US Pilots Labor Discussion

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No, my children are grown on their own and doing fine thank you. As for jizz, he stated way back that he worked for UA tosssing bags in Pit. I remember because I knew a young man who was doing just that in Pit for UA. I checked and it wasnt him. Later jizz was throwing bags in JFK telling the world how great he was. Typical of the west and its backers, As for me personally I dont care if you drop dead tomorrow, you disgrace the profession, company, gender, and anything else you see when you look in the mirror tomorrow morning.PS If you dont like what I put on this board I give you permission to leave NOW.

I am confused. Is Jetz a pilot at all. 12000 UA/CO pilots and exactly
ONE seems to be pre-occupied with out little delima. Or maybe he is a ramper
who lost his girl to an East pilot.

Wait till oil reaches 120 again, and Kirby hasn't hedged. You can forget profit sharing next year thanks to Scotty.
Last I heard the BOD was deeply involved in the hedge/no hedge decisions. These are high risk high dollar value decisions that aren't made by Doug, Scott, or any one person. The stockholders view hedging as a highly speculative risk that requires majority agreement rather than just one guy making a best-guess as to what the market will do. There is just as much risk of hedging too high when oil drops as not hedging when it spikes up. All carriers were in a bad position when they were hedged at $120bb and it dropped back into the $60-70bb range. Of course its easy to manage the affairs of a multi-billion business from behind your keyboard at home (where you have no risk of being wrong).
Any time you want to debate facts, I will converse.

I proved you are an emperor with no clothes. You have no free line of credibility on this forum any more, the truth hurts, oui?

Maybe Dr Phil/mike cleary/rubber room is your answer..YES/NO?...Some how, I think you'll get IT soon via a Federal Court of LAW...AGAIN

Last I heard the BOD was deeply involved in the hedge/no hedge decisions. These are high risk high dollar value decisions that aren't made by Doug, Scott, or any one person. The stockholders view hedging as a highly speculative risk that requires majority agreement rather than just one guy making a best-guess as to what the market will do. There is just as much risk of hedging too high when oil drops as not hedging when it spikes up. All carriers were in a bad position when they were hedged at $120bb and it dropped back into the $60-70bb range. Of course its easy to manage the affairs of a multi-billion business from behind your keyboard at home (where you have no risk of being wrong).

The mentality of lcc tempe/mesa airlines (50-70-90 seat rj's) BOD's have a lot of baggage and mistakes from usair and the franke/parker era. This will not fuel a viable airline going forward in a high fuel cost model, IMO.

Who in their right mind would want to buy into this plan to resurrect a usair?

I have a few, but you'll not like the answers.

The mentality of lcc tempe/mesa airlines (50-70-90 seat rj's) BOD's have a lot of baggage and mistakes from usair and the franke/parker era. This will not fuel a viable airline going forward in a high fuel cost model, IMO.

Who in their right mind would want to buy into this plan to resurrect a usair?

I have a few, but you'll not like the answers.

US Airways and AWA have been merged for five full fiscal years and three of those years (2006, 2007, & 2010) were the highest recorded profits in the history of the company. The facts reveal that the management team is doing their job very effectively. I don't think you'll find too many on the BOD or among the shareholders (i.e. those who own the airline and who everyone at US actually works for) who disapprove of how Doug, Scott and the rest are performing their jobs. Airlines can win big or lose even bigger when it comes to making a hedging decision since no one can predict the future or completely control the price fluctuations in a volatile commodity market that is as much tied to the value of the USD and speculative investing as it does with actual supply and demand economics. The bottom line is that unless you sit on the BOD you have no idea who to criticize or if they actually made a better decision by not hedging. Of course the truth is much more difficult to deal with than just making stuff up because it makes a good sound bite.
he stated way back that he worked for UA tosssing bags in Pit.
You moron! I said I was in a pit tossing bags... in JFK. We were either loading containers in the bag room, or in the pit. That's what we called it... a pit. You really are dense. And btw, it was the summer of '89 as a temporary part timer. 3 whole months. You still losing sleep over this? I guess the thumb sucking didn't help.
I remember because I knew a young man who was doing just that in Pit for UA. I checked and it wasnt him.

Wow! You sure went through a lot of effort trying to track me down. You need a hobby.

As for me personally I dont care if you drop dead tomorrow,

Apparently you do care. You spend an unusual amount of time telling people what they should or shouldn't do, tracking down their identities, and getting upset over their opinions... for some who doesn't care.

Do you have the ability to let anything go, or must you always have the last word?
Oh, I forgot to mention about our fellow brothers and sister pilots at united airlines update on January 7th, 2011. It had interesting explanations about their current merger progress.

