US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Since you guys are having such a hard time understanding percentages again, (it is not a GenX thing, it is a you don't seem to be able to do math thing). I have an aviation related word problem that might make it clearer.

Q: You are flying along with a true airspeed of 300kts, into a 60kt headwind, burning 100lbs of fuel a minute. How much fuel will you burn to reach usapa headquarters 96 miles away, and will you be there before they lose a representational election by 4.4%?

A: No, it was a trick question, you only had 2000 lbs of fuel. So just like usapa you would never have reached the destination.

Yeah you got Black Swan there, he would have needed 2400 pounds of fuel. Now if it were Sully, well he's a proven Airbus Glider Pilot, he may have made it the extra 16 miles to the USAPA Headquarters........LOL
Why, would the East now blame USAPA for a LOA 93 loss? It was ALPA approved and USAirways ALPA language that got this entire mess to grievance level. It was written so poorly there are many ways to argue. I still hold there would never be any language in the body of the agreement dealing with pay restoration if it were not meant to be dealt with. Again, why even have it if it means nothing? There is nobody on the east side who would now accept a Nicolau contract. It would only compound the damage by blocking the east out of widebody raises. Again, this makes no sense. Separate ops for years would be the only option for raises if this were the case. We would simply stay put, and capture the attrition. The west would then stay in their lousy pay also. Their choice. I say the west would abandon Nicolau. They would come off the Nicolau before the east accepts it. That is the more likely outcome.
Swan, your' spinning in circles today. It's becoming painful to even read your posts.

Where did I say the east would "blame" USAPA? I'm saying the grievance was the reason many fence sitters were staying put. There was hope that a raise from that would mitigate LOA93. So when that is resolved in the company's favor, those fence sitters, tired of waiting for a contract promised them when they voted for USAPA in the first place, will move against the union. It's not a matter of blame. It's a matter of economics, and they want a new contract. It's simple. I don't knwo how to make it any more clear. An industry average contract now, with the Nic, brings a substantial raise to everyone. Separate ops for years only bring improvement to a few.

As I said... believe what you want. Spin what you want. Interpret what you want from the court. It matters not. This will be solved by the courts, the company, or 51% of the US pilots. My question to you is, if your dream does not materialize, and a nic contract shows up on your doorstep this year and is ratified, will you be man enough to admit you were wrong all along? Or will you still live in denial and have an excuse? I've already said that the day you are living under a DOH contract, ratified, in place, with no further legal challenges from the west, I will be the first to be here admitting I read the tea leaves wrong. What about you? How confident are you really?
Boy oh enough and you show cards you don't even know you are showing.....
please meet me in Vegas...the Belaggio is nice....$100 table closest to the door.
You name the date and time....

"SHUT US UP"????? OK dude tell us why should we should put NIC contract out to "SHUT US UP"
DUDE..I thought you worked for UAL. Why do we need to "SHUT US UP"

12000 UAL/CO guys on the list and you are the only idiot here wanting us to "SHUT US UP"
who exactly is US.

Obviously the truth hurts. Did I hit a nerve?
I'm saying the grievance was the reason many fence sitters were staying put. There was hope that a raise from that would mitigate LOA93. So when that is resolved in the company's favor, those fence sitters, tired of waiting for a contract promised them when they voted for USAPA in the first place, will move against the union. It's not a matter of blame. It's a matter of economics, and they want a new contract.

um, what happens if it's resolved in USAPA's favor?
Please do not call me an idiot again for not knowing you, but without any knowledge of who you are it makes it pointless to discuss sensitive information on a public message forum. People have PMed me agreeing with my general numbers from the seniority list expansion since 2005, but I think from this point forward it is best to keep your diversions out of discussions. I am sorry you are so upset with events of late, but I do feel confident this mess will be over soon. Have you read the transcripts from the court hearing? I did and it certainly sounded even better than when I heard it in person. I look forward to seeing you off LOA 93.

That's not why I called you an idiot. It was for your condescending assumptions. You lump everyone in the same pile, and tell us what we think, without really knowing us. "I think from this point forward it is best to keep your diversions out of discussions"? I don't really know what you mean, but who are you to say what will or will not be included in a conversation? The "silver spoon"comment is a prime example of your arrogance. You have no idea about me, or what I went through to get here. I'd put money that it was higher cost than you paid.

People PMed you? Those that agreed with me just said so out in the open.

Maybe you are correct in what you are turning over in your mind, but not in all that you have written. I'm going to go back and print everyone of your posts, take them literally word for word, and see what I come up with. I will let you know, and if I find your are correct I will say so. I wouldn't count on that. Did you read Jim's post about what the bid announcement meant. That alone goes against your premise.

I'm glad you are looking forward to seeing me off LOA 93, that's more than some your buddies would say. But, don't worry too much me, I'm doing okay. Late 40s, 25 years in, captain, great family and doing fine financially. So much so that I cannot imagine a contract that I would vote for if it includes the Nic. I've accepted things a long time ago and will be fine with the outcome. Nic or DOH, God willing, I will end up near the top, so if you get to CLT, I will be there to welcome you.......when this is over.

I've read the transcripts, once quickly. I found it interesting that Judge Silver talked of negotiations and the negotiation process and seemed to take the company attorney to task. There was something in there about the system board and not taking that road? But, I have no idea what it means to our situation. I'm not an attorney and besides, every time I've tried to figure out what a woman was thinking, I got it wrong(humor, but for the most part true).
Nice to know I am one of those younger, smarter Westies considering I was born when Kennedy was in the White House and voted for Reagan in 1980.

Looky here, Hate has his Carnac the Magnificent turban on and can predict how Judge Silver is going to rule.

Teddy was never President. Was there another one? :unsure: The "young" eastie.
Didn't you say the same about 2010? As I recall at least 2 of your predictions for 2010 still haven't come true.



I told you the desert judge was going to be spanked by the 9th........they spanked all over that right wing bush boy!

$10,000 lump sum east payout................that was nice!

Silver will dismiss! She knows the 9th is watching.

LOA 93 pay restoration is coming soon.



Profit Sharing

East Attrition


I told you the desert judge was going to be spanked by the 9th........they spanked all over that right wing bush boy!

LOA 93 pay restoration is coming soon.



Profit Sharing

East Attrition


Danke schoen Herr Goebbels. Herr Theur has trained you very well.

Will they be renaming the new USAPA "World Headquarters" Eagles Nest for Reichsmarschall Cleary?
Danke schoen Herr Goebbels. Herr Theur has trained you very well.

Will they be renaming the new USAPA "World Headquarters" Eagles Nest for Reichsmarschall Cleary?


You talking about that dump of a property? Cleary has been great! Look at all the people trying to take him out of office.

Do you think the APA, SWAPA or the Teamsters would have that dump for a Headquarters? Yea, I didn't think so.

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