US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Come on, it is GENX math! Gen X thinking. Here is how it goes- a west pilot is hired 17 yrs after an east pilot, then expects to go ahead of him. The real figure is 8.9%, but west math GENX brings it to 2%. This is why this group will never come together. Whatever the outcome, the GENX West factor attempts to skew the data. Remember the CLT picketing event? There were hundreds there. Jetzz applied the GENX factor, and brought it down to a dozen.

Thanks for the chuckle Black Swan. I hate being "old school", I just don't get it, LMAO!!!!
Thanks for the chuckle Black Swan. I hate being "old school", I just don't get it, LMAO!!!!
There's really not much to get so I'll put in third grade language. Suppose you've got 100 pennies to split between yourself and Suzie. Since Suzie is cute, she gets 60 pennies and you get 40 pennies - the difference is 20 pennies (20% of the pennies). Now Suzie really likes you so gives you 11 of her pennies. So now Suzie has 49 pennies while you have 50. It doesn't take Suzie giving you 20 pennies - the margin in the initial split - for you to have more pennies than Suzie, it just takes 11 changing hands.

Same with a representational election. The margin that got USAPA elected was 469 votes. If 235 of those voting for USAPA vote for ALPA (or whoever the other union may be in the future), USAPA loses.

Like I said though, there might not be as many eligible to vote next time so it could take less than 235 voting for a different union to unseat USAPA.

Like I said though, there might not be as many eligible to vote next time so it could take less than 235 voting for a different union to unseat USAPA.


What makes you so sure of that statement above? I've talked to more than one person who voted for ALPA but now is a strong USAPA supporter. Yeah I know, it works in reverse too, so don't waste your time with the glass half empty/half full response.
They clearly say there can be a proposal that does not harm the west as feared, and that does NOT include the Nicolau. That, is a clear separation of the two. What don't you get about that?

Interesting how you read that. They clearly link the two - they didn't say "USAPA is free to abandon the Nic".(period, end of sentence) They added a qualifier to specify the conditions that must be met in order to abandon the Nic - that the non-Nic solution doesn't harm the West as feared.

But go ahead - use a non-Nic seniority list like the one USAPA has on the table, harm the West all you want (it's delinked, right?), and see what happens.

There's really not much to get so I'll put in third grade language. Suppose you've got 100 pennies to split between yourself and Suzie. Since Suzie is cute, she gets 60 pennies and you get 40 pennies - the difference is 20 pennies (20% of the pennies). Now Suzie really likes you so gives you 11 of her pennies. So now Suzie has 49 pennies while you have 50. It doesn't take Suzie giving you 20 pennies - the margin in the initial split - for you to have more pennies than Suzie, it just takes 11 changing hands.

Same with a representational election. The margin that got USAPA elected was 469 votes. If 235 of those voting for USAPA vote for ALPA (or whoever the other union may be in the future), USAPA loses.

Like I said though, there might not be as many eligible to vote next time so it could take less than 235 voting for a different union to unseat USAPA.

Here is another story. Big difference though. Parker has been jacking with all the employees too long. Especially the F/A group. He is not very perceptive. They are really ready to take the wheels off this thing. There were hundreds out today. Combined with Scotch Kirby not hedging fuel, these boys are in for some rough sledding.
What makes you so sure of that statement above?

Maybe you should read what the NMB has to say about eligible voters. Furloughed are eligible - how many of them declined recall so won't be eligible to vote next time. Those on medical are eligible - depending on when an election might be held how many of them will reach 65 and not be eligible. There have been some early retirements since the last election - they were eligible to vote but not after they retire.

That would be offset by new hires since the last election so there could be more or less eligible to vote next time.

There's really not much to get so I'll put in third grade language. Suppose you've got 100 pennies to split between yourself and Suzie. Since Suzie is cute, she gets 60 pennies and you get 40 pennies - the difference is 20 pennies (20% of the pennies). Now Suzie really likes you so gives you 11 of her pennies. So now Suzie has 49 pennies while you have 50. It doesn't take Suzie giving you 20 pennies - the margin in the initial split - for you to have more pennies than Suzie, it just takes 11 changing hands.


Looks like you flunked "third grade" math......I have "40 pennies", Suzie gives me "11 pennies" because "she likes" me. Above you say I now have "50". Since when is "40" + "11" = "50"........hmmmmm......LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is another story. Big difference though. Parker has been jacking with all the employees too long. Especially the F/A group. He is not very perceptive. They are really ready to take the wheels off this thing. There were hundreds out today. Combined with Scotch Kirby not hedging fuel, these boys are in for some rough sledding.

Until the mediator declares an impasse and the 30 day clock runs down, I wouldn't be talking too much about being "ready to take the wheels off".
Looks like you flunked "third grade" math......I have "40 pennies", Suzie gives me "11 pennies" because "she likes" me. Above you say I now have "50". Since when is "40" + "11" = "50"........hmmmmm......LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I didn't catch the typo till after hitting post, but I changed it.

Maybe you should read what the NMB has to say about eligible voters. Furloughed are eligible - how many of them declined recall so won't be eligible to vote next time. Those on medical are eligible - depending on when an election might be held how many of them will reach 65 and not be eligible. There have been some early retirements since the last election - they were eligible to vote but not after they retire.

That would be offset by new hires since the last election so there could be more or less eligible to vote next time.


I am aware of who was eligible, and I'm sure ALPA just hated that too. Looking at the total number of pilots that could have voted, there were at least 1,000+ that did NOT vote. I'm guessing most of the non-voters were from the East. So the margin may or may not have been wider for USAPA.

Remember the west is younger and smarter. Kasher will be coming in soon and the westies will be devastated. Silver will launch the DJ.

Tough days ahead for the west!


Nice to know I am one of those younger, smarter Westies considering I was born when Kennedy was in the White House and voted for Reagan in 1980.

Looky here, Hate has his Carnac the Magnificent turban on and can predict how Judge Silver is going to rule.
Come on, it is GENX math! Gen X thinking. Here is how it goes- a west pilot is hired 17 yrs after an east pilot, then expects to go ahead of him. The real figure is 8.9%, but west math GENX brings it to 2%. This is why this group will never come together. Whatever the outcome, the GENX West factor attempts to skew the data. Remember the CLT picketing event? There were hundreds there. Jetzz applied the GENX factor, and brought it down to a dozen.

Since you guys are having such a hard time understanding percentages again, (it is not a GenX thing, it is a you don't seem to be able to do math thing). I have an aviation related word problem that might make it clearer.

Q: You are flying along with a true airspeed of 300kts, into a 60kt headwind, burning 100lbs of fuel a minute. How much fuel will you burn to reach usapa headquarters 96 miles away, and will you be there before they lose a representational election by 4.4%?

A: No, it was a trick question, you only had 2000 lbs of fuel. So just like usapa you would never have reached the destination.
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