US Pilots Labor Discussion

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He was fired.
He was one pilot out of a group. In the wests case it was a group of pilots.

Doug knows you are the scum of the industry, you will experience the repercussions of this in short order.
Another excuse? Always an excuse with you.

And by the way, he was suspended not fired. Once again you are lying. USAPA should be working to get him fired, but instead USAPA is protecting his job. Why have you not stood up and spoken out about this? Why is your group not doing something about this?

You are part of a group who protects and harbors child sex offenders. Shame on you. Post all the irrelevant links and excuses you want. There is nothing worse than someone who preys on innocent children or protects those who do. Disgusting, sir!

Sumadarson is a USAPA shill.
Support is very strong. Three quarters of pilots anteing up $500 and more, with the majority silver and above. I know it's shocked Bradford, Cleary, Seham, Bular and Parker. The West has stood firm. We aren't like you, that's why you never saw Leonidas coming. The RICO was a massive warning shot across the Angry F/Os bow, and you didn't listen. No caving in the frivolous RICO, no caving in seniority, no caving ever. Doug's figured it out that the West will be there to litigate whenever and wherever.

It's truly inspiring what the West pilots have done. You Easties had all the cards stacked in your favor. You had Prater in your back pocket, Parker listening to Bular, you had the numbers, you had it all.

All but integrity.

Now where are you?

Industry bottom.
A fake union that is imploding
Reminds one of an Enron press event. Jeff Skilling about to resign. Some continued to bottom fish, sending their "donations" in as stock purchases. The bottom was dropping out. Skilling about to leave, the company imploding. Leonidas is just another Raptor vehicle. Jeff Koontz could play Andy Fastow to a T. Urging on the complicated strategy to nowhere. Damage, Damage. Sue for damage urges Leonidas. LOA 84 pay coming on like a freight train, it must be an amazingly unsettling possibility. If it comes to roost, what donations will stem that off? What novice advice will Koontz give to the supporters in the hall? Keep the donations coming? Damage! Damage! The sun also causes damage. Sue it............
Was talking with some AWA guys in PHL. Seems they feel they were led down a dangerous trail by Koontz and Ferguson and Leonidas. One was saying Koontz is a neophyte who convinced the group of fantastic damage. Now they are figuring out neither has any practical experience, and are novices at NMB and RLA issues. Pretty sad it took this long. I actually felt sorry for them.

Oh, you must have met the guys that contributed $20 just to get their name on the list that turn 63 this year. Did they buy you a prune latte at Starbucks for taking the time to listen on how that $20 might have been better spent (denture paste, Viagra - one pill, support hose, a couple of Old Fashion's at the hotel bar)??? :lol:

Keep clicking those ruby shoes Dorothy, Oldie has a pair just like them.

Oh, BTW...for every AWA pilot that you claim to have met that is sour about his $20 investment....I'll bet we have 1-2 that are SILVER or higher in contributions. Have a blessed and wonderful day.
I have a new video of the CAL pilots that I will post soon, stick around for the truth without the spin. Line up and wait!
Are you really that arrogant and narcissistic to think people actually follow your convoluted thinking and useless links. No one is actually clicking on those links. You are wasting key strokes. Kind of like watching Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Bill O'Rielly. As soon as the first words escape their lips, people who are not radical, blind followers tune them out. The only one listening are their base. Same as you. Surely you don't think of any of us as your "base" except the members of your lynch mob AFO (DFO) club.

Accept reality. No one is listening.
US Pilots crossed the IAM picket line in 92, were seen cleaning planes during the 30 day cooling off period and strike.

Stuck sweetheart deal with US to get paid no matter if they flew or not, US grounded DC9s, MD80s, 737-200s, F28s and F100s, yet all pilots got paid.

Hey NOS,

You know what they say about a glass house?
sumadarson and his buddies are part of a group who crossed the IAM picket line. They were getting paid working legally struck work. They are no better than drug runners and scabs down under.

sumadarson is a USAPA shill.
Reminds one of an Enron press event. Jeff Skilling about to resign. Some continued to bottom fish, sending their "donations" in as stock purchases. The bottom was dropping out. Skilling about to leave, the company imploding. Leonidas is just another Raptor vehicle. Jeff Koontz could play Andy Fastow to a T. Urging on the complicated strategy to nowhere. Damage, Damage. Sue for damage urges Leonidas. LOA 84 pay coming on like a freight train, it must be an amazingly unsettling possibility. If it comes to roost, what donations will stem that off? What novice advice will Koontz give to the supporters in the hall? Keep the donations coming? Damage! Damage! The sun also causes damage. Sue it............
Man don't you wish.

