US Pilots Labor Discussion

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God, you get more pathetic by the day.

What is truly pathetic is USAPA picketing because of delays in getting a new contract when 100% of the delay in the contract process can be attributed to USAPA's refusal to accept the NIC for section 22 and move on. Even as kind as the Observer was to USAPA’s side of the story, everyone agrees that there will be no contract until the seniority dispute is settled. It’s clear that USAPA is taking every conceivable step to avoid resolving the issues or at least delay them as long as possible and yet they want to protest Management for the contract process – that is beyond pathetic. Even worse would be any rank and file pilot who thought that picketing was actually going to accomplish anything other than show USAPA for the fools that they are.
I keep looking but I can't even find a usapa web board.

At least UAL will be turned back on. usapa has to control the message at all times.
The problem is that a few posters were launching attacks on our CO counterparts and spreading rumors stated as fact. (A familiar problem for those on this site.) I talked to one guy in person (a forum member participant) who swore on a stack of bibles tht he saw the actual UA/CO seniority list and everyone is getting screwed, even though there is no seniority list and the merger committees have not even met yet since that only occurs after a ratified contract. This kind of rumor mongering is counterproductive, and the MEC found that they were wasting valuable time and resources extinguishing fires.
The problem is that a few posters were launching attacks on our CO counterparts and spreading rumors stated as fact. (A familiar problem for those on this site.) I talked to one guy in person (a forum member participant) who swore on a stack of bibles tht he saw the actual UA/CO seniority list and everyone is getting screwed, even though there is no seniority list and the merger committees have not even met yet since that only occurs after a ratified contract. This kind of rumor mongering is counterproductive, and the MEC found that they were wasting valuable time and resources extinguishing fires.

You are getting real close to whining. Just so you know!

Oh this is so funny. How many times have you seen this midlife crisis!
Wow, you really think you're ona roll, don't you. Make all the cracks you want, it won't change your sad pathetic situation.

Midlife crisis???? Sorry to disappