US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Would that be the same yes or no you were asked about some family member flying out west ?

Nos didn't ask the question, but he did make the claim that my position on seniority integration was only due to it favoring "kin". I'm still waiting for Nos to offer any proof that his accusation was true.

Like I've told others, if some East posters want to make baseless accusations they should be prepared to be on the receiving end as well. RR has joined the guilt by association game and I've returned the favor. If you'd like to join the game just be warned that I'll return the favor for you also.

Whatever you think you've "heard" came from the delusional voices in your head. It's a common UScrapa affliction.

I'm STILL waiting for a credible reason why the westies voted against PAY PARITY, Equal pay for equal work where the East voted to include the west in profit sharing? AND,

why is the west advocating scabbing on company video? Its appalling to think of 1500+ scabs at US AIRWAYS. Can't wait to see one of them scabbys !
Your discussion sounds a lot like the companys' They tried to blow it off too. Fortunately, there are others in positions to differ in opinion, and they were not happy at all about it. There is enough there to link Leonidas to the Company info. It is identical in all aspects.A nice little electronic fingerprint, traced right to the mailer-unaltered. This, then led the proper authorities to inquire about other information contained in same data base. If company information that contains passport numbers was allowed out, there will be serious repercussions. Denial means nothing. Culpability means everything. Nixon lied about Watergate. Leonidas and the Company are trying to brush this off in same fashion. Somebody is going to get brought downtown for a meeting at the long mahogany table. The one where they don't offer refreshments......
Kind of like the post master general that drug the 18 bad boys into... Oh that's right never happened. The postal inspector listened quietly and dumped the file in the trash when usapa left the office.

Delusion of grandeur and feelings of persecution.
I'm STILL waiting for a credible reason why the westies voted against PAY PARITY, Equal pay for equal work where the East voted to include the west in profit sharing? AND,

why is the west advocating scabbing on company video? Its appalling to think of 1500+ scabs at US AIRWAYS. Can't wait to see one of them scabbys !
usapa has been the bargaining agent for almost three years. why have they not "taken a vote" for parity? If you don't have pay parity look in the mirror and the boys sitting in CLT. They are in charge. The west is just the minority. We can't stop anything.
Kind of like the post master general that drug the 18 bad boys into... Oh that's right never happened. The postal inspector listened quietly and dumped the file in the trash when usapa left the office.

Delusion of grandeur and feelings of persecution.

Exactly. The depths of east stupidity displayed around here is mind blowing. They'll believe any wild tale to fuel their pathetic world they insulate themselves in just to make it through the day. Must be a coping mechanism, but by the tone of their recent posts I smell panic and desperation with the die-hards blowing smoke about USAPA. It never ends for them and here we are three years post USAPA and there is NOTHING on the horizon as far as a contract is concerned. NOTHING! Enjoying your contract boys?
The latest farcical rumor is the FBI investigating AOL. God, some people just are that stupid I guess that they'll believe anything. When you look at the USAPian arguments retrospectively you see a constant migration from one stupid idea to the next and I do not think that will change going forward. The era of enlightenment will forever escape the east pilots, they will live in the dark until they stop flying.
Phoenix is saved, a DOH cram down is dead and the peasants are fighting among themselves. The Mike Cleary feudal society is definitely in tact. Enjoy LOA 93. Remember, the east has about 400 active pilots more than at the date of the PID- when oil hits triple digits think about where the cuts are going to come from...
Exactly. The depths of east stupidity displayed around here is mind blowing. They'll believe any wild tale to fuel their pathetic world they insulate themselves in just to make it through the day. Must be a coping mechanism, but by the tone of their recent posts I smell panic and desperation with the die-hards blowing smoke about USAPA. It never ends for them and here we are three years post USAPA and there is NOTHING on the horizon as far as a contract is concerned. NOTHING! Enjoying your contract boys?
The latest farcical rumor is the FBI investigating AOL. God, some people just are that stupid I guess that they'll believe anything. When you look at the USAPian arguments retrospectively you see a constant migration from one stupid idea to the next and I do not think that will change going forward. The era of enlightenment will forever escape the east pilots, they will live in the dark until they stop flying.
Phoenix is saved, a DOH cram down is dead and the peasants are fighting among themselves. The Mike Cleary feudal society is definitely in tact. Enjoy LOA 93. Remember, the east has about 400 active pilots more than at the date of the PID- when oil hits triple digits think about where the cuts are going to come from...
I love how the west pilots keep bringing up LOA 93. How are they going to feel if the LOA 84 pay provision in it comes to bear? Group 2 is about a $50 /hr raise. The 757 rate is about 205/hr. You guys are going to be crying for that LOA 93 pretty soon. :D
Exactly. The depths of east stupidity displayed around here is mind blowing. They'll believe any wild tale to fuel their pathetic world they insulate themselves in just to make it through the day. Must be a coping mechanism, but by the tone of their recent posts I smell panic and desperation with the die-hards blowing smoke about USAPA. It never ends for them and here we are three years post USAPA and there is NOTHING on the horizon as far as a contract is concerned. NOTHING! Enjoying your contract boys?
The latest farcical rumor is the FBI investigating AOL. God, some people just are that stupid I guess that they'll believe anything. When you look at the USAPian arguments retrospectively you see a constant migration from one stupid idea to the next and I do not think that will change going forward. The era of enlightenment will forever escape the east pilots, they will live in the dark until they stop flying.
Phoenix is saved, a DOH cram down is dead and the peasants are fighting among themselves. The Mike Cleary feudal society is definitely in tact. Enjoy LOA 93. Remember, the east has about 400 active pilots more than at the date of the PID- when oil hits triple digits think about where the cuts are going to come from...
This is really funny. Koontz and Co. have gotten your group in a lot of trouble with legal issues and illegal issues. When are you going to listen to the good legal minds? These Leonidas guys have done nothing but spent your cash.
Koontz is a hero to west pilots- three years into USAPA and nowhere do we see DOH. That alone is worth every penny donated to Leonidas! Throw in the LOA93 debacle and that just adds to the enjoyment of it all because YOU are the ones to blame for it all- you're kicking yourselves in the groin and that is priceless dude!!!
Koontz is a hero to west pilots- three years into USAPA and nowhere do we see DOH. That alone is worth every penny donated to Leonidas! Throw in the LOA93 debacle and that just adds to the enjoyment of it all because YOU are the ones to blame for it all- you're kicking yourselves in the groin and that is priceless dude!!!
Even better, 5 yrs into the Nicolau, and nobody sees that piece of junk. The 9th and USAPA, sealing the deal. DOH? Coming to a base near you!
Koontz is a hero to west pilots- three years into USAPA and nowhere do we see DOH. That alone is worth every penny donated to Leonidas! Throw in the LOA93 debacle and that just adds to the enjoyment of it all because YOU are the ones to blame for it all- you're kicking yourselves in the groin and that is priceless dude!!!

Actually, DOH is all over. Currently the East pilots are enjoying it, as are the West pilots for that matter. :D
I'm STILL waiting for a credible reason why the westies voted against PAY PARITY, Equal pay for equal work where the East voted to include the west in profit sharing?

We were offered pay parity and we turned it down.

Parker said we could have the West contract but what the East means by parity is picking the parts they want from both contracts.
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