US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I like the fantasy part where the company gets the corporate treasury drained! :D But it is not from the West pilots, it is from Kasher delivering the LOA win! And you are probably right after that. You won't be getting a contract, for a long time.

You are right, they are both fantasies. The West will never have to sue the company over their failure to adhere to their contracts, and Kasher will never give usapa a win for filing a disingenuous grievence.

Tell me again why usapa was negotiating rates lower than the imminent snapback rates?
How do you know what we wanted in 2000? Remember you were throwing bags in PIT. I bet your still doing it in JFK.
Actually it was the summer of 1989. I thought we went over this. Nevermind. The end is coming soon. Brace for USAPA's implosion.
Yes you were correct but remember this your hubs western, eastern, nothern and southern are now in the same city. and getting smaller by the day hahahahaha.

hahahah...hahah.... that was so funny.....

What you forgot about Mikey, is when the company I worked for aquired your company out of bankruptcy, we also aquired a few hubs......hahah..hahah.. Then we kept the name, shut down the other corporation....hahah..hahahh...and moved the whole thing to that city..

alpa ual steve gillen was an alpa pilot ""neutral"" during the failed seniority arbitration for Usairways pilots. The worm is in this video. He is now on the merger committee for ual, cal integration.

This worm is in the following video. steve gillen, ual pilot, had a conflict of interest with Usairways pilots, as did continental pilot brucia. Now both of them are currently merger committee members with their respective airlines. Both their companies were in merger talks with Usairways at the time they were alpa pilot""""neutrals""".

Nice try worms.

ual pilot merger committee video, click here.
hahahah...hahah.... that was so funny.....

What you forgot about Mikey, is when the company I worked for aquired your company out of bankruptcy, we also aquired a few hubs......hahah..hahah.. Then we kept the name, shut down the other corporation....hahah..hahahh...and moved the whole thing to that city..

It must be nice, when you change hubs out west you dont have to go looking for a crash pad you just go home.
It must be nice, when you change hubs out west the same guy is cleaning the pool but wants more money.
It must be nice, when you change hubs out west you still get the same lousy meals.
Sorry I got more but I got a trip tomorrow, Know what nic4us spells backwards? NOTHING just like forward. hahahahaha
You and your management must get along just fine. Bottom line- if Southwest is doing it, do it. It is that simple. They have an entire department working the fuel hedges, so they obviously are way ahead of Kirby and Parker. History is totally backing their hedging.
You are a pilot for Us Airways right?

So when you say "your management" they are your management too. Just like usapa is our union. did not want it did not vote for it but that is what we got.
Why do you provide cover for these guys? If you were interested in results would you not look to the leader. Instead you make excuses. Process only matters when it produces. Results matter.... It is so painfully obvious that this operation is getting picked clean. There are two plans in play at USAirways. They require little participation on managements part. Pick it clean while you can and sell it if you can. Like I said they won't even spend money on new Departure and Arrival displays. The other day in CLT I had to look away so I did not get vertigo.
Complaining about displays. Really?

Who do you think owns the displays? The airline or the airport? Got a problem call the city.

Picking the airline clean. What was the profit this year? When is that merger coming? You guys need to get out of you old airline minds.
Sorry Jetz you got it wrong again. Prater told us that the ALPA merger policy IS NOT APPLICABLE WHEN IT GOES TO ARBITRATION. If you doubt me just ask others on this board about it. It's those little details you miss that damage your well as your motivations!

And you keep missing the part about 2 different carriers merging. Can't wait to see what happens with SW/AT or how about JB and
UAL. Watcha gonna do with all those 4-5- year captains....won't they go agead of your 15 year co-pilots.


Please explain to me JETZ, NIC, clear NUTCASE 320 why or why not you would place the number one guy at Airtran number 2 on the combined SW list even though they are seperated by 20-25 years. Your ball!!
If we are to believe you. That Prater said ALPA merger policy does not have to be followed. Than why the heck are you guys crowing about LOS being put in the policy?

The arbitrator can disregard it. According to you.

See your little fantasy world falls apart under the least little examination.
From ual alpa information;; May 4th update

The New Merger Policy

Subsequent to the LCC/AWA merger, the ALPA Merger Policy Review Committee was charged with a review of Merger Policy to reflect lessons learned. After 18 months of work, and with input from pilots involved in the Delta/Northwest merger, the Committee drafted a new Merger Policy which was approved by the Executive Board in May 2009.

The new policy emphasizes the three major components necessary to fully complete a merger:

• a joint collective bargaining agreement (JCBA) and a possible transition agreement,
• an integrated seniority list, and
• a merged MEC, representing a unified pilot group.

The integration of seniority lists is now viewed as one step in the more comprehensive merger process. The merger is a transaction consisting of the seniority integration process, the contract negotiation process, the ratification process and the transition process, all leading to a single pilot group and one MEC.

Under the new Merger Policy, merger committee representatives’ role is to make a strong and focused effort to resolve seniority integration issues, with mediation and final and binding arbitration mandated on unresolved issues. Factors that must be considered in constructing a fair and equitable integrated seniority list in no particular order and with no particular weight include but are not limited to: career expectations, longevity, status and category.

There are also changes to the seniority list arbitration process. Hearings are now limited to a maximum of 15 nine-hour days of hearings. The default makeup of the Arbitration Board is a panel of three arbitrators, though the merging MECs may agree to revert to a panel of one arbitrator and two pilot neutrals. In the interest of fostering open communications between MECs, new policy language discourages arbitrators from admitting MEC communications as evidence.

What has not changed is that the Integrated Seniority List is not subject to ratification by either MEC or pilot group. Another constant is a pilot’s position relative to his pre-merger brother or sister pilot: your internal relative seniority cannot be changed.
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