US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Given the fact that the West's low pay is the direct fault of the EAST pilots, who do you expect them to turn up their noses at?
Huh? the East had nothing to do with your pay in the past or present, you want a raise it's DOH and then you can go ahead with your DFR, until then lots of upward movement on the East side and status quo for you. Oh well!! If LOA 84 rates come in I can't wait to the the "whine of the West". PS enjoy the game!!!
Given the fact that the West's low pay is the direct fault of the EAST pilots, who do you expect them to turn up their noses at?

This is absolutely hilarious.... Considering that the AWA contract was the lowball aiming point that US Airways used to destroy (and then used the court system to get a little more) the pilot contract during bankruptcy in order to make this abortion of a merger even happen.

You have got to love the lowlife AWA attitude.

Boeing Driver
This is absolutely hilarious.... Considering that the AWA contract was the lowball aiming point that US Airways used to destroy (and then used the court system to get a little more) the pilot contract during bankruptcy in order to make this abortion of a merger even happen.

You have got to love the lowlife AWA attitude.

Boeing Driver

What's even funnier is your rates are even lower...
You guys are like clowns in a circus- so good at making fun of yourselves!
Given the fact that the West's low pay is the direct fault of the EAST pilots, who do you expect them to turn up their noses at?

What???!! It's more like AWA and their kind are to blame for the entire industry's race to the bottom. Their rates were the target post 9/11.
What???!! It's more like AWA and their kind are to blame for the entire industry's race to the bottom. Their rates were the target post 9/11.

You over shot the target by a wide margin id say! :lol: The West did nothing but bargain in good faith with you guys. Big Mistake. A decent contract was obtainable 5 years ago and we all know who pulled the plug and walked away like little whiny bitc*es. The East pilots have cost every pilot and their families 100+ thousand of dollars. There is no arguing that fact. There will also be no more bargaining with the East. Won't happen again. See you Wednesday in the only venue you parasitic waterheads understand. Federal court. :p
I agree, life is full of choices. Unfortunately for the west, we do not have a choice any longer so we are along for the ride. USAPA was constructed to destroy us, we have survived three years now and it looks like we will weather this storm just fine. Unfortunately we were supposed to be in section 6 negotiations in 2007 but you guys put an end to that and have no control over anything. That personally gives me peace of mind knowing I have no part in this mess so now here we sit, by your choice and your choice alone. The west will just have to wait patiently until you guys start imploding- after all, it is our airline to inherit so time is on our side. At least the west won't be the lowest paid in the industry, we will always have you for that.
The Kirby doesn't add much to our bottom line out on the west anyway, all the benefits go east so no, I do not need it. The west is quite satisfied with keeping the status quo for a few more years, capture the Nic and then recapture the flying the east has stolen from us. I guess the wide body flying will be our backpay with our seniority. That is the likely outcome of this mess and in the meantime I do not mind watching your side kick yourselves in the crotch for a few more years anyway. You are a funny group of men, definitely odd. When is the next fist fight in Charlotte? You guys should sell tickets, or at least send out invitations...

Thanks for that, I needed a laugh! I have a reply for you, but I have to get supper on the stove for the kids. Be back later, but one quick question, are you able to keep the sand out of your eyes when you stick you head in it?
What's even funnier is your rates are even lower...
You guys are like clowns in a circus- so good at making fun of yourselves!

All I hear is how bad USAPA is for the East. The West is always saying that USAPA has ruined the East and that the East will never dig itself out of the hole USAPA put the East in until the East tosses out USAPA. USAPA has allowed pay disparity for soooo long and USAPA has allowed the East profit sharing with the West. USAPA has been soooo bad for the East.

Sooooo bad for the East..... I have heard the West message so loud and clear, I can't remember what on earth is the reason the West would expect to win a DFR that finds USAPA guilty of disadvantaging the West to the East's bennefit...

The way the West talks, it is the other way around. They are always so concerned about how USAPA is mistreating the East.

Democracy... so easy a caveman can understand it.
You are wrong. Unlike you and your buddies, some people are open to, and even interested in the opinions of others. I know it's a hard concept for you to comprehend. (And yes I know his history. I've been a long time lurker on this forum.)

What people do tune out and ignore are the garbage links that your friend sumadarson posts, that have nothing to do with our situation. People ignore stupidity, flame bait, and desperate low blow attacks like his and yours pretty quickly. The differing opinions of others that are well thought out and expressed without attacks and emotion are worth understanding, even if one disagrees. The rest is a waste of bandwidth. Nothing but background noise to the actual subject a hand.

Actually I read a lot of information and click on most links but one because that one poster has been beating the same drum since there has been either an alpa or some other web board. Heck I even read the stuff aol sent to my house and I found it interesting and very.....pretty.

That would be the general idea when negotiating a JCBA in a merger. Cherry-pick the best parts from each, combine them and then use that as your opener. In our case, that opener would then require significant improvement to even get close to industry standard.

I doubt the East 75/76 guys would go for pay parity with the West for instance!


You are right about the 75/76 guys. I was thinking we should be more democratic about common pay- A-330 pay for all pilots, of course after the a-330 pilots get a healthy raise!

Thanks for that, I needed a laugh! I have a reply for you, but I have to get supper on the stove for the kids. Be back later, but one quick question, are you able to keep the sand out of your eyes when you stick you head in it?

If you get a second, please identify exactly which sentence is erroneous. I can't find it.
I love watching how this guys throw that LOA 93 at us, they are the SECOND lowest paid in the industry and have no one else to turn there noses up to, but I guess they are happy with that, although the one thing they don't have is attrition. I would hate to be junior on the west side with no growth in sight.

You are only partially correct. For the sake of accuracy, I believe the West is in FIRST place for lowest paid 757 pilots in the industry.

As of the East May 2011 permanent bid, there will be 407 East 75/76 pilots and 364 A330 pilots, for a total of 771 East pilots, all making more under LOA 93, by seat specific position, than any West pilot.

You over shot the target by a wide margin id say! :lol: The West did nothing but bargain in good faith with you guys. Big Mistake. A decent contract was obtainable 5 years ago and we all know who pulled the plug and walked away like little whiny bitc*es. The East pilots have cost every pilot and their families 100+ thousand of dollars. There is no arguing that fact. There will also be no more bargaining with the East. Won't happen again. See you Wednesday in the only venue you parasitic waterheads understand. Federal court. :p
The entire industry was pulled down by this group. You can thank this great model for the lack of pensions anymore. This was always the intention of all airline CEO's - achieve the AWA model. The Continental pilots pulled themselves out of the gutter and helped the profession. The AWA model brought everyone down to the lowest denominator.
You are only partially correct. For the sake of accuracy, I believe the West is in FIRST place for lowest paid 757 pilots in the industry.

As of the East May 2011 permanent bid, there will be 407 East 75/76 pilots and 364 A330 pilots, for a total of 771 East pilots, all making more under LOA 93, by seat specific position, than any West pilot.


And you forgot to mention how you triumph over Horizon Air as well... I think your 320/ 737 captains are four dollars more than they are!
You have such a great future, I am glad you are happy with status quo... USAPA is delivering everything you wanted.

Looking forward to Wednesday! Maybe another two years for court cases. Do you think crew meal disputes take two years in court to figure out?
That personally gives me peace of mind knowing I have no part in this mess so now here we sit, by your choice and your choice alone.

Listen to Black Eyed Peas or respond to pre..........tough choice.

You guys crack me up when you say you have had no choice. There is always a choice and you guys have made plenty. Let's review:

1) Despite being told that the Nic was going to be a hard sell in a joint contract(structure of TA), refused to listen to any amendments
2) Despite internal debate, decide to go ahead with Addington suit.
3) Decided to go after the company in Addington suit
4) Decided to go after big damages
5) Decided to go to the SCOTUS
6) And for people like you, decide to arrogant, belligerent and oblivious in public forums

I won't tell you that any of the decisions you guys have made are wrong, except #6 and there has been plenty of the same from the east, but you have had DECISIONS TO MAKE,AND YOU HAVE MADE THEM. We will one day see which ones were right and which were wrong.
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