US Pilots Labor Discussion

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We were offered pay parity and we turned it down.

Parker said we could have the West contract but what the East means by parity is picking the parts they want from both contracts.

What we were offered was parity with the west what we should negotiate for is parity with the industry as a starting point.


We were offered pay parity and we turned it down.

Parker said we could have the West contract but what the East means by parity is picking the parts they want from both contracts.


Contrary to some assertions on here I know you are an intelligent guy, with probably a higher IQ than most of our pilots. But, your life experience has caused you to come to a conclusion about the Nic that is vastly different than 9 out of 10 east pilots. I believe that your frustration with your fellow pilots and the scorn you have received for your POV have tainted you view (that's not criticism, I think it's the same for all of us at times). So, with all of that in mind, let's set aside the aside the seniority fight for a minute, pretend it never happened, because none of us should have to pay for our seniority. What do you believe a pilot operating an airplane for US Airways deserves? I haven't seen anything from the company that is anywhere close to what I believe is an acceptable contract for us. Have you? Would you be happy with the Kirby?

Also I know you have a good working relationship with our F/As. Have you talked with them about their contract? They were slowed by waiting on us, but they gave up on that last year and they are nowhere near a contract. The company has used the same tactics with them that they have used with us, without the added bonus of a seniority dispute in their corner.

This a genuine question, not bait, I'm interested in your opinion.


Contrary to some assertions on here I know you are an intelligent guy, with probably a higher IQ than most of our pilots. But, your life experience has caused you to come to a conclusion about the Nic that is vastly different than 9 out of 10 east pilots. I believe that your frustration with your fellow pilots and the scorn you have received for your POV have tainted you view (that's not criticism, I think it's the same for all of us at times). So, with all of that in mind, let's set aside the aside the seniority fight for a minute, pretend it never happened, ...........Thanks.
Pi, you are wasting your time time with this guy he only cares about himself and does not support the junior pilots at all, yes he may be nice to the F/As face to face but when they turn around watch out for that knife in the back, he could care less about their contract. Nobody like's to work with this guy except your number 1 small bus boy in CLT, They are two peas in a pod. Do you think this guy will thank USAPA if we win LOA 84 rates or get back something on our pension? This guy disgusts me.

Contrary to some assertions on here I know you are an intelligent guy, with probably a higher IQ than most of our pilots. But, your life experience has caused you to come to a conclusion about the Nic that is vastly different than 9 out of 10 east pilots. I believe that your frustration with your fellow pilots and the scorn you have received for your POV have tainted you view (that's not criticism, I think it's the same for all of us at times). So, with all of that in mind, let's set aside the aside the seniority fight for a minute, pretend it never happened, because none of us should have to pay for our seniority. What do you believe a pilot operating an airplane for US Airways deserves? I haven't seen anything from the company that is anywhere close to what I believe is an acceptable contract for us. Have you? Would you be happy with the Kirby?

Also I know you have a good working relationship with our F/As. Have you talked with them about their contract? They were slowed by waiting on us, but they gave up on that last year and they are nowhere near a contract. The company has used the same tactics with them that they have used with us, without the added bonus of a seniority dispute in their corner.

This a genuine question, not bait, I'm interested in your opinion.


I agree, you are much better off with LOA93 for another five years. After all, that is what you wanted and USAPA is delivering all your wishes. Three years and counting...
I agree, you are much better off with LOA93 for another five years. After all, that is what you wanted and USAPA is delivering all your wishes. Three years and counting...

Yes, if the alternative is the Kirby today with the Nic, sign me up for 5 more years of LOA 93.

So, I take it from you reply that the Kirby is Ok for you?

How's that bid analysis going?
Good! You will probably have it, $124 an hour for another five years. I'm glad you are happy, truly I am.

Thanks, well wishes are always appreciated. I hope you enjoy yours too.

Life is full of choices. Speaking just for myself, I'm not happy with LOA 93. It was way too much for way too long, but it without the Nic is a better choice than a Kirby contract with the Nic. If we ever get choices other than that I will examine the choices and vote for what I think is best for me and my family. I expect no more than that from you or any other pilot, east or west. One pilot, one vote, at least for those that choose to be members and exercise that right. For those that don't, I couldn't care less about them.

You didn't answer my questions. Is the Kirby acceptable to you? Have you figured out the east hasn't grown?
I agree, you are much better off with LOA93 for another five years. After all, that is what you wanted and USAPA is delivering all your wishes. Three years and counting...
I love watching how this guys throw that LOA 93 at us, they are the SECOND lowest paid in the industry and have no one else to turn there noses up to, but I guess they are happy with that, although the one thing they don't have is attrition. I would hate to be junior on the west side with no growth in sight.
Thanks, well wishes are always appreciated. I hope you enjoy yours too.

Life is full of choices. Speaking just for myself, I'm not happy with LOA 93. It was way too much for way too long, but it without the Nic is a better choice than a Kirby contract with the Nic. If we ever get choices other than that I will examine the choices and vote for what I think is best for me and my family. I expect no more than that from you or any other pilot, east or west. One pilot, one vote, at least for those that choose to be members and exercise that right. For those that don't, I couldn't care less about them.

You didn't answer my questions. Is the Kirby acceptable to you? Have you figured out the east hasn't grown?

I agree, life is full of choices. Unfortunately for the west, we do not have a choice any longer so we are along for the ride. USAPA was constructed to destroy us, we have survived three years now and it looks like we will weather this storm just fine. Unfortunately we were supposed to be in section 6 negotiations in 2007 but you guys put an end to that and have no control over anything. That personally gives me peace of mind knowing I have no part in this mess so now here we sit, by your choice and your choice alone. The west will just have to wait patiently until you guys start imploding- after all, it is our airline to inherit so time is on our side. At least the west won't be the lowest paid in the industry, we will always have you for that.
The Kirby doesn't add much to our bottom line out on the west anyway, all the benefits go east so no, I do not need it. The west is quite satisfied with keeping the status quo for a few more years, capture the Nic and then recapture the flying the east has stolen from us. I guess the wide body flying will be our backpay with our seniority. That is the likely outcome of this mess and in the meantime I do not mind watching your side kick yourselves in the crotch for a few more years anyway. You are a funny group of men, definitely odd. When is the next fist fight in Charlotte? You guys should sell tickets, or at least send out invitations...
USA 320,

I doubt if anyone will take the time to click on the link I know I didn't/won't.


You are wrong. Unlike you and your buddies, some people are open to, and even interested in the opinions of others. I know it's a hard concept for you to comprehend. (And yes I know his history. I've been a long time lurker on this forum.)

What people do tune out and ignore are the garbage links that your friend sumadarson posts, that have nothing to do with our situation. People ignore stupidity, flame bait, and desperate low blow attacks like his and yours pretty quickly. The differing opinions of others that are well thought out and expressed without attacks and emotion are worth understanding, even if one disagrees. The rest is a waste of bandwidth. Nothing but background noise to the actual subject a hand.
I love watching how this guys throw that LOA 93 at us, they are the SECOND lowest paid in the industry and have no one else to turn there noses up to.

Given the fact that the West's low pay is the direct fault of the EAST pilots, who do you expect them to turn up their noses at?
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