US Pilots Labor Discussion

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We need the same proof that Sumadarson is in fact, Nostradamus. Not taking your word for it , as you really have not the proof.
I owe you no proof of anything. What you care to believe is your business and doesn't affect me one bit. So just keep on protecting him...


ps - I notice Nos' lack of proof for the accusations he's made about me doesn't seem to bother you at East posters are big on double standards.
I owe you no proof of anything. What you care to believe is your business and doesn't affect me one bit. So just keep on protecting him...


ps - I notice Nos' lack of proof for the accusations he's made about me doesn't seem to bother you at East posters are big on double standards.
Maybe not to me, but you owe it to the others on the board to be sure you have your proof that Sumadarson, is in fact Nostradamus. As far as the dogfight you guys are having, I really don't know enough about it to know who is right and wrong, so I have not commented on most of it, especially the Empire PAI issue. I don't know what your stance was. I wasn't there. Nor did I know you.
Maybe not to me, but you owe it to the others on the board to be sure you have your proof that Sumadarson, is in fact Nostradamus. As far as the dogfight you guys are having, I really don't know enough about it to know who is right and wrong, so I have not commented on most of it, especially the Empire PAI issue. I don't know what your stance was. I wasn't there. Nor did I know you.
I owe no-one else anything either. They can make up their own minds. In short, if no one else expects Nos to prove his claims you have no right demanding that I do so.

It is interesting how many East posters never say a word to Nos about his claims or branding everyone with the sins of some, but don't like non-Easties doing the same. You nor any other Eastie have no right to require me to prove a single thing unless you hold Nos to the same standard, and so far not one East poster most his rantings are ignored as long as they're directed at the West or Jetz or me. So just ignore my posts to Nos.

That "one guy's" actions are tacitly approved by his East peers - not one of whom bothers to criticize his actions. The East club gathers around and now supports that "one guy" so are as guilty as he is.


That is B.S,if you are talking about the guy taking the picture. When it happened I said what I thought about it, if he was guilty. I haven't seen anyone holding him up as a high standard of pilot behavior.
So you're content with allowing Nos to play the guilt by association card but you get to define what suitable when it's played back? Maybe instead of skipping Nos' posts you and the others should admonish the little worm so the game would stop for everyone...


I'll make you a deal Jim, when I see you take on a west poster for ANYTHING, I will take on sum. Deal? That means I will have to start reading his posts, because as I said, I skip over most of them.
If you'd read the sentence it's clear what "one guy" I was referring to - the "one guy" who does nothing but attack based on some members of a groups actions. You might also be surprised to know that I have corrected West posters on factual matters. I don't recall you, on the other hand, ever correcting East posters. Just like you were quick to admonish Jetz for his post to Nos but never correct Nos.

If you'd read the sentence it's clear what "one guy" I was referring to. You might also be surprised to know that I have corrected West posters on factual matters. I don't recall you, on the other hand, ever correcting East posters. Just like you were quick to admonish Jetz for his post to Nos but never correct Nos.


If you could follow a thread, maybe you would have come to a different conclusion about the "one guy" jetjok1 was talking about. Here's his post that you quoted and answered:

"Personally, I think it's disgusting to be discussing "young girls" in any context on these webboards much less the way you few posters are discussing them. You really ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Yeah, one guy is whacked and mentally screwed up.........but what does that have to do with the rest of us."

I took from that post that jetjok1 was talking about the picture guy being "whacked and mentally screwed up", not sum. Did I get that right jetjok1?
If you could follow a thread, maybe you would have come to a different conclusion about the "one guy" jetjok1 was talking about. Here's his post that you quoted and answered:

"Personally, I think it's disgusting to be discussing "young girls" in any context on these webboards much less the way you few posters are discussing them. You really ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Yeah, one guy is whacked and mentally screwed up.........but what does that have to do with the rest of us."

I took from that post that jetjok1 was talking about the picture guy being "whacked and mentally screwed up", not sum. Did I get that right jetjok1?
Exactly, we should really be discussing the fact Scott Kirby, in his infinite wisdom, neglected to hedge fuel this year! Now, this is really going to have some fallout. I heard a guy just today bagging the annual golf trip to Vegas. This does not bode well for anything, for any of us. East or West. So long profit share 2011. We all need to write the board and get this issue addressed. This is only starting. Just wait until Saudi Arabia starts down this road. The average age 15 yrs old, and 10% unemployment. Our country will have to come in if this place melts down. Force Majure, a definite possibility. BOGU!
If you'd read the sentence it's clear what "one guy" I was referring to - the "one guy" who does nothing but attack based on some members of a groups actions. You might also be surprised to know that I have corrected West posters on factual matters. I don't recall you, on the other hand, ever correcting East posters. Just like you were quick to admonish Jetz for his post to Nos but never correct Nos.

What are you talking about? Who is NOS????
I also don't see a group (USAPA) disciplining him. How about kicking him out of the union for not following the code of ethics. Could it be that USAPA has no code of ethics? Wouldn't USAPA, ALPA, or any union kick a person out for being a scab? Isn't a child predator worse than a scab? Instead the union protects his job so he is only "suspended."

Again, I'm not grouping you all together with the one moron who was convicted of the crime. But 767jetz is correct in that not sanctioning a person can be considered a form of support. So in that regard, by that definition, USAPA does technically support a child predator.

Where is the proof that anybody scabbed in Australia when there was no legally struck work? At least here we have an actual conviction.

It's moot though, since you are all missing the point. This seems like a simple case of teaching someone a lesson by giving him a taste of his own medicine. Looks like it worked based on his response.

To me a child predator is at the top of the heap for low life scum. As a father, my blood boils when I hear about it.

I don't know about USAPA kicking him out. Would ALPA? Did he get fired? How about the west guy that was accused of attempted murder of his lover's husband? What happened to him. I really don't know enough to speak about these things and can't remember a deal like it in the past.

I think all the past actions should be put to bed. The vast majority of west pilots never scabbed. The vast majority of east pilots have never put a scratch on an airplane. What does any of that have to do with our current situation?
I have not seen Nostradamus post here for years. Who are you referring to?

What is "Nostradamus" spelled backwards?

Same guy, who was probably banished to the cornfield for life by the previous mods, found new life with a revised psuedonym. And mods that opened the floodgates for his unique syntax and convoluted way of looking at the world.
You might also be surprised to know that I have corrected West posters on factual matters. I don't recall you, on the other hand, ever correcting East posters. Just like you were quick to admonish Jetz for his post to Nos but never correct Nos.


You could have told prechil about the bids, you hid behind terms. Do you not remember me saying that I thought that you really believed that relative position was most fair, and you didn't say what you did for other reasons, like a westie son?
I think all the past actions should be put to bed. The vast majority of west pilots never scabbed. The vast majority of east pilots have never put a scratch on an airplane. What does any of that have to do with our current situation?

It's a shame you just ignored Nos then (who is the wild and wacked out guy I thought jetjok was referring to). It's also a shame you only speak out when it's one of your own (Nos) who gets caught in the rules he made.

You could have told prechil about the bids, you hid behind terms. Do you not remember me saying that I thought that you really believed that relative position was most fair, and you didn't say what you did for other reasons, like a westie son?
How many times did I say that to get meaningful answers one had to compare apples to apples - seniority list from 2005 to same for 2011, active to active for each period, and I didn't have the info necessary to do that? So you come up with your own charges with no proof - a Nos Jr if you will - and now make the same accusations again. You have definitely turned a corner into the "darkside" recently, while pretending to be pure as the driven snow.

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