US Pilots Labor Discussion

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you parasitic waterheads understand. Federal court. :p

With a comment like that, how can we help but respect you guys. Worthless.

Maybe since you are not a US pilot you should do the smart thing and STFU. I was talking about since the beginning of AWA, bottom of the barrel and dragging everyone else down.
Listen to Black Eyed Peas or respond to pre..........tough choice.

You guys crack me up when you say you have had no choice. There is always a choice and you guys have made plenty. Let's review:

1) Despite being told that the Nic was going to be a hard sell in a joint contract(structure of TA), refused to listen to any amendments
2) Despite internal debate, decide to go ahead with Addington suit.
3) Decided to go after the company in Addington suit
4) Decided to go after big damages
5) Decided to go to the SCOTUS
6) And for people like you, decide to arrogant, belligerent and oblivious in public forums

I won't tell you that any of the decisions you guys have made are wrong, except #6 and there has been plenty of the same from the east, but you have had DECISIONS TO MAKE,AND YOU HAVE MADE THEM. We will one day see which ones were right and which were wrong.

Yes, we are nothing compared to you...How did that name "brat" come up anyway? I've found it fitting.

But, one last point you conveniently forgot is the west decided to follow the rules, you didn't. You tried to pull a fast one, an end run around the agreed upon rules. In life that is called cheating, which means you are a cheater. The courts deal with cheaters, hopefully we will get the chance to nail this shut. As they say, "cheaters never win"! Now, if only we can get that DOH seniority list... Where is that thing? Three years into USAPA and it is nowhere to be found.
With a comment like that, how can we help but respect you guys. Worthless.

Maybe since you are not a US pilot you should do the smart thing and STFU. I was talking about since the beginning of AWA, bottom of the barrel and dragging everyone else down.

I was talking about the last 10 years...not the beginning of time. See, the difference is my time line has some bearing on present day know, where the sane people live? I know you guys want to believe that it's still 1983, your airline isn't a F'ing embarrassment, and sitting in the right seat of a dc-9 going to Binghampton is a Goldmine. Just isn't true.

The economics of 11 different AC types, and two hubs in the same state, (one of the few with a continually shrinking population I might add) and outrageous compensation for what was never anything more than a glorified regional is what brought you down. Not a totally unrelated airline thousands of miles away from you.

Start living in reality and I'll STFU. Until then, YCSMD. :lol:
Do not bother looking here - it is an extremely biased view, slanted towards the AWA pilots point of view, and is riddled with errors and false statements.

Boeing Driver
Yes yes... don't bother to look here and see another person's opinion. It's not our opinion therefore it's wrong and not worth wasting your own brain power formulating your own opinion. We will give you your opinion when we want you to have one.


Typical east response... censorship at all times. Control the message.

What are you afraid of? If it's so biased as you say, don't you think others can figure that out for themselves? Or are you the only one smart enough to formulate an opinion?
Yes, we are nothing compared to you...How did that name "brat" come up anyway? I've found it fitting.

But, one last point you conveniently forgot is the west decided to follow the rules, you didn't. You tried to pull a fast one, an end run around the agreed upon rules. In life that is called cheating, which means you are a cheater. The courts deal with cheaters, hopefully we will get the chance to nail this shut. As they say, "cheaters never win"! Now, if only we can get that DOH seniority list... Where is that thing? Three years into USAPA and it is nowhere to be found.

You know prechil, there are certainties in life that are very comforting. The sun will come up tomorrow, the word will spin and certain west posters, when faced with FACTS, will change the subject.

I didn't forget anything, you didn't mention that in the post I addressed. "I" did nothing, my group yes.

Three years into it and no Nicaolau being used as a joint seniority list. Where I come from they call that a draw.

And the pi brat, if you had half a brain you could figure it out.
I was talking about the last 10 years...not the beginning of time. See, the difference is my time line has some bearing on present day know, where the sane people live? I know you guys want to believe that it's still 1983, your airline isn't a F'ing embarrassment, and sitting in the right seat of a dc-9 going to Binghampton is a Goldmine. Just isn't true.

The economics of 11 different AC types, and two hubs in the same state, (one of the few with a continually shrinking population I might add) and outrageous compensation for what was never anything more than a glorified regional is what brought you down. Not a totally unrelated airline thousands of miles away from you.

Start living in reality and I'll STFU. Until then, YCSMD. :lol:

Ah, the ignorance of youth. "Those that forget the past..............." Look it up, because I guess you were out behind the gym smoking dope on that day in class. "Let's ignore everything that doesn't favor our argument!" says metroyet.

