US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Well thank you for the introduction jetz. Sunday morning at 10am eastern time I will post the ual seniority list. I am not doing this out of spite, it only helps to see what you are seeing. Most of your alpa brother pilots were worried about merging with Usairways pilots, not from principle, but because of the size of the Usairways seniority and gonads to go along with it.

I have a video I would like to share with everyone now that shows the ual mec, who thought they were dead meat, and getting nowhere in their negotiations, after the ual cal merger annoncement.

Their ride the coattails of real men is evident during a May, 2010 press conference. Wendy is swiping her hands many times, salivating, while herb sounds like a broken record, talking about a broken record about not messing with ual pilots, they may show the intestinal fortitude of the Usairways East pilots.

They use the tenacity of the original East Usairways pilots as their template for success for the ual, cal merger excessively throughout the press conference. Gutless ride the coattails ual alpa pilots.

ual alpa pilots, do not mess with us or you will be Usairwayed East, video click here.
Jesus Christ are you people crazy. Your self image is diametrically opposed to reality and common sense. It's so profoundly pathetic, and awkwardly amusing all at the same time. Keep up the good work Nutjobs!! :lol: :lol:
That's what PI stands for! More like bored and pushing the envelope of short call reserve so watching catcrew and US Aviation at the same time. That's kinda sad, isn't it?

I don't always agree with PS, but hold him in higher regard that the other guy.

Roger that...Munn's the word.
Was Cubfan Mike McC ?...Mike was truly an awesome guy and one of the funniest pilot. Thru hardship and setbacks, he never lost his sense of humor or what mattered.

I will miss him.
Yes, his funeral is Monday.
Childish, RR. You're as bad as Nos. I am sorry for one thing - thinking that most East posters were different than Nos.

Shot any more holes in airplanes? Still busting altitude restrictions?



I always had respect for you during our career together, and told you at your retirement time. It is really disappointing to see such unprofessional, cheap, and immature comments (Shot any more holes in airplanes? Still busting altitude restrictions?) come from you. Does this internet banter have that much impact on who a person is?
The passport numbers are in the company database. The numbers and the expiration dates. Without a need to know, the ones who gave this out are history. Passports are a HUGE point of interest to the FBI. Seeing how there is a cottage industry out there making these up illegally. Someone accessing the numbers with names is a massive security problem, coupled with airline information, this is a big problem. I guarantee there are going to be some people being brought into the PHX field office of the FBI to answer questions.
How would you know what Leonidas has or does not have? How do you know where it came from? Because Cleary or usapa told you? Based on past record of lying and false statements I am not going to take usapa at their word. We know what it is worth.

Would you be the usapa shill coming carrying the message for usapa?

Did you hear it at the meeting. You do know that liable is a crime right? what has the company got to say about this? Nothing so far. Where is the FBI as you say they are investigating? If it was true passport information is out there, it would be time critical. Have not heard of a single phone call or interview. a phone call to the FBI does not mean there is an investigation. It means usapa is a bunch of cry babies.

Could it be that once again usapa overplayed a lie? How long has it been since you guys received the truth in the mail? The only people that are upset are the same people denying reality.

I always had respect for you during our career together, and told you at your retirement time. It is really disappointing to see such unprofessional, cheap, and immature comments (Shot any more holes in airplanes? Still busting altitude restrictions?) come from you. Does this internet banter have that much impact on who a person is?
So you respected BB before. But now that he disagrees with you not now? So you only respect people that agree with you? Pretty narrow point of view.

Perhaps he does not respect people that break their word or have situational ethics or no integrity.
How would you know what Leonidas has or does not have? How do you know where it came from? Because Cleary or usapa told you? Based on past record of lying and false statements I am not going to take usapa at their word. We know what it is worth.

Would you be the usapa shill coming carrying the message for usapa?

Did you hear it at the meeting. You do know that liable is a crime right? what has the company got to say about this? Nothing so far. Where is the FBI as you say they are investigating? If it was true passport information is out there, it would be time critical. Have not heard of a single phone call or interview. a phone call to the FBI does not mean there is an investigation. It means usapa is a bunch of cry babies.