Part of united pilots merger committee information distributed lately. ;;;

""As far as US Airways is concerned: Under the ALPA merger policy in effect at the time, the seniority list integration (SLI) process, which does call for binding arbitration if necessary, took place prior to negotiating a new contract. The SLI went to arbitration, but many of the former US Airways pilots were unhappy with the arbitrator's integrated seniority list award, so they successfully decertified ALPA, replacing it with an in-house union, USAPA, with a new union constitution that mandated merger of the seniority lists based on date of hire. The new union re-merged the seniority lists, but before the new consolidated seniority list was presented to US Airways, the America West pilots sued the new union in federal court, alleging breach of the duty of fair representation (DFR) under federal labor law. A jury trial was held in Arizona Federal District Court. The jury held for the America West pilots and against the new union. Notwithstanding the jury trial and verdict, the Ninth Circuit dismissed for "lack of ripeness", holding, in effect, that the case was premature because the former America West pilots had yet to be harmed by the imposition of the new "date-of-hire" seniority list. And so it continues to drag on. Till all this has been resolved in the courts, the US Airways pilots have not been able to negotiate a new contract, and the former America West pilots and the former US Airways pilots continue to operate as separate groups with separate contracts.

As a result of the US Airways SLI, ALPA merger policy was changed to include longevity as one of the factors to be taken into consideration, and SLIs now do not take place till AFTER a new contract has been negotiated to preclude giving up contractual improvements, including pay, for years.""
US Airways and AWA have been merged for five full fiscal years and three of those years (2006, 2007, & 2010) were the highest recorded profits in the history of the company. The facts reveal that the management team is doing their job very effectively. I don't think you'll find too many on the BOD or among the shareholders (i.e. those who own the airline and who everyone at US actually works for) who disapprove of how Doug, Scott and the rest are performing their jobs. Airlines can win big or lose even bigger when it comes to making a hedging decision since no one can predict the future or completely control the price fluctuations in a volatile commodity market that is as much tied to the value of the USD and speculative as it does with actual supply and demand economics. The bottom line is that unless you sit on the BOD you have no idea who to criticize or if they actually made a better decision by not hedging. Of course the truth is much more difficult to deal with than just making stuff up because it makes a good sound bite.

Sound Bite..How many times have usair and awa and mesa filed BANKRUPTCY in the last 20 YEARS slick?

Employee bankrupt contracts and incompetent management do not equal a VIABLE AIRLINE!

Do you mind if I copy this. This is so original I would like to save it to remember "dohnogo". Can I ask you were you read that? I thought maybe you made this up but then again this is way above that little pea brain of yours. May I suggest you go to another board your making a fool of yourself here.
I read it right here and it's correct. PIT and PHL are in the same state. The most western and eastern hubs of the old USAir.
US Airways and AWA have been merged for five full fiscal years and three of those years (2006, 2007, & 2010) were the highest recorded profits in the history of the company. The facts reveal that the management team is doing their job very effectively. I don't think you'll find too many on the BOD or among the shareholders (i.e. those who own the airline and who everyone at US actually works for) who disapprove of how Doug, Scott and the rest are performing their jobs. Airlines can win big or lose even bigger when it comes to making a hedging decision since no one can predict the future or completely control the price fluctuations in a volatile commodity market that is as much tied to the value of the USD and speculative investing as it does with actual supply and demand economics. The bottom line is that unless you sit on the BOD you have no idea who to criticize or if they actually made a better decision by not hedging. Of course the truth is much more difficult to deal with than just making stuff up because it makes a good sound bite.

When you say merged makes me wonder?
And sorry to hear you have children, hate to see what they grow into with a father like you.

As for me personally I dont care if you drop dead tomorrow,

I would like to nominate little pathetic mikey for the Low Life Scum AFO of the Year award, right here on U.S.Aviation, for first dragging someone's children into the cesspool, and then wishing others to drop dead.

Let's take a vote... yes or no.

I say YES!
Last I heard the BOD was deeply involved in the hedge/no hedge decisions. These are high risk high dollar value decisions that aren't made by Doug, Scott, or any one person. The stockholders view hedging as a highly speculative risk that requires majority agreement rather than just one guy making a best-guess as to what the market will do. There is just as much risk of hedging too high when oil drops as not hedging when it spikes up. All carriers were in a bad position when they were hedged at $120bb and it dropped back into the $60-70bb range. Of course its easy to manage the affairs of a multi-billion business from behind your keyboard at home (where you have no risk of being wrong).

How much lcc stock do you own and what's your price position?

Seems a fair question, given your somewhat bias opinion.

Then go back to your MEC and try to get the vaunted 1 ALPA UAL to quit screwing with ALPA merger policy. Your groups' monkeying it so they can constantly have the upper hand has screwed up everyone far more than LOA 93. The older UAL guys were fantastic. The newer spawn can't begin to act like them. You guys had a huge hand in jacking ALPA out of this property and "hurt" your west bretheren because you wanted to screw everyone else and disregard past ALPA practice.
The truth finally comes out. So while accusing me of having an axe to grind, the reality is that you are the one obviously holding resentments toward UA. According to you, UA pilots in lockstep with ALPA National are the cause of all your woes. Got it. It all makes sense now.
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