US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Out of the mouths of babes.
cleardirect, on 29 January 2011 - 11:01 PM, said:
Besides. What are you doing on ..... site paying attention to something that does not concern you? All you guys still seem pretty obsessed with ... still.

You guys are the ones complaining about OAL pilots being on here. Yet you miss the hypocricy of you obsessing with ALPA.

I guess you just can't teach some people.
You are way out of touch with your united mec.

They use the following words after being asked if a national doh list is what united pilots mec would want;

"clearly yes"
"pushing for it"
"The right thing to do"
Since when do you care what ALPA says about anything? ALPA sucks, remember? Anyone who comes here to dispute what you say is an ALPA shill.

OH WAIT! They said something a year ago that you liked? I see. So as usual with you, when someone disagrees with you they are losers, but when they agree you change your tune. (BTW they didn't say DOH. They said National ALPA list. Something you would not be a part of.)

And you call other people hypocrites. Hello pot. Meet Kettle.
Do not be shy now.
In what time zone? You do realize that pilots live in and fly to different time zones right? Maybe you don't. I read recently that before the merger your airline's most eastern and western hubs were in the same state!

While I will agree that what goes on within each pilot group affects other pilot groups, more than likely every pilot group has been guilty of a similar transgression. For instance some pilot group was the first to cave in on the B scale and another was the first to allow large scale operations of ratjets allowing massive outsoucing of all of our jobs. you will notice that I have not mentioned one pilot group by name because I think that at one time or another every pilot group has done something that they are not proud of.



Putting 767jetz post in perspective, he replied to an east pilot questioning his presence on the USAirways board. I think jetz was 100% on target with his post and personally I feel he adds quite a bit of perspective to the discussion here. The problem some of the east posters have here is their emotions trump logic making a coherent discussion impossible (witness Nos' and luv's posts towards jetz recently). Unfortunately some posters here are in a downward spiral which is evident by the stepped up rhetoric against even the most stolid posters like Jim and usually this means it will get worse around here before it gets better.
With the recent assault at the CLT union office, the increased crazy rhetoric from Cleary and the parking of negotiations and the stepped up slander and bs from the east on this message board it appears the wheels are coming off the USAPA wagon... Time is short.
6 members, 21 guests, 0 anonymous users
Do you realize that a person can log on here, walk away from their computer for 3 days, and it will still show them as logged on? Does that mean they've been glued to the screen for 3 days waiting to hear what you have to say?

I just don't get it. Why do you obsess so much over what everyone else does, monitoring their presence, etc? For a group who claims to know it all and have all the answers, you spend a lot of time obsessing. ALPA, UAL, 767jetz, Boeing Boy, Prater, what time it is, how many people are reading when you have something to say, and on and on. Yet you have nothing to say about our lack of a contract, LOA93, the failed DOH cramdown, the companies DJ, or anything else of substance. Your behavior wreaks of either mental illness, desperation, or narcissism.

You and your buddies should take a deep breath and step away for a moment. Take up a hobby. (auto racing perhaps? I hear Jetz can help you get started.) Try ignoring those you disagree with rather than attacking. Why do you care so much about what they say anyway?
Finally in this regard, and notwithstanding your assertions to the contrary, the Company's lawsuit is nothing but a delay tactic. You know it, we know it, and the Supreme Court knows it.

Could one of you usapa supporters and part time lawyers explain this? This is from a letter that Cleary sent to Parker.

When did the supreme court make a decision on the company law suit? I did not know that judge Silver has even ruled on the motion to dismiss, yet in usapa land the supreme court has weighted in already. Could it be that Cleary and Seham have no clue what they are talking about? Or they are just flat not telling you the truth? Possibility?
Could one of you usapa supporters and part time lawyers explain this? This is from a letter that Cleary sent to Parker.

When did the supreme court make a decision on the company law suit? I did not know that judge Silver has even ruled on the motion to dismiss, yet in usapa land the supreme court has weighted in already. Could it be that Cleary and Seham have no clue what they are talking about? Or they are just flat not telling you the truth? Possibility?

You beat me to it!

But here is my comment.

Of course the company's DJ is nothing but a delay tactic. The company is trying to delay getting the profitability sued out of them by the West pilots when/if they collude with usapa and renege on the TA.

"You know it, we know it, and the Supreme court knows it"! As Curly Howard would say, "what a meroon".

Old rule 11 Seeham is also about to "know it"! He forgot to figure in litigation losses in his "cost neutral" seniority theft plan.
I mean, all the interesting things about your beemer, and how you teach little aspiring beemer guys and gals..
Do you read this forum, or do you always just selectively take things out of context?