Please, please, don't STFU. You are making the west look so good.
And you forgot to mention how you triumph over Horizon Air as well... I think your 320/ 737 captains are four dollars more than they are!
You have such a great future, I am glad you are happy with status quo... USAPA is delivering everything you wanted.

Looking forward to Wednesday! Maybe another two years for court cases. Do you think crew meal disputes take two years in court to figure out?

As professional pilots we should all be pulling for higher wages at the regional carriers. To quote Ronald Reagan, who would have been 100 today, "A rising tide lifts all boats". The more regional pilots can pry out of their managements, the better. Not only for them, but for us as well. The fact that JetBlue EMB-190 captains top out at $142.83/hr is a good thing, for them and us. Sure makes it harder for "Dougie" to to maintain that USAirways pilots flying that aircraft are somehow "not worthy". Not to mention how totally inadequate it makes the 320/737 pay here look, both West and East!

There are NO pilots at this company that are "happy" with the pay. As for a great future, that belongs to the West. The shoes I wear to work are older than the number of years it will take the West to inherit this place. NIC or not!

Ah, the ignorance of youth. "Those that forget the past..............." Look it up, because I guess you were out behind the gym smoking dope on that day in class. "Let's ignore everything that doesn't favor our argument!" says metroyet.

Please, please, don't STFU. You are making the west look so good.

Another meaningless, disjointed, and pointless response from Grandpa Eastie.

Ahh Yes. Us youthful whipper snappers in their 40's...with our 20+ years of experience are just so ignorant to the ways of modern aviation. It's so helpful to have you "Get off my lawn!!!" elder statesman around to add so much richness to the argument.

Back to my bong and Foghat LPs...maybe I'll put my copy of Fast Times at Ridgemont High in the betamax.

See you Wednesday to discuss that thing that never happened...Don't worry, I'll never STFU when it comes to you scabs.
Another meaningless, disjointed, and pointless response from Grandpa Eastie.

Ahh Yes. Us youthful whipper snappers in their 40's...with our 20+ years of experience are just so ignorant to the ways of modern aviation. It's so helpful to have you "Get off my lawn!!!" elder statesman around to add so much richness to add to the argument.

Back to my bong and Foghat LPs...maybe I'll put my copy of Fast Times at Ridgemont High in the betamax.

See you Wednesday to discuss that thing that never happened...Don't worry, I'll never STFU when it comes to you scabs.

Please tell me you are not a day over 35! I really don't want to share the same generation as someone like you.

Be careful on Wed., it is a federal court and certain thing could get you in trouble! :lol: I won't be wasting a trip to PHX for it, I will just read AOL's Cliff's Notes.

Have never been and never will be a SCAB. Keep making stuff up junior.
And you forgot to mention how you triumph over Horizon Air as well... I think your 320/ 737 captains are four dollars more than they are!
You have such a great future, I am glad you are happy with status quo... USAPA is delivering everything you wanted.

Looking forward to Wednesday! Maybe another two years for court cases. Do you think crew meal disputes take two years in court to figure out?

“And somewhere in the cold, dark desert night Tanya sits staring into the distance, not quite sure how to write yet another dues check. It is a harsh world, she had counted on coming out ahead in the merging of two dying carriers, and now only finds solace in the wretched lives of those she so incorrectly believes to be worse off than herself. Her beloved Charlotte still eludes her, so she seeks comfort in the very thought of manipulating the joystick of a sleek and fast A330. Goosebumps cover her body at the thought of such grandeur, she …..”

“Wait a minute…oh, must have dozed off. Oh yeah, I am actually sitting in CLT, just moved up to Blockholding C/O , and there are a few hundred above me leaving in the next 2 or 3 years. Hate my airline, love my job, and love my life. Got to quit having these nightmares.. I am not a PHX pilot.”

You are dishing it out with the best of them Prechil…take this in the fun it was intended. Not so bad here out East as you want it to be. I am hunkered down for the duration, even if it be years and years. Seniority Matters.

RR (with apologies to my 7th grade English teacher)
Hopefully, we can just beat the crap out of each other for another several years and then time will take care of it. Five or ten more years and none of it will matter, if we survive, God willing.
Hopefully, we can just beat the crap out of each other for another several years and then time will take care of it. Five or ten more years and none of it will matter, if we survive, God willing.

You will come out ok Mitch, like you 5 or 10 years. You are young enough.

By the way, your favorite band in concert tomorrow on HD Net, afternoon East coast time.

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