US Pilots Labor Discussion

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No,just your position that you only want truth and justice. Come clean.....
why do you's ok really.......splain it to us!!!

If you can't understand plain English, that's your problem. I'm done "splaining." Think what you want. Opinions on this forum won't change anything. Your mess will be decided for you by the courts, the company, or 51% of the US pilots. In the mean time you get to enjoy LOA93 a little longer.

The rule of law will prevail.
Yeah considering that they are the direct source, yes I believe them, before I believe a UAL Pilot who has an obsession with this debate.

No Land Green,

I talked to my college roomate yesterday (UAL A320 Captain).........he tells a different story than our boy jettz.

He is really concerned that the 12 to 13 year UAL pilots are going to get the shaft.

Yes, I have checked out both properties. Very professional with the strip club and the 3 message parlors.........nice!


Training must have been pretty grueling if you spent so much of your time in those establishments..... which massage parlor do you recommend?
YES or NO....are you they guy who stood up and said "my money is on Mr. Parker" during the fuel school
fiasco. YES or NO.



But I think that individual has been right so far. USAPA has been here for 3 years and so far all we have to show for it is a couple of Taurus automobiles, a dysfunctional BPR, and a President that is all about power. As long as it's in his hands.

Why yes, we are better off with USAPA. Best money I ever spent. NOT!
No Land Green,

I talked to my college roomate yesterday (UAL A320 Captain).........he tells a different story than our boy jettz.

He is really concerned that the 12 to 13 year UAL pilots are going to get the shaft.

Vey well could be. I'm in that group you mention. I don't look at it as being screwed. DOH would make me a 757 captain overnight. That would screw the CO guys and is not going to happen. Straight slotting by seat could "screw me" but I don't see it that way. Whatever happens in binding arbitration will be somewhat fair, and I have no problem accepting the results and moving forward. We have a great company to build and an excellent contract coming our way soon. So no regrets no matter how the SLI turns out.

Sorry to disappoint you. I know you want everyone else (especially us UAL guys) to suffer in misery along with you.

As soon as I saw the west reps backing this dump at Woodlawn I realized this was a bad deal for USAPA! You mention RIP, USAPA.

My PHL reps made a very poor decision with this property. If the west thinks this is good for USAPA then it is definately a bad deal.

924PS asked me if I have checked out the property. In the last 9 months I have lived in CLT hotels during training for 2 of those months.

Yes, I have checked out both properties. Very professional with the strip club and the 3 message parlors.........nice!


You shame us all Hate. I actually thought you had a thread of credibility. You sound like Rich Peters.

The Strip club (if it is even still open) is a half mile up the street, exact same distance from the very hotel the Officers have been staying in for almost 3 years. I don’t look for massage parlors either, but the fact you have somehow found three of them is interesting. I will let someone else make the jokes.

Truth be told, the most dangerous place for union work is now INSIDE the USAPA office.

Basing a day to day union decision on "whether the West reps like it or not" is very telling on your part. I hope you never attain a position of real responsibility where you could harm us all with your bias.

Direct source of what? What you want to hear? Propaganda? Bull $h*t?

Yeah, you're right. Direct source. :lol:

LMAO, yeah I'm going to believe a UAL Pilot who thinks he knows more than the person I talked to on the other end of the phone who is ON the NAC, who sits in the room across the table from crack me up so much..........
No Land Green,

I talked to my college roomate yesterday (UAL A320 Captain).........he tells a different story than our boy jettz.

He is really concerned that the 12 to 13 year UAL pilots are going to get the shaft.


As well he should be, with ALPA watching his back!

Vey well could be. I'm in that group you mention. I don't look at it as being screwed. DOH would make me a 757 captain overnight. That would screw the CO guys and is not going to happen. Straight slotting by seat could "screw me" but I don't see it that way. Whatever happens in binding arbitration will be somewhat fair, and I have no problem accepting the results and moving forward. We have a great company to build and an excellent contract coming our way soon. So no regrets no matter how the SLI turns out.

Sorry to disappoint you. I know you want everyone else (especially us UAL guys) to suffer in misery along with you.

At least UAL/CO will have the benefit of the "new" ALPA merger policy. A three arbitrator panel (helps to keep things on the reservation) and consideration of.......LONGEVITY. I think there should be consideration of an individuals age also, clearly a pilot with a few extra decades of potential service going for them has something of an.....advantage.

LMAO, yeah I'm going to believe a UAL Pilot who thinks he knows more than the person I talked to on the other end of the phone who is ON the NAC, who sits in the room across the table from crack me up so much..........
Sure you can “trust” the NAC member who sits across the table from Management. Those negotiations are kind of like the Japanese high command (aka USAPA NAC) coming aboard the USS Missouri in September of 1945 and meeting with General Douglas MacArthur, Admiral Chester Nimitz, and Admiral Bill Halsey. Lots of give and take negotiations between two worthy and equally-matched adversaries, each having a good deal of leverage to use against the other side. Oh wait, I guess those “negotiations” weren’t quite as equally balanced as one side actually had all the leverage (Management) against a defeated and humiliated opponent (USAPA). Now if the USAPA NAC could only figure out why they have no leverage at the negotiating table (psst…it’s section 22!).
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