US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You missed the point.

If usapa decideds it is going to use self-help, the company will inform the other work groups to stay home.

Also, they will inform the other workgroups, that their new found status of having no paycheck is brought to them courtesy of usapa.

I am pretty certain you have nothing to worry about. The F/A's, dispatchers, mechanics, Station managers, Rampers, Gate agents, ect..are all 100% in line with usapa's attempt at stealing the West pilots seniority, so much so that they would gladly give up a week or two in pay so that some furloughed east recall can scam his way out of binding arbitration.

Yeah, this is really complicated. Your point is so obvious now... The company is going to tell all employees to stay home so that they can save the West and ensure that the Nic becomes implimented. This will work really well because the company already has secured the backing of all the stock holders and creditors that are also fully committed to do whatever it takes to get the Nic for the West. Money is no object.

I understand your point now. Thanks for the clarification. I am so jealous that you have so many partners in your quest who are willing to sacrifice everything for you.
Our airline would rather shut down than negotiate labor contracts? Priceless.

No....but the quasi-union that is only representing 2/3rds of the pilot group claims they would rather shut it down than negotiate a labor contract.

Don't worry, unless usapa is stupid enough to think it can force its way out of an arbitrated seniority award by making a mockery of the negotiations process...umm..on second thought...maybe you ought to worry.
Is there a picket line set up somewhere?

Has a strike vote even been taken?

What about honoring arbitration? Is that optional?

Internal Union processes are like choosing a crew meal. You can argue with yourself, promising to eat the chicken instead of the beef.. then change your mind and pick the beef.. you can keep changing your mind until you take the first chew. Its binding mastication.
For those of you even contemplating crossing a labor action picket line at this airline I only have this to say to you.
I hope one day you will grow up and realize what an contemptuous ass you were when you made THE decision not to honor a job action by your co-workers. Regardless of you own personal feelings of USAPA, UNIONS or even Flight Attendants - You will regret making that decision the rest of your life, most certainly your career.

Yes, if you don't let us steal your jobs you'll regret it the rest of your lives.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?
So you worked 120-130 days a year. Had the best contract in the industry. The company overpaid you for every piece of equipment. You are surprised that that model was not sustainable?????
Oh so we were overpaid before and now we are underpaid? I guess that piece of garbage you call a contract is just right. Sounds like the THREE LITTLE BEARS to me. You my friend missed your calling.... you should have " ALPA NEGOTIATEOR" after your name. A real genius in your own mind, I certainly hope the rest of the westies don't used you for inspiration. Also to whoever it was that commented about the PI contract, yes it was excellent some areas better than ours.
Yeah, this is really complicated. Your point is so obvious now... The company is going to tell all employees to stay home so that they can save the West and ensure that the Nic becomes implimented. This will work really well because the company already has secured the backing of all the stock holders and creditors that are also fully committed to do whatever it takes to get the Nic for the West. Money is no object.

I understand your point now. Thanks for the clarification. I am so jealous that you have so many partners in your quest who are willing to sacrifice everything for you.

Go back to the anagrams, they were way more clever.
Great! I hope this theoretical CO captain doesn't mind UA pilots going ahead of him in a DOH hire integration, and thousands of UA junior pilots including those on furlough, going ahead of their 737 and Junior 757 captains. Did he also tell you about how CO pilots are pining over our work rules, since theirs are so bad?

This is what's so ridiculous about your hypothetical encounter on the van. Far more CO pilots would lose out in a DOH integration. It is UA who would benefit the most from DOH, yet UA is not and will not pursue a DOH integration. Ironic, huh? Plus UA has a big majority, yet we still have no intention of a DOH cram down just because it suits us better. It's called integrity. I don't expect you to understand.

If this encounter actually happened, I'd bet he was telling you what you want to hear just to placate you. I did the same thing at JFK recently, on line at Starbucks. I just wanted to enjoy my coffee in peace, so I nodded in agreement with a glazed over look in my eye until I could politely say goodbye and be on my way. Nothing ruins a nice early morning coffee than listening to the unsolicited ramblings about senile arbitrators, and the merits of DOH.
Black Swan,

Can you believe this clown has the nerve to doubt you when he isn't even a crewmember. I bet he pumps gas at the local gas station( from his car posts). His storys about tossing bags in PIT then in another post it's JFK. jezz you a wanna be... go back and look at you F.F. posters and get a hold of your self.
Do you all realize, your not lawyers, your not judges, your not Executives?