Everything 767jetz has been saying is in response to provocations. Working in PIT, not having hobbies, BMW's, parking lots, etc. all subjects brought up by eastholes. (RR, little mikey, you, Nos, and others). Follow the thread and you'll see the truth. You guys attack, but when a person has the temerity to respond in kind you say they're obsessed. Typical east behavior. Just like YEARS of no contract and you living on LOA93 forever. You start a fight, and then are shocked when people successfully fight off your cramdown.

None of us are going away until this fight is settled. Get used to it.

And sorry to hear you have children, hate to see what they grow into with a father like you.

What kind of lowlife scum drags a person's children into this filthy place? Disgusting!
Based on behavior and track record, and your lack of integrity, I'd say he's probably a better father than you could ever hope to be.
This should put the subject to rest.

I'm personally inviting 767jetz, BoeingBoy, and Metroyet to come here and post as often as they want on this thread. They add good perspective to the subject at hand and I for one enjoy reading what they have to say.

From now on, when you easties want to know their motivation, you have your answer. They are here because I asked them to be. If you need to inquire further, then it is you who are obsessing.

Anyone else want to join me in this invitation?

PS. Be sure to leave your browser on and logged on to this site, since it bugs the crap out of them to see your name at the bottom of the screen.
More of Cleary's letter.

I’ll agree with Mr. Hemenway on this point though -- that we have a very serious problem on our hands that jeopardizes the future of our airline. But the problem isn’t an illegal job action, as Mr. Hemenway suggests; it is Management's complete unwillingness to complete contract negotiations and to invest reasonably in its employees. If your operation is falling apart, it is for these reasons, not because of an illegal job action. As I have warned you repeatedly, leaving the pilots mired in bankruptcy-era wages and working conditions is unsustainable. The pilot group is simply exhausted from these circumstances. And although the pilots are doing their level best, there is no question that an appropriately motivated workforce will significantly add to the Company’s profitability. The industry is replete with examples of these success stories, the most prominent of which is Southwest, who continues to encroach on your failed business plan for just these reasons. Finally in this regard, and notwithstanding your assertions to the contrary, the Company's lawsuit is nothing but a delay tactic. You know it, we know it, and the Supreme Court knows it.
Thus, the focus of the communications referenced in the December 23 letter should not come as a surprise to either you or Mr. Hemenway. Indeed, the delay between the message to the pilots and the belated claim of status quo violation suggests that the Company was initially well aware of the legitimate purpose of the message and that the recent correspondence is an effort to engage in revisionist history.
Rather than making an all too obvious and tortured attempt to build a case against USAPA for some alleged violation of its legal obligation,

I do not know what the heck Cleary is talking about.

"operations falling apart"? We are at the top of the industry on every metric, got $550 (in $50 increments) of award bonuses in 2010 to prove it.

"The pilot group is exhausted"? He must be talking about east pilots, I am capped at 31 days vacation/year, (that almost equates to a vacation every other month), but still manage to get enough time off that I have plenty to waste on this web forum.

"Failed bussiness plan"? Did Cleary bother to notice that the "failed bussiness plan" turned a handsome $450+ million profit, of which he will recieve a profit sharing check that he was unable to steal the West pilots share?

"revisionist history", now there is a good laugh, brought to you by the leader of the organization who revises their own founding history, what happened in judge Wake's courtroom, at the 9th circuit, and even at the Supreme Court.

"to build a case against usapa for some alleged violation of its legal obligation" O'h My Goodness, Cleary actually got something right for a change. Yeah Mike, the company is building a case against you, and you are stupid enough to fill in all their blanks. When the courts tell you for a third time the Nic is it, I would not be engaging in any slow downs if you want to keep your job.
This should put the subject to rest.

I'm personally inviting 767jetz, BoeingBoy, and Metroyet to come here and post as often as they want on this thread. They add good perspective to the subject at hand and I for one enjoy reading what they have to say.

From now on, when you easties want to know their motivation, you have your answer. They are here because I asked them to be. If you need to inquire further, then it is you who are obsessing.

Anyone else want to join me in this invitation?

PS. Be sure to leave your browser on and logged on to this site, since it bugs the crap out of them to see your name at the bottom of the screen.

It's nice to finally be Welcome here!!!

After reading Cleary's disjointed, embarrassing letter, it should be crystal clear from now on that He needs a psychiatrist not a contract. Seriously Mentally Ill. Bonkers, Cookoo, Effed in the Head.

How can even the most ardent USCABA supporter not be taken aback by his performance? I love it. I love every Crazy thing that nutjob does!
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