US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I answered what I thought was your question.


No, you didn't, or it was incomplete, or I missed the answer. Since neither of us wants to wade through the old crap, I will ask again. Do the BK filings mean what the CA told me was untrue, or do you think he or I, was lying?
I answered what I thought was your question.


No, you didn't, or it was incomplete, or I missed the answer. Since neither of us wants to wade through the old crap, I will ask again. Do the BK filings mean what the CA told me was untrue, or do you think he or I, was lying?
Brancatelli is not a pilot, just another airline "anal-ist". Here is his quote from the article:

"Passengers aren't likely to see any immediate disruption, airline analyst Joe Brancatelli said. The bigger risk is that, with US Airways mired in disunion for so many years, the airline's future is unclear.

"They can't improve as an airline and they can't improve their market share with this kind of fractured workforce," Brancatelli said. "Five years after the merger, we still see planes painted 'America West.' There seems to be no plan.""

His comment about the "legacy" paint jobs, just illustrates his willingness to pontificate about a complex issue without even doing basic research.


A thousand pardons for quoting Brancatelli as a US Airways pilot. You are right.....some kind of sharp knife in that "Airline Analyst" drawer.

It's nice to finally be Welcome here!!!

After reading Cleary's disjointed, embarrassing letter, it should be crystal clear from now on that He needs a psychiatrist not a contract. Seriously Mentally Ill. Bonkers, Cookoo, Effed in the Head.

How can even the most ardent USCABA supporter not be taken aback by his performance? I love it. I love every Crazy thing that nutjob does!


I and the EAST thougth Cleary's letter was great and we fully support him.
Glad we finally have a tough ass in town... It's what we have needed for years.

I and the EAST thougth Cleary's letter was great and we fully support him.
Glad we finally have a tough ass in town... It's what we have needed for years.


The usapa east weekly/daily SAGA is becoming funnier by the minute. BTW, it's most entertaining by the cleary's count down days.

Pay-per-view for usapa officers slap-downs at the usapa clt offices are next on the agenda.

But hey, you've the loa 93 snapback and the pbgc investigation to fall back on..........

Every merger event can set precedent that affects every other company. Your LOA93 affects my company by bringing down the industry standard. If you successfully avoid binding arbitration (which IMO you won't) it affects my company. A DOH contract can affect my company. What about the next merger? Same thing. Sorry, but it has everything to do with my company. Unlike you I can see beyond my own nose.
Then go back to your MEC and try to get the vaunted 1 ALPA UAL to quit screwing with ALPA merger policy. Your groups' monkeying it so they can constantly have the upper hand has screwed up everyone far more than LOA 93. The older UAL guys were fantastic. The newer spawn can't begin to act like them. You guys had a huge hand in jacking ALPA out of this property and "hurt" your west bretheren because you wanted to screw everyone else and disregard past ALPA practice. You guys were on the vanguard of B Scale and the 70 seaters. Thanks for all that. The Continental guys now have to deal with the flood gates of the 70 seaters you unleashed on them. Thanks.
Now we have this west management failing to hedge fuel again, and we all get dragged down with their stupidity. The Wall Street Journal had some pretty scathing remarks about Kirby being too smug about the hedges. Just wait until Mon. and some more meltdown in Egypt.
Now we have this west management failing to hedge fuel again, and we all get dragged down with their stupidity. The Wall Street Journal had some pretty scathing remarks about Kirby being too smug about the hedges. Just wait until Mon. and some more meltdown in Egypt.

running a bunch of 50-70-90 seat rj's around the east coast must be a model that will be followed.........NOT.

The usair East business model has long been broken, of which you subsidize this with loa 93.

running a bunch of 50-70-90 seat rj's around the east coast must be a model that will be followed.........NOT.

The usair East business model has long been broken, of which you subsidize this with loa 93.

Wait till oil reaches 120 again, and Kirby hasn't hedged. You can forget profit sharing next year thanks to Scotty.
More of Cleary's letter.

I’ll agree with Mr. Hemenway on this point though -- that we have a very serious problem on our hands that jeopardizes the future of our airline. But the problem isn’t an illegal job action, as Mr. Hemenway suggests; it is Management's complete unwillingness to complete contract negotiations and to invest reasonably in its employees. If your operation is falling apart, it is for these reasons, not because of an illegal job action. As I have warned you repeatedly, leaving the pilots mired in bankruptcy-era wages and working conditions is unsustainable. The pilot group is simply exhausted from these circumstances. And although the pilots are doing their level best, there is no question that an appropriately motivated workforce will significantly add to the Company’s profitability. The industry is replete with examples of these success stories, the most prominent of which is Southwest, who continues to encroach on your failed business plan for just these reasons. Finally in this regard, and notwithstanding your assertions to the contrary, the Company's lawsuit is nothing but a delay tactic. You know it, we know it, and the Supreme Court knows it.
Thus, the focus of the communications referenced in the December 23 letter should not come as a surprise to either you or Mr. Hemenway. Indeed, the delay between the message to the pilots and the belated claim of status quo violation suggests that the Company was initially well aware of the legitimate purpose of the message and that the recent correspondence is an effort to engage in revisionist history.
Rather than making an all too obvious and tortured attempt to build a case against USAPA for some alleged violation of its legal obligation,

I do not know what the heck Cleary is talking about.

"operations falling apart"? We are at the top of the industry on every metric, got $550 (in $50 increments) of award bonuses in 2010 to prove it.

"The pilot group is exhausted"? He must be talking about east pilots, I am capped at 31 days vacation/year, (that almost equates to a vacation every other month), but still manage to get enough time off that I have plenty to waste on this web forum.

"Failed bussiness plan"? Did Cleary bother to notice that the "failed bussiness plan" turned a handsome $450+ million profit, of which he will recieve a profit sharing check that he was unable to steal the West pilots share?

"revisionist history", now there is a good laugh, brought to you by the leader of the organization who revises their own founding history, what happened in judge Wake's courtroom, at the 9th circuit, and even at the Supreme Court.

"to build a case against usapa for some alleged violation of its legal obligation" O'h My Goodness, Cleary actually got something right for a change. Yeah Mike, the company is building a case against you, and you are stupid enough to fill in all their blanks. When the courts tell you for a third time the Nic is it, I would not be engaging in any slow downs if you want to keep your job.
Obviously you didn't fly through CLT when the Team ran out of deicing fluid. I guess that isn't an operational problem when the hub shuts down for a few days.... And the low cost model?, when Kasher comes calling, it will be your turn in the bottom of the barrel and supporting the low cost model. :D :D Except the costs won't be low on the fuel side anymore. :
Wait till oil reaches 120 again, and Kirby hasn't hedged. You can forget profit sharing next year thanks to Scotty.

I guess what your saying, is that lcc should subsidize fuel for a broken business model that doesn't work?

Question to you? How many rj's does the soon to be east coast lcc dominate airline known as SWA/AAI fly? And please don't include Jblu in your answer.

Never have been a big fan of Air Force Academy Grad (non pilot) kirby/skeeter and parker but the usair business model is not the end all.

This has been proven time and time again via BK courts.........

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