US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Did 700uw teach you guys how to squat?

america west pilot thugs, click here.

Was that a link to a case that was dismissed with prejudice, because the idiots at usapa, who had no case, were stupid enough to listen to the little lawyer and put the seniority theft machine in danger of being brought down by the repercussions that filing a frivolous lawsuit might entail?

Wonder why old rule 11 Seeham has not filed state charges yet? It is because the states have SLAP provisions. File a frivolous lawsuit as a harrassment tool, get counter-sued for very large sums of money, usapa scumbags.
The following video is from the alpa continental pilots, as they describe radio free Newark, regarding seniority integration with ual pilots. The video starts out with music and visuals that make it appear it is the beginning of a non gender specific (not that there is anything wrong with that) pornographic movie. How appropriate, they of course feel ual will be the recipient of their money shot in the future seniority arbitration.

Continental pilot jim brucia was a pilot “neutral” for the failed nicolau fiasco of the Usairways, america west pilots integration. brucia wrote a patronizing dissenting opinion, following orders of then alpa president prater. Brucia and prater go way back to the IACP, the independent continental pilots association. They both shoved alpa down the throats of their union pilots. It was their attempt to be known as a group of real pilots. This was their attempt to deflect the fact that their pilot group was dominated by picket crosser's. A solid history of conflict of interest brucia. brucia even has a slide that has the list of airlines that he protected cal pilots from. One slide even lists america west in 1994.

dan katz, who was an alpa designated “representative” of usairways east pilots during the nicolau fiasco is now working closely with brucia, what a coincidence. katz will be mentioned in the video.

My favorite quotes of the video are as follows;

“We are merging numbers, not positions.”

“No pilot will be disadvantaged in an integration because they chose to remain an f/o.”

Hey, nice try prater, gillen, brucia. You attempted this with a group you painfully underestimated.

America West pilots you were used in the alpa scheme to steal from the Usiarways pilots. It must have been rewarding to be considered for a short amount of time as real airline pilots. The nicolau was too good to be true, because it was.

brucia, alpa "neutral" pilot, click here.
Union Pilot Leaders of the Seven ALPA US Airways Express Pilot Groups Finalize Alliance and Elect Officers

See Story

Don't worry about that. Last time this happened, when it came down to the line, one of the carriers broke ranks, stabbed the other two in the back and whored themselves out at a cheaper rate to get the BIG RJ's.

then of course stabbed their f/o's in the back giving them a .10 raise while the capts got 20.00 raises........

What is it we should be afraid of here???

USA320, what are you worried about. Seems whenever you get a new agenda, you raise up from the ground wringing your hands at how soon the company is going to shut down, or merge with UAL.

What's your latest?
US Pilots crossed the IAM picket line in 92, were seen cleaning planes during the 30 day cooling off period and strike.

Stuck sweetheart deal with US to get paid no matter if they flew or not, US grounded DC9s, MD80s, 737-200s, F28s and F100s, yet all pilots got paid.

Hey NOS,

You know what they say about a glass house?

Pilots can not sympathy strike under labor law. I did not clean aircraft in that time period and will not now. I did get paid to stay at home but I don't know about any sweetheart deal. I do wish we had shown you more support.

Actually its in all our CBA's that you dont have to cross a sanctioned picket line, the AFA did was ordered back to work by a Federal Judge, the case went to Arbitration and the AFA prevailed, so at US you dont have to cross a picket line and the company cannot take action against you.

It's not a sympathy strike, its honoring a sanctioned picket line.

And thanks for the kind words, during that time there were a lot of anger taken out upon the IAM M&R.

And the company didnt have to pay pilots that didnt fly due to a strike, read the CBA, we know ALPA and US made a deal.
Stuck sweetheart deal
An even better reason to be out of ALPA. Quietly a couple of years ago, ALPA settled out of court with RJDC, a group of pilots from Comair and ASA that brought suit for the natural conflict of interest in scope clauses where carriers on either side of it are represented by ALPA. As part of the settlement, ALPA made numerous changes to is negotiation policy manual as well as a national scope committee. A union with ALPA who shares same airline code can no longer unilaterally negotiate scope, a consensus must now be reached amongst the multiple MEC's or the President of ALPA can be required to intervene. The UAL/CAL negotiations will be the first to test these changes as Tran States, Commutair, Mesa, and Colgan all share UAL/CAL code and are all represented by ALPA.

One of the benefits to independent union status or a differing union than your code share partners is that no legal conflict of interest exists, nor as in ALPA now you must consider the desires of your code share partners or face the potential of the national union interfering in your scope negotiation process. Another brilliant failure to see the forest for the trees by ALPA. US Airways pilots ought to breathe a sigh of relief that whatever is negotiated for scope is entirely in your hands with no interference.

Scope and whipsawing the unions any thoughts on this regarding the IAM NW/UA/US and Air Wisconsin.Unions allowing top of the industry pay and benefits to be out source to lower pay union members. This is a slippery slope that has to stop
US Pilots crossed the IAM picket line in 92, were seen cleaning planes during the 30 day cooling off period and strike.

Stuck sweetheart deal with US to get paid no matter if they flew or not, US grounded DC9s, MD80s, 737-200s, F28s and F100s, yet all pilots got paid.

Hey NOS,

You know what they say about a glass house?
Wow, imagine that. The pilots were not on strike, and they got paid. A novel concept. I hate to tell you, but the write ups went through the roof at that time. Maybe you had support you never took the time to look at....
Even though it is the duty of the UAL MEC and the CAL MEC to posture to the best of their advantage no one is being fooled.
the parties to this dispute are deeply divided, as is apparent from their respective proposals: Each does little more than stack the deck for their own constituencies in ways that are neither fair nor equitable . . .

Xxx Xxxx

UAL pilot

No, say it isn't so. A UAL pilot says it is the duty of it's MEC to posture to it's best advantage. Isn't that what US has been blasted for? Not coming to an agreement, but nobody ever mentions the fact that AWA did the same?

A few days ago jetz mentioned how foolish the east acted when Nic came back and said they would not get what they wanted. I've always wondered why Nic did that. Was it not already evident that the two sides could not agree and that was why it was up to him? What would he have done if we had altered our position just a little like the west did, given us a few brownie points for listening to him and given us a more advantageous award. Would that have been fair? Was bowing to the feet of the arbitrator in the ALPA merger policy?

n. the generic term for all crimes in which a person intentionally and fraudulently takes personal property of another without permission or consent and with the intent to convert it to the taker's use (including potential sale).

Nicolau is the product of a legal process. DOH cramdown is by force. The former is lawful, the latter is unlawful. It's that simple.
Was talking with some AWA guys in PHL. Seems they feel they were led down a dangerous trail by Koontz and Ferguson and Leonidas. One was saying Koontz is a neophyte who convinced the group of fantastic damage. Now they are figuring out neither has any practical experience, and are novices at NMB and RLA issues. Pretty sad it took this long. I actually felt sorry for them.
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