Could it be that once again usapa overplayed a lie? How long has it been since you guys received the truth in the mail? The only people that are upset are the same people denying reality.
Your discussion sounds a lot like the companys' They tried to blow it off too. Fortunately, there are others in positions to differ in opinion, and they were not happy at all about it. There is enough there to link Leonidas to the Company info. It is identical in all aspects.A nice little electronic fingerprint, traced right to the mailer-unaltered. This, then led the proper authorities to inquire about other information contained in same data base. If company information that contains passport numbers was allowed out, there will be serious repercussions. Denial means nothing. Culpability means everything. Nixon lied about Watergate. Leonidas and the Company are trying to brush this off in same fashion. Somebody is going to get brought downtown for a meeting at the long mahogany table. The one where they don't offer refreshments......
Somebody is going to get brought downtown for a meeting at the long mahogany table. The one where they don't offer refreshments......

"Book em' Danno!!!!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

How many of your LOA93 food stamps you willing to bet your asinine delusion of power NEVER comes to fruition? Nobody is going anywhere...except to the mailbox to get their NEW brochure of reality.

You guys are impotent little waifs. Nobody cares what you cry about anymore. You realize you can only throw so many temper tantrums before you're tuned out right?

That happened about 3 years ago. Now you all just pout in the corner holding your breath...wondering why mommy doesn't care you're turning blue. :lol: :lol:
"Book em' Danno!!!!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

How many of your LOA93 food stamps you willing to bet your asinine delusion of power NEVER comes to fruition? Nobody is going anywhere...except to the mailbox to get their NEW brochure of reality.

You guys are impotent little waifs. Nobody cares what you cry about anymore. You realize you can only throw so many temper tantrums before you're tuned out right?

That happened about 3 years ago. Now you all just pout in the corner holding your breath...wondering why mommy doesn't care you're turning blue. :lol: :lol:
Interesting thing, psychology. Someone who always has a motive for another thing, disregards issues that might just have traction. Reminds me of the entire Madoff scheme. All those years of outlandish returns. All those mutual funds, fatcats, feeder funds. Merril Lynch. Somebody should have known it was too good to be true. The reach for the outsized returns clouded all rational thinking and caution. Harry Markopolos called the SEC over and over. He knew Madoff was a criminal. Even the SEC blew him off. Imagine that, Madoff was in fact a crook. Well, well, well. A shiny little pamphlet comes to ones door. And on that interesting little pamphlet is an address that only one entity knows and uses. And names that are ONLY used by their employer. And on numerous other little pamphlets that went to other pilots was that same little anomaly. Enough of them to raise a few eyebrows, because there was only ONE other organization that labeled things such as paychecks and catcrew information in identical, identical to a T fashion. And that was their employer. Thank you for that mailer Leonidas. Thank you. We all thank you. Someone is going to have to answer some questions, no matter what our friend Metro says and makes fun of. Keep the donations coming! This time they are going to be used for another mission concerning Leonidas and its' schemers.
Interesting thing, psychology. Someone who always has a motive for another thing, disregards issues that might just have traction. Reminds me of the entire Madoff scheme. All those years of outlandish returns. All those mutual funds, fatcats, feeder funds. Merril Lynch. Somebody should have known it was too good to be true. The reach for the outsized returns clouded all rational thinking and caution. Harry Markopolos called the SEC over and over. He knew Madoff was a criminal. Even the SEC blew him off. Imagine that, Madoff was in fact a crook. Well, well, well. A shiny little pamphlet comes to ones door. And on that interesting little pamphlet is an address that only one entity knows and uses. And on numerous other little pamphlets that went to other pilots was that same little anomaly. Enough of them to raise a few eyebrows, because there was only ONE other organization that labeled things such as paychecks and catcrew information in identical, identical to a T fashion. And that was their employer. Thank you for that mailer Leonidas. Thank you. We all thank you. Someone is going to have to answer some questions, no matter what our friend Metro says and makes fun of. Keep the donations coming! This time they are going to be used for another mission concerning Leonidas and its' schemers.

I missed it...How many LOA93 Food stamps are you wagering?
So you respected BB before. But now that he disagrees with you not now? So you only respect people that agree with you? Pretty narrow point of view.

Perhaps he does not respect people that break their word or have situational ethics or no integrity.


I didn't agree or disagree with any "position" or issue. My comment was on the low level of rhetoric of someone I know and respected. Respect is not limited to agreement or disagreement....something we may all work at.
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