US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Well, then you need to wake up because your ignorance is going to keep you mired in LOA93 for a long time. USAPA's DOH is a clear breach of its duty to fairly represent. Nobody is going to touch the proposal which repudiates a binding arbitration and it generated from the delusional logic of the East that its a fair proposal. It's theft on its face, it's theft in its workings. Nobody but the East buys it.

Your crystal ball is a lot better than mine. I think I will wait to see how Judge Silver rules. Who knows, maybe someday there will be a JCBA ratified by a majority of USAirways pilots. At which time the DFR-II crowd can litigate to their hearts content. I think it would be safe to say that the outcome of a DFR-II is uncertain. In the meantime we all get to keep making BMW payments for lawyers.

Don't try to get out of this by playing dumb. You're quick on making accusations (repeating one yesterday) so what's the holdup on the proof (although we both know why you haven't offered any)

You were an alpa rep. You are an alpa shill. The proof is in your posts.
Don't try to get out of this by playing dumb. You're quick on making accusations (repeating one yesterday) so what's the holdup on the proof (although we both know why you haven't offered any)?



If proof were dynamite you couldn't blow your nose!!


If proof were dynamite you couldn't blow your nose!!


Ironically you're right though I doubt you meant it that way. Since Nos has no proof of the accusations he made there would be no dynamite to blow even dust.

If you were never furloughed, you've seen it happen twice - between 1991 and 1996/7 and again from 2002 to 2006/7. How much attrition was there during those years without a single recall or new hire? Next there's the attrition from the right seat which doesn't leave a captains vacancy (just as there were retirements from the furloughed during those two periods of stagnation).Then there's those that retire from long term medical - a pilot could retire in 2013 but his vacancy was filled in 2008 when he went out on medical, thus no new vacancy when he/her moves from medical to retired status. the three explain why you can't just count future retirements for a given year and say that there will be that many vacancies created by attrition.

I would assume that there are East pilots who either don't want to take anything from the West or get anything the West has. There are probably a small minority of East pilots who think the Nic award was fair. But the majority of East pilots elected USAPA as CBA to get what it promised - as close to a DOH integration as it could get.


Yea good point....but you know as well as we did that U could not run this airline forever on the current staffing....we knew that all of the give backs and downsizing and duty rig loss would one day run its course as guys retired and the current model would eventually have guys start moving up.....and then a PID that took none of that into consideration. 500 hundred guys recalled after PID but before NIC. NONE OF IT CONSIDERED BY NIC. If the age 60 had not been expanded 600 guys would have moved up while we waited. 100 on the West. You know what the east gave up to keep this dog alive.......You make Jane Fonda look like a Medal of Honor winner !!!!!

You know what the east gave up to keep this dog alive....

A good start would be picking one story and sticking to it. Either ALPA is scum for making all those concessions or they get credit for keeping US alive. You don't get to blame ALPA for the concessions then take credit for the concessions that kept US alive.

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