US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I hope this helps jetz, your latest ual mec update, careful of that injunction your pilots had for the last two plus years. You still have it on your update for 2 years?? Your alpa dues at work I guess.

""united pilots MEC Update for Friday, January 28, 2011, this is

MEC Communications Committee Chairman First Officer Steve Scheri.

In This Update

Merger News/Information

United MEC Meeting Adjourns

Straight and Level Page

MEC Negotiating Committee Update

The JNC spent the first part of this week preparing for future meetings with the Company and the NMB. For the latter part of the week, the United JNC members attended their United MEC meeting in Chicago while the Continental JNC members continued their preparations.

The JNC co-chairmen and their negotiating attorneys will travel to Chicago next week to meet with Management as a follow up to the meeting our MEC Chairmen had with CEO Jeff Smisek and other senior United Management. The meeting agenda includes discussion of resuming direct negotiations prior to our first meeting with the NMB (currently expected in mid-February) and other ways to streamline the negotiating process. Management has had proposals from ALPA on all sections of the JCBA since mid-December. Your JNC remains ready and willing to meet with Management to procure the contract our pilots deserve.

As always, please stay connected to the process by reading updates from the MEC and your local council representatives.

United MEC Meeting Adjourns

The United MEC concluded its week-long meeting this afternoon in Chicago. Meeting Minutes and the Compilation of Actions from the meeting will soon be posted on the MEC website (

MEC Communications will alert you when these items are posted on the website.

Annual vacation awards are now available on Skynet and Unimatic. Vacation awards can be found on Unimatic using the VACA/FN command. Vacation awards can also be found on Skynet by selecting - Scheduling- Vacation Bidding- Annual Bidding-Past Bids- and then selecting 2011 Annual Bidding Period from the drop down menu. This page will also provide an explanation as to why a certain request was denied. After reviewing this page, and further assistance is still required concerning your award please contact Dennis

Straight and Level: Learn The Facts From Your MEC

Click Here to see answers to many of the rumors you have heard on the line.

Click here to submit your rumor. We are using every resource to thoroughly answer your rumor questions. New rumors and truths will be posted when available.

UAL v. ALPA: Preliminary Injunction

The United States District Court has issued a preliminary injunction. (Click Here to read the Preliminary Injunction Order. Click Here to read the Memorandum Opinion and Order). The injunction enjoins ALPA, the individual defendants, and all persons and organizations acting by, in concert with, through or under them, or by and through their orders, from calling, permitting, instigating, authorizing, encouraging, participating in, approving or continuing any interference with United's airline operations, including but not limited to any strike, work stoppage, sick-out, slowdown, work to rule campaign, concerted refusal to accept voluntary or overtime flying, or other concerted refusal to perform normal pilot operations in violation of the Railway Labor Act.

The Court has directed that all United pilots resume their normal individual working schedules and practices, and ALPA is hereby instructing all pilots to cease and desist from engaging in any slowdown, sick-out, work to rule campaign, refusal to accept voluntary or overtime flying, or other concerted refusal to conduct pilot operations in the normal manner. With this message ALPA is instructing that you cease and desist all such activity and cease and desist from all statements or communications encouraging such conduct.

We must comply with the Court's direction. This is about all of us, because each of us will be at risk of court fines or company discipline if we engage in any Court-prohibited activity or if we encourage others to do so. Do not engage in any form of sick-out, improper use of sick leave, improper use of fatigue calls, slowdown activity such as intentional delays in the operation, pressure or harassment of other pilots for taking overtime flying, concerted refusal to accept junior/senior manning, or any other form of economic pressure, and do not encourage others to do any of these things. We must resume normal individual working schedules and practices. Again, these are requirements of the Court, and we must comply starting immediately.""
You are way out of touch with your united mec. wendy morse and herb hunter disagree with you. They are on video wishing they had an loa after their bankruptcy.

