US Pilots Labor Discussion

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How about this little beauty from Parker..."Sometimes I say things that aren't really true..."

That was his disclaimer to everything. The courts will decide. He's said that over and over again as if it matters.
And you believe him. Try it in court. Sounds like a lame excuse. I guess you would belive Bernie Madoff could be acquitted if he said "I thought it was just monopoly money....." You must be a Koontz Disciple also! What kind of stuff is he feeding you guys? IT must be mighty embarassing for him to face you guys in airports after the fleecing you have taken! :lol: :lol: :lol:
How about this little beauty from Parker..."Sometimes I say things that aren't really true..."

That was his disclaimer to everything. The courts will decide. He's said that over and over again as if it matters.
We used that on him with Kasher. He said he didn't think the LOA 93 pay restoration was a valid claim. "Sometimes I say things that aren' t really true" comes to mind over and over.
OK, I will. Just like Wake. If she even dares go there, she will get her spanking also. It did vanish, but the correct terminology is CLEAN SLATE in case you forgot......Remember, Silver better be VERY careful with this little hot potato. If she tries to plow new legal ground that the 9th already ruled on, she is going to get teed up by the 9th clerks. Also the Supreme Court. I guarantee she will not even begin to try to re do anything her superior judicial entity has already ruled on. I really don't care what Koontz and the rest of the Leonidas braintrust put out there. They are dead wrong on Addington having any weight with anything. If she tries to go there, she will get what that loon Wake got.This is very funny how the west legal braintrust thinks an Arizona judge can come back in and undo what the 9th did! Tell us how that happens :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: KEEP THE DONATIONS COMING!
Once again your anger keeps you from comprehension. Where did I imply DFR II would be a carbon copy of DFR I? No one said anything about Judge Silver trying to undo the 9th, who simply ruled that DFR I was not ripe, while preserving the wests rights to refile without fear of any statute of limitations. (Mission accomplished on that one, btw.). We are talking about evidence, discovery, testimony, depostions, etc. Using such from DFR I where appropriate saves time and money for everyone... something contrary to USAPA's three main goals.. delay, delay, and delay. And if allowed, which would be completely legal, goes against the claims of you and many others that the Addington trial never happened, or vanished into thin air. It did happen. It's still a matter of record even though there is a new slate. It didn't vanish as many of you hoped it would. Here's a hint... It's still being talked about in court.

Good luck to all parties involved. Things should start to get interesting.
Points all worth re-reading.

Now can someone on the east tell us again how DFR I is dead and vanished into thin air as if it never happened, while at the same time it is still being discussed in Judge Sliver's courtroom? What about that evidence that can't be "imported?"

C'mon Jetz...tell us why you care so much. You aren;t even a UAL guy are you. You are a 3 year AW pilot who bragged to his flight instructor buddies that you would be a Capt in 5 years right.......please tell us.


Both sides also know that in a merger more than likely pilots will be furloughed. Unless someone can come up with an ironclad guarantee (most unilikely) that no pilot will ever be furloughed within 15 or 20 years of the next mreger then we are stuck where we are fighting to the end to protect the junior pilots on our sides of the property

A rare admission of the truth, Bob. We all know/have known that beneath all the arguments against Nic, the real reason the east wants DOH is to make the west furlough fodder for the bottom of the east list. Not exactly fair considering those same west pilots came to the merger with a job and the junior east pilots did not. So much for keeping what you bring. Also not fair considering the reasons and circumstances that put 17 year pilots on the bottom, furloughed, with little job security had nothing to do with the west.

So all other arguments aside, if there was reduction in work force, those who were furloughed before should be furloughed first again. That's usually how it works. Doesn't matter how close they are to retirement. Their career progression (or lack thereof) should not be subsidized by us.

One more thing worth noting is that your statement about furloughs is not accurate. DL did not furlough after their merger. They are in fact going to hire. UA has also not furloughed. What happens there remains to be seen, but all indications are that they will be recalling and then hiring.

As for attrition, you on the east are welcome to 2 thirds of the upgrades that you brought. But then again, Nic already accounts for that.
C'mon Jetz...tell us why you care so much. You aren;t even a UAL guy are you. You are a 3 year AW pilot who bragged to his flight instructor buddies that you would be a Capt in 5 years right.......please tell us.

Here we go again. I doubt you'll get another answer from him considering he explained it umpteen million times already. Much like Boeing Boy is still waiting for proof from Nos as to his claims. Your obsession is pathetic. Are you all cut from the same, ratty old cloth? Also, did you miss the part weeks ago when I asked 767Jetz, BoeingBoy, and a few others to post here as often as they like, since some of us, including me like to hear what they have to say? So for no other reason, they are here because I asked them to be.