You can banter all you want.

What you post here is not gonna determine the outcome.

But hey I understand, the East Pilot's have serious egos and most are brainwashed by usapa and Seaham is taking you all to the cleaners.

He lost AMFA and PFAA as his cash cows, no he has USAPA.

PT Barnum was 100% correct.
His storys about tossing bags in PIT then in another post it's JFK. jezz you a wanna be... go back and look at you F.F. posters and get a hold of your self.
???? :blink:

What planet are you on? I never said I tossed bags in PIT, because... well..., I never tossed bags in PIT. Another lie? Or perhaps you have me confused with someone else? Show me the post where I said I tossed bags in PIT. I'd love to see that. :rolleyes:

I am impressed that you remember that I worked ramp one summer during college for UA. (Summer 1989 to be exact.) I haven't mentioned that for a very long time. But I'm also a bit disturbed that you remember so many details about me. Kinda like stalking, no? Or maybe undying devotion? I honestly can't remember what you said a day ago, let alone months and years ago. You're just not that important. I am flattered by your attention though. :lol:
Lost 350 mil in the 4th quarter did ya!!


Well actually...
Q4 Loss on Merger Costs, But Revenue Grows 15%

"Excluding $485 million of special items primarily related to the merger, the company actually posted a profit of $160 million"

"Total revenue was $8.4 billion, an increase of 15.0% compared to the same period in 2009."

"United Continental operates a total of approximately 5,675 flights a day to 372 airports on six continents. The company rallied 7% on Wednesday."

Thanks for caring though. B)
It was a different time and a different airline. Oh, and a different CEO. Was it a bluff? We will never know. Letters were sent to the other employee groups informing us of the companies intentions. Fortunately an 11th hour agreement was reached and no CHAOS ensued.

Would it be feasible to shut down the airline in lieu of a usapa strike. Why not? There would be no reason to keep it running, unless you could get a commitment from around 1500 pilots to not honor the strike and keep eveyone working.

1500 pilots could never keep this airline running. Talk about CHAOS!

???? :blink:

What planet are you on? I never said I tossed bags in PIT, because... well..., I never tossed bags in PIT. Another lie? Or perhaps you have me confused with someone else? Show me the post where I said I tossed bags in PIT. I'd love to see that. :rolleyes:

I am impressed that you remember that I worked ramp one summer during college for UA. (Summer 1989 to be exact.) I haven't mentioned that for a very long time. But I'm also a bit disturbed that you remember so many details about me. Kinda like stalking, no? Or maybe undying devotion? I honestly can't remember what you said a day ago, let alone months and years ago. You're just not that important. I am flattered by your attention though. :lol:
I found a crack in you story just admit it your pump'in gas and wish'in you were flying. Just go away and quit making up stories.
america west pilots update. (Phoenix lounge)

Tuesday, 25 January 2011 04:28 | PDF | Print | E-mail
If you have been down to the pilot lounge over the last couple of days, then you noticed that Leonidas information has been completely removed. Apparently, an East based pilot ventured into the crew lounge and lodged a complaint over the material with USAPA who in turn complained to the company. As a result anything related to Leonidas was removed.

We do not know who spent their own money to place stamped envelopes and printed copies of Leonidas updates in the crew lounge, but we at Leonidas thank whoever it was. We did receive donations via these envelopes, somewhere in the neighborhood of $20k over the couple of months that they were available.

We will only say that the company’s actions should serve as a reminder to all that the West is in this all alone. Among Prater, Parker and USAPA, you the West pilot have been the inconvenient obstacle. To the chagrin of those three, you have stepped up and funded the defense of your legal rights, and trust us when we say that it was not a part of their plan. We at Leonidas thank every contributor and we will close by saying that we will be here for as long as each of you continues to fund this defense.


Leonidas LLC
america west pilots update. (Phoenix lounge)

We at Leonidas thank every contributor and we will close by saying that we will be here for as long as each of you continues to fund this defense.


Leonidas LLC

The funding will never stop. Nic. or LOA 93. Take your pick.

BTW, Cleary is continually lying to all of you.
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