US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I go away for a few days and it's a clown circus. These Clowns are like weeds, you got keep spraying (with facts) to keep them down. So Clowns, which of you can tell me about the status of the MDA/Naugler case or at least what the case is about? I forgot Clowns can only understand multiple answer questions.

Is the Naugler MDA Case:

A- About whether the Nic. is valid or invalid?

B- A simple damages case for dfr?

C- Whether the list supplied by EAST pilots was flawed?

Don't bother asking the Dean Clown as he lied about it with a straight face to Judge Silver.
It's a shame you just ignored Nos then (who is the wild and wacked out guy I thought jetjok was referring to). It's also a shame you only speak out when it's one of your own (Nos) who gets caught in the rules he made.


Get the log out of your eye. I couldn't care less about Noc, Sum or whoever he is, I responded to jetz talking about the "group" that supported a predator. Wake up.
How many times did I say that to get meaningful answers one had to compare apples to apples - seniority list from 2005 to same for 2011, active to active for each period, and I didn't have the info necessary to do that? So you come up with your own charges with no proof - a Nos Jr if you will - and now make the same accusations again. You have definitely turned a corner into the "darkside" recently, while pretending to be pure as the driven snow.


I asked you your opinion about numbers that were so far out there was no way the TERMS she used could be right. You ignored it. You cannot bring yourself to say anything against a west premise.
You have to be blind not to recognize him with his new screen name...

When the handle first appeared I thought it might be EastUS coming back, but the tone was for too shrill. EastUS seemed like a pretty good fella underneath this mess, but that's certainly not Sumarsden/Nos.
You could have told prechil about the bids, you hid behind terms. Do you not remember me saying that I thought that you really believed that relative position was most fair, and you didn't say what you did for other reasons, like a westie son?

When you come in from left field, maybe we can talk. Until then, I am still waiting your explanation how the east can add about 700 names to your seniority list, Monda can get 600 pilots behind him yet move up only 150 seniority numbers since 2005 and yet you have no growth...

BTW, How is daddy doing???
I asked you your opinion about numbers that were so far out there was no way the TERMS she used could be right. You ignored it. You cannot bring yourself to say anything against a west premise.

I will take that as "no, prechilill, I cannot reconcile how the east has added so many names to the seniority list when only about 150 or so have retired"...
That "one guy's" actions are tacitly approved by his East peers - not one of whom bothers to criticize his actions. The East club gathers around and now supports that "one guy" so are as guilty as he is.


your a joke and your reaching for something to bring us down about. Quit reaching you already have no respect here and now your trying to put the Easties into a category of shame for this.......give me a break. Joe Periera broke the law, got caught and will never come back here to fly end of story, or should we re-hash every event that a West pilot has done over the years? looks like slinging crap is here to stay.
looks like slinging crap is here to stay.

Until you guys don't put a muzzle on Nos you're right. He'll keep spreading his guilt by association and it will be replied to in kind. It is amazing how many Easties come out of the woodwork now, but never said a word about Nos using guilt by association to accuse others. You've got plenty of company in the double standards fantasy land you've all established.

Until you guys don't put a muzzle on Nos you're right. He'll keep spreading his guilt by association and it will be replied to in kind. It is amazing how many Easties come out of the woodwork now, but never said a word about Nos using guilt by association to accuse others. You've got plenty of company in the double standards fantasy land you've all established.


Well said Jim
So what about scabs and drug runners at other airlines? What does that have to do with the rest of us? At least in this case it actually happened, and recently. I find the scab an drug running accusations just as offensive. I didn't see any of you coming out to condemn those comments from nos.

You guys sure do seem to have a totally separate set of rules and standards that you hold yourselves and your buddies to. Try leveling the playing field and maybe you'd have some more credibility.

Scabs and drug runners are one thing..... Offensive, yes.....but are one thing. Child molesters are a totally different breed. Hardly a level playing field in itself. If you don't think so, why don't you take a trip to the local state or federal prison. Ask the inmates what they think about child molesters vs any other crime committed. Yous Guys, Yous Guys, Yous Guys...... All "yous guys" know how to do is stereotype everyone that doesn't think your way into "you guys". Try expanding your language horizon.
If you could follow a thread, maybe you would have come to a different conclusion about the "one guy" jetjok1 was talking about. Here's his post that you quoted and answered:

"Personally, I think it's disgusting to be discussing "young girls" in any context on these webboards much less the way you few posters are discussing them. You really ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Yeah, one guy is whacked and mentally screwed up.........but what does that have to do with the rest of us."

I took from that post that jetjok1 was talking about the picture guy being "whacked and mentally screwed up", not sum. Did I get that right jetjok1?

I've got an idea, why don't you west guys get rid of Parker, after all he spent some time in JAIL as a CEO, and we will take on the upskriter.

Try again..

It's up to you, since you boyz and girls in CLT are running the show, you tell US.

Your union is a paper tiger. If US Airways had a real union, maybe you could get their attention. Parker is laughing at USAPA.

Just watch the FA PHX Crew News and catch his eye roll prior to the walk-out. If you miss it, you are blind B)

You really have no idea who you are dealing with....ametuers.
It was abrogated out, after being enforced, and there was no harm done to anyone when they changed the match to the IAMNPF.

Big difference between an award that was agreed to by three parties and now one party trying to renege on it.

Your still comparing apples to oranges.

The courts abrogated two of them, and no harm was done on the pension plan.

No one has ever been successful in trying to renege on a seniority arbitration.

No court is going to directly or indirectly undermine an arbitration. They apparently don't want to intercede during CBA negotiations, but what a mistake it is for the USAPians to think that the Ninth is somehow endorsing what they want to do. We're nearly three years into the USAPA experiment and it couldn't be more obvious that no one is going anywhere without the Nic in it. The courts will let us sit here for another decade if that's what it takes. I'm fine with it. Enjoy LOA93.
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