US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Stuff like what that guy did should be left out of the other issues.

So you're content with allowing Nos to play the guilt by association card but you get to define what suitable when it's played back? Maybe instead of skipping Nos' posts you and the others should admonish the little worm so the game would stop for everyone...

I will break my "ignore the village idiot" rule for this one.

I crossed no line. I am just the messenger. Did I get under your skin? There will be no retraction, as you demanded and threatened in your PM to me.

Let's review the facts:
- You consistently level ridiculous attacks and unsubstantiated accusations at me and others, with your standard verbiage of "you are part of a group who... (fill in the blank)." You use this and other "guilt by association" tactics almost every day, with no proof to link your target directly and specifically to your accusations.

-I adopted your style and tactic in response, and linked you to a group who supports a child predator. Specifically, Joseph Pereira, a US Airways pilot recently convicted of taking obscene pictures up the skirt of a 15 year old girl.

- You responded by lying and saying he was fired, which he was NOT. He was only suspended by the company. I provided proof of this, yet you never responded. USAPA has done nothing to have this pilot who molested a young girl, fired. You have done nothing to encourage your union to have him fired, have you? You are a member of USAPA, are you not? Therefore you certainly ARE part of a group who IMO supports a child molester, and I will continue to express it as long as I feel it is true. Otherwise your group would not protect his job. Why would you want a person who preys on young girls in your group? At least ALPA has a code of ethics. Does USAPA have one?

- FYI, as a father of 2 young girls I assure you that if a pilot at my airline was convicted of such a crime I would be VERY vocal to my union about removing him from the property permanently.

- Webster's definition - molest: to make improper advances to, esp. of a sexual nature.

As for a retraction, that is not going to happen. Unless you can prove to me that your union tried to remove Joseph Pereira from your company or at least your union, and was unsuccessful. Until then it is my opinion that my statement is factually accurate. Alternately, you could provide proof that you are NOT a member of USAPA and NOT a US Airways pilot. Then my statement would be factually incorrect, and in that case I would retract it.

Going forward I would be happy to stop repeating the statement if you do the following:

1) provide the proof to back up your accusations against Boeing boy, or retract what you have said about him.

2) retract your statements accusing me and others of being linked by association to a group who perpetrated some perceived injustice against you, another airline, or humanity in general.

3) cease and desist your daily rants and accusations, AND take a more mild mannered demeanor on this forum.

It matters nothing to me either way. You can carry on with the status quo for all I care, and I will continue to state my opinions as I see fit, ignoring you most of the time. Freedom of speech is a good thing. Or you can consider the three requirements above to change the status quo. The choice is yours, but it is not negotiable.

US Airways Pilot Pleads Guilty to Upskirt Photo

"Authorities say Pereira used his cell phone to take photos under the skirt of a 15-year-old girl on June 24.

US Airways spokesman Morgan Durrant says the 55-year-old pilot from Wexford, Pa., is suspended."

US Airways Pilot Pleads Guilty

"He will be evaluated for a sex offender treatment program."

Nos is a hypocrite. Now back to ignoring the village idiot.
What a bunch of crap. You are full of outright lies. What group here supports sex offenders? As usual, your axe grinding takes precedence over rational thought. Any supposed UAL driver who spends his waking hours obsessing on another airlines board is either mental, or a west poser,or both.
What a bunch of crap. You are full of outright lies. What group here supports sex offenders? As usual, your axe grinding takes precedence over rational thought.
Oh, another Eastie that is fine with Nos' guilt by association game but cries foul when others do the same.....

"-I adopted your style and tactic in response, and linked you to a group who supports a child predator."

I don't see any group supporting a child predator. He's wrong.
I also don't see a group (USAPA) disciplining him. How about kicking him out of the union for not following the code of ethics. Could it be that USAPA has no code of ethics? Wouldn't USAPA, ALPA, or any union kick a person out for being a scab? Isn't a child predator worse than a scab? Instead the union protects his job so he is only "suspended."

