talking about the "group" that supported a predator. Wake up.

Who is it that you keep posting too? He always seems to be wrong.
Until you guys don't put a muzzle on Nos you're right. He'll keep spreading his guilt by association and it will be replied to in kind. It is amazing how many Easties come out of the woodwork now, but never said a word about Nos using guilt by association to accuse others. You've got plenty of company in the double standards fantasy land you've all established.


That's weak Jim. It's all Nos/sum's fault, right. Be a man, admit you are WRONG!
That's weak Jim. It's all Nos/sum's fault, right. Be a man, admit you are WRONG!
As opposed to you who is always right? You love to take those jabs at others but are offended if you even think someone else may be slighting you. I used to think you were one of the most level-headed East posters and said as much on several occasions, but see now that I was WRONG...

Maybe not to me, but you owe it to the others on the board to be sure you have your proof that Sumadarson, is in fact Nostradamus. As far as the dogfight you guys are having, I really don't know enough about it to know who is right and wrong, so I have not commented on most of it, especially the Empire PAI issue. I don't know what your stance was. I wasn't there. Nor did I know you.

I have no idea who Nostradamus (on this board) really is, nor do I know who Sumadarson is. There is really no way to prove any of it. Either, or both, could be Queen Elizabeth for all we can prove.

But the fact that the newer screen name is simply the former spelled backward might at least be a clue.\

And writing styles do tend to remain consistent among all of us here.

I have to agree with with KOAT (Knower Of All Things) on this.
Exactly, we should really be discussing the fact Scott Kirby, in his infinite wisdom, neglected to hedge fuel this year!

What really should be discussing is that USAPA spent the last two years trying to steal jobs from the West instead of getting a contract.
You are still the weakest link. I bet your brothers with half a brain shiver every time you post........................

Another non- answer, no surprise.
You can't answer a question to save your life, can you? But you are good at slinging barbs at a lot of us around here and here is just one more post by you to show it. Jim is a class act, you are far from it. He explained (again) quite well how you are looking at a completely different set of numbers (bids) than the # of names on a seniority list and yet you make yourself a self declared winner and basically call him (and me) stupid. You're like a nine year old dude! Silver spoon back in mouth!
I have no idea who Nostradamus (on this board) really is, nor do I know who Sumadarson is. There is really no way to prove any of it. Either, or both, could be Queen Elizabeth for all we can prove.

But the fact that the newer screen name is simply the former spelled backward might at least be a clue.\

And writing styles do tend to remain consistent among all of us here.

I have to agree with with KOAT (Knower Of All Things) on this.

The clue phone is waiting for you to pick it up...
That is B.S,if you are talking about the guy taking the picture. When it happened I said what I thought about it, if he was guilty. I haven't seen anyone holding him up as a high standard of pilot behavior.

This issue parallels the seniority issue.

Here, you know the "picture taker" was wrong and should be admonished by the pilot group. The group does not want to be tied in with him yet they do nothing to remove themselves from him or him from themselves.

In the seniority issue I am sure that there are east pilots who believe that (like it or not) it is wrong to ignore binding arbitration and wrong to attempt to overturn the decision and reneg on agreements made with the east. Many also know that the RICO against AWA pilots was wrong in so many ways.

Yet.... Although they know what the east is doing is wrong they do NOTHING to make the situation right. They hide away, along for the ride, hoping that eventually things work out in their favor - even though they know they are WRONG.

So, yes, it is guilt by association when you stand by and do nothing. You have no right to get all righteous if you have made no attempt to right the wrongs around you.
I see sumadarson didn't show up last night for his daily drive by mud slinging fest. Perhaps he crossed a line himself for sending threatening PM's, and got himself in hot water. Wouldn't that be ironic?

I also missed his daily UA update. I've been coming here lately to get my info since he's been so good about posting it. :lol:

But seriously, it matters not if sumadarson is the former Nostradamus or not. (And didn't anyone pickup that he miss-spelled the backward version by leaving out the "t"? Ooooopsie!) Once again you guys have redirected the conversation to avoid accounting for the fact that many of you allow such double standards for your club members. Identity aside, he is just as offensive, nonconstructive, accusatory, untruthful, and inaccurate as the original. He is the one who coined the "guilt by association" game and the "you are part of a group" tag line on this forum.

This habit of condemning anything west, while rubber stamping anything east is the same mentality that IMO poisons your entire union. (The real estate fiasco come to mind.) And this entire conversation on this subject illustrates it effectively. Until you reign in your own, those of you that have any moderate aspirations whatsoever will never be heard. Not by your NAC, and not by your west counterparts.

Eventually there will be movement in court on the DJ and the LOA93 grievance. A card drive that will most likely follow will be the first step. The next IMO will be a nic contract with enough improvements to gain 51% ratification. THEN, if you are lucky, and able to mend fences after years of civil war, you may be able to escape damages and gain a few more protections not offered in the nic. Maybe.

Anyone thinking a merger will be your saving grace will probably be disappointed. With rising fuel costs, and most major airlines conserving cash and pairing capacity plans, no one will be in the mood for adding another problem. Fragmentation and liquidation are really the only viable options outside of independent survival.
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