On a February 2010 video they claim that they are for a national doh seniority list. They use the following words after being asked if a national doh list is what united pilots mec would want;

"clearly yes"
"pushing for it"
"The right thing to do"

Well I personally did not know this. The following video is from one year ago as a gift to you to flashback on negotiation progress of the united mec. A little past half way they mention how ual pilots have been "pushing" for a national DOH list for years. It is a long video but it beats watching reruns. We can all learn from the progress made by the ual pilots in a year.

767jetz ual mec video 02/10
You need to listen a little closer. The words "date of hire were never spoken.

What they did say was a national ALPA list. That would leave you out. Remember US Airways is not ALPA so we would not be part of the list. It would still go to arbitration by A/M.

What else did they say. The old guy said he heard about the week he started. she said that it could be for the unborn. Sound like a pipe dream to me just like getting out of binding arbitration.

Never said date of hire just your imagination. National ALPA list not a national DOH list. Two very different things.

Besides. What are you doing on the ALPA site paying attention to something that does not concern you? All you guys still seem pretty obsessed with ALPA still.

I read your latest ual mec negotiations update. I wish your pilots luck in the future and will be monitoring the progress and reporting back to you. Good luck union brothers and sisters at united airlines.

""January 21, 2011 JCBA Negotiations Update

At the CAL special MEC meeting held Jan. 17, Captain Dave Owens was elected to the Negotiating Committee to fill the vacancy left by the departure of Chairman Captain Mark Adams. Captain Owens will serve as the Chairman of the CAL MEC Negotiating Committee and Co-Chairman of the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC). He has been extensively involved in the current JCBA negotiations as a subject matter expert and brings many years of experience as an ALPA volunteer to the position. Most recently, Captain Owens served as chairman of the CAL Scheduling Committee, with additional oversight responsibility for the Pairing & Line Construction, PBS and System Staffing subcommittees. His detailed knowledge of Continental, United and industry scheduling processes, along with an understanding of the CAL and UAL contracts, will be invaluable. Captain Owens is an IAH-based B-737 pilot.

Over the next several weeks, Captain Adams will be working with Captain Owens to assist in his transition to the Committee so that the work of the union in negotiating the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA) continues without interruption.

As a reminder, we had a change in Mediators from Jim Mackenzie to Gerry McGuckin and we look forward to our first meeting with the NMB. However, it is possible that direct negotiations with the Company could take place in advance of involvement with the NMB, as management has the December proposals from ALPA on all sections of the JCBA. In the meantime, the JNC will continue to meet with its ALPA advisors in preparation for future negotiating sessions.

As always, please stay connected to the process by reading updates from the MEC and your local Council representatives.""
Is it me or do any of those NMB mediators names spew ALPA!? JAMIE, JJ,JG, MM!
You're a class act. Is this the point where I should call your wife and mother whores and your family a bunch of monkeys? I think not. With that comment you are obviously a lower standard of life form no worthy of the dirt on my shoe, and I won't lower myself to your level. Get help, you sad, pathetic little man.

Well said.
Every merger event can set precedent that affects every other company. Your LOA93 affects my company by bringing down the industry standard. If you successfully avoid binding arbitration (which IMO you won't) it affects my company. A DOH contract can affect my company. What about the next merger? Same thing. Sorry, but it has everything to do with my company. Unlike you I can see beyond my own nose.

Outstanding post jetz! I heard the same sentiment from a DAL captain not too long ago.
Every merger event can set precedent that affects every other company. Your LOA93 affects my company by bringing down the industry standard. If you successfully avoid binding arbitration (which IMO you won't) it affects my company. A DOH contract can affect my company. What about the next merger? Same thing. Sorry, but it has everything to do with my company. Unlike you I can see beyond my own nose.

While I will agree that what goes on within each pilot group affects other pilot groups, more than likely every pilot group has been guilty of a similar transgression. For instance some pilot group was the first to cave in on the B scale and another was the first to allow large scale operations of ratjets allowing massive outsoucing of all of our jobs. you will notice that I have not mentioned one pilot group by name because I think that at one time or another every pilot group has done something that they are not proud of.


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