Again, I'm not grouping you all together with the one moron who was convicted of the crime. But 767jetz is correct in that not sanctioning a person can be considered a form of support. So in that regard, by that definition, USAPA does technically support a child predator.

Where is the proof that anybody scabbed in Australia when there was no legally struck work? At least here we have an actual conviction.

It's moot though, since you are all missing the point. This seems like a simple case of teaching someone a lesson by giving him a taste of his own medicine. Looks like it worked based on his response.
I also don't see a group (USAPA) disciplining him. How about kicking him out of the union for not following the code of ethics. Could it be that USAPA has no code of ethics? Wouldn't USAPA, ALPA, or any union kick a person out for being a scab? Isn't a child predator worse than a scab? Instead the union protects his job so he is only "suspended."

Again, I'm not grouping you all together with the one moron who was convicted of the crime. But 767jetz is correct in that not sanctioning a person can be considered a form of support. So in that regard, by that definition, USAPA does technically support a child predator.

Where is the proof that anybody scabbed in Australia when there was no legally struck work? At least here we have an actual conviction.

It's moot though, since you are all missing the point. This seems like a simple case of teaching someone a lesson by giving him a taste of his own medicine. Looks like it worked based on his response.
I've got an idea, why don't you west guys get rid of Parker, after all he spent some time in JAIL as a CEO, and we will take on the upskriter.
When directed at Nos it's just doing what Nos constantly does. Add another Eastie in full "protect Nos" mode...

Stuff like what that guy did should be left out of the other issues.
Agreed. So should accusations of running drugs and scabbing.

What offends me the most is the double standard (not by you PI, but all the others here) that is being played out here, the union halls, and by your lawyers in the court room.

I'm all for keeping a certain level of civility, staying on the topics of seniority, contracts, doh, the nic award, and the like. But until you guys get a leash on your own buddies, you have no right to preach to others what's acceptable and what's not.

I was a lurker here for a long time. And before the moderators changed the rules and let all the worst offenders out of the corn field, there was a level of civility. When a line was crossed it was dealt with. Now it is a free-for-all. That seems to be the way many of the easties wanted it. So again, if you want more peace an more civility, lead by example and get your own offenders here under control. Until then, you reap what you sew.

Double standards don't cut it.
So many have already point out Nos’ guilt by association weakness, that I’ll just forego my own statement regarding the same. What I can add is that IMO, everything Nos has done on this board is an unmitigated failure. He tried to change his screen name to mask his previous identity, but his little ploy quickly failed. He tries endlessly to discredit BB, but no one he is trying to influence believes him. He tries to discredit 767jetz with endless posts about UA and no one he is trying to influence believes him or cares one whit about his ability to copy and paste irrelevant information. Both BB & jetz continue to be held in the same high regard no matter how many times Nos tries to get someone’s attention by making stuff up. In fact, one could say that he is only concerned about trying to discredit them with lies because he cannot refute the wisdom of their posts on a point-by-point basis. Every time they post they shine the light of truth east posters don’t like to see and can’t find a way to escape from.

There are certainly some east posters on this board that it’s worth having a web-dialog with. We may never come to an agreement, but the exchanges are beneficial at least to the point where both sides have an opportunity to assert their position. With Nos it is pointless to read his posts or to engage him in any way since he simply cannot be trusted to present facts of any kind. He is persistent though; no matter how many times he fails, he just keeps trying even though his best efforts continue to yield him the same losing results.
A single retired pilot who is fine with Jetzzz guilt by association game, but cries foul when others do the same.....
Excuse me, but it's not "my" guilt by association game. Nos clearly has the rights to that title. If you've been following along, I've objected to this tactic for a long time. When he refused to stop, I decided that if it was good for him I would respond in kind. Notice I only direct that guilt by association toward him.

And dohnogo has it 100% right...

not sanctioning a person can be considered a form of support. So in that regard, by that definition, USAPA does technically support a child predator.

This seems like a simple case of teaching someone a lesson by giving him a taste of his own medicine. Looks like it worked based on his response.
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