Talk about beating a dead horse. You REALLY must hate when others shine light on your scam, hence your attempt to redirect people's attention from the matter at hand. How Juvenile of you.
I love asking people at work these two questions out of the blue and the answers I get:

1. Does a PHX hub work with a DEN hub? NO

2. Does a PHX hub work with a DFW hub? NO

Hmmmmm, me still thinks the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. Wonder why the NIC Award is so important to the West. Separate ops facilitates fragmentation.........If Parker wanted a joint contract he would make an offer we couldn't refuse. Nic bought Parker unforseen flexibility. The industry is in constant change, and Tempe needs a buyer(s).
Does a CLT hub work with ATL? No!

Still waiting for one of you east guys to explain how you split this pig. Or who would want more east coast commuter flying?
Does a CLT hub work with ATL? No!

Still waiting for one of you east guys to explain how you split this pig. Or who would want more east coast commuter flying?

Travelers have sought an alternative to ATL for decades. PI started to hub CLT in the 80s and it's grown every since. American tried to hub RDU, but it went bust. CLT DOES work with ATL and in a big way.

Easy to take yours and split :)

Driver B)
OK, I will. Just like Wake. If she even dares go there, she will get her spanking also. It did vanish, but the correct terminology is CLEAN SLATE in case you forgot......Remember, Silver better be VERY careful with this little hot potato. If she tries to plow new legal ground that the 9th already ruled on, she is going to get teed up by the 9th clerks. Also the Supreme Court. I guarantee she will not even begin to try to re do anything her superior judicial entity has already ruled on. I really don't care what Koontz and the rest of the Leonidas braintrust put out there. They are dead wrong on Addington having any weight with anything. If she tries to go there, she will get what that loon Wake got.This is very funny how the west legal braintrust thinks an Arizona judge can come back in and undo what the 9th did! Tell us how that happens :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: KEEP THE DONATIONS COMING!


First, the 9th ruled Addington vs usapa was Not Ripe. Nothing more. They even say so in the beginning of the ruling.

Second, the company's DJ is not Addington vs usapa.

Third, the general concensus is she will dismiss. But, if she does not, it has nothing to do with what the 9th ruled in Addington. It has to do with the company's contractual obligations. Like I told you when the 9th ruled, the 9th left usapa free to negotiate, problem is the 9th did not mandate that the company has to set itself up for massive liability in colluding with usapa's seniority theft plan.

The West's legal braintrust does not know or speculate what an Arizona judge may or may not do. What the West's legal braintrust does know is if usapa and the company try to use any non-Nic list, we will sue and win. What is LOL funny is that the company's lawyer Siegel knows the West is right, Judge Silver knows we are right, I even suspect Seeham knows we are right, after all, we have a jury verdict to back it up.

The West's legal braintrust does not know or speculate what an Arizona judge may or may not do. What the West's legal braintrust does know is if usapa and the company try to use any non-Nic list, we will sue and win.
If you are so sure of a win seems to me you would have accepted DOH years ago, and then you would have won your DFR, right. So the question is what are you afraid of?
You must be a Koontz Disciple also! What kind of stuff is he feeding you guys?

Facts. Steady diet of non-sugarcoated facts out here in the West.

What is usapa feeding you? Just wondering, because none-nada-zip-zilch-zero of their pipedream predictions, have come to pass.

No quick contract, no breaking the self imposed impasse, no DOH contract, nobody even willing to discuss DOH with them. You tasted that "cost neutral" contract yet?
Here we go again. I doubt you'll get another answer from him considering he explained it umpteen million times already. Much like Boeing Boy is still waiting for proof from Nos as to his claims. Your obsession is pathetic. Are you all cut from the same, ratty old cloth? Also, did you miss the part weeks ago when I asked 767Jetz, BoeingBoy, and a few others to post here as often as they like, since some of us, including me like to hear what they have to say? So for no other reason, they are here because I asked them to be.

Talk about beating a dead horse. You REALLY must hate when others shine light on your scam, hence your attempt to redirect people's attention from the matter at hand. How Juvenile of you.

boing boy the former alpa rep and 767jetz the current united pilot rep on flight pay loss. alpa was dumped and they did not like it, the shills are embarrassed.

The declaratory will be dismissed in short order, the loa 93 will be announced in mostly the companies favor soon. They do not care about negotiations with pilots or f/as because they know that after declaratory and 93 are made final, a corporate transaction will take place. It will be the next owners of the fragmented pieces problem. The west will no longer have their satellite domiciles in CLT and PHL to make up for the piece of economic junk they brought to the merger.

Enjoy Mesa Airlines. Check your scope and protection clauses out west. I will save you the trouble, there are none.

There will be no one to sue for a DFRII, it will be the other unions problems.

The messenger.
How about this little beauty from Parker..."Sometimes I say things that aren't really true..."

That was his disclaimer to everything. The courts will decide. He's said that over and over again as if it matters.
Can anyone out there believe that the Pres. of a Company would make a statement like that. And what is more amazing that the board and stockholders havent raked him over the coals over it.
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