You still don't get it. Leonidas is just a couple of guys who formed an LLC. Leonidas isn't what's beaten you. The West has beaten you. It's the overwhelming majority of West pilots who have contributed who made the defense of West seniority a reality. No promises, just action.


Where's your DOH?
Where's your contract?
Why are you going on year seven of a BK contract?
Who hasn't delivered?

USAPA: making a Prater-led ALPA look good.
No, say it isn't so. A UAL pilot says it is the duty of it's MEC to posture to it's best advantage. Isn't that what US has been blasted for?
Not at all. It is each sides responsibility to come to the table and position themselves to the best advantage of their side. It is also each sides responsibility to not appear to "over reach." Then each side negotiates with the direction of the mediator. When the mediator/arbitrator (the guy who you agreed to let make the final decision) starts forming his opinion and directing you as to which way it is going to go, even going so far as to make recommendations that might help your case, and you thumb your nose at him, that's just plain stupid. That's what you get blasted for.
Was talking with some AWA guys in PHL. Seems they feel they were led down a dangerous trail by Koontz and Ferguson and Leonidas. One was saying Koontz is a neophyte who convinced the group of fantastic damage. Now they are figuring out neither has any practical experience, and are novices at NMB and RLA issues. Pretty sad it took this long. I actually felt sorry for them.
Oh yes the mythical west pilots that talk only to you.

Never heard anyone say anything like that, ever. Guess they only say it to east guys. Just like the same mythical west pilot that is offended by being asked for donations to help his career. Only runs to an east guys. But does not have the courage to even discuss it with a west guy.

Sure keep telling stories.
No, say it isn't so. A UAL pilot says it is the duty of it's MEC to posture to it's best advantage. Isn't that what US has been blasted for? Not coming to an agreement, but nobody ever mentions the fact that AWA did the same?

A few days ago jetz mentioned how foolish the east acted when Nic came back and said they would not get what they wanted. I've always wondered why Nic did that. Was it not already evident that the two sides could not agree and that was why it was up to him? What would he have done if we had altered our position just a little like the west did, given us a few brownie points for listening to him and given us a more advantageous award. Would that have been fair? Was bowing to the feet of the arbitrator in the ALPA merger policy?
This is the very reason the usapa will never get a contract.

It is not a matter of bowing down, it is a matter of compromise and finding fair middle ground. The east was unwilling to do that during N/M/A. The east is unwilling to do that during contract talks.

Try taking that same hard line with the NMB and see how far you guys get. No it does not say that you have to bow down to the mediator. But you had better alter your position or it is Park City and not Utah.

How long has usapa been trying to get a contract? How is that no compromise strategy working for you?
Wow, imagine that. The pilots were not on strike, and they got paid. A novel concept. I hate to tell you, but the write ups went through the roof at that time. Maybe you had support you never took the time to look at....
Leave it to the AFA to support the IAM and the pilots to only worry about your own wallets. All the CBAs at US contain language that you dont have to cross a sanctioned picket line on company property.

The AFA supported us and was ordered back to work by a Federal Judge, and the it was remanded to arbitration and the AFA won.

Your union went behind labor's back and struck a sweetheart deal. And you wonder why the IAM at US dislikes the East Pilots.

You all even went to Seth and had us take out buttons off that we wore when we came back to work that said, "Thanks for nothing, ALPA".

And write ups were down, we heard all the chatter on company radio about telling management things were wrong with the planes yet no one wanted to right it up as we would have sent the plan to the barn and take it out of service.

We even had a supervisor get busted by the FAA for signing off something that wasnt done.
This is the very reason the usapa will never get a contract.

It is not a matter of bowing down, it is a matter of compromise and finding fair middle ground. The east was unwilling to do that during N/M/A. The east is unwilling to do that during contract talks.

Try taking that same hard line with the NMB and see how far you guys get. No it does not say that you have to bow down to the mediator. But you had better alter your position or it is Park City and not Utah.

How long has usapa been trying to get a contract? How is that no compromise strategy working for you?

The west never found a fair middle ground! You show me the best west offer and we will see how fair it was. It takes two to compromise and neither side did.

The contract is mainly being drawn out because of the seniority issue and you know it. The west has been a big part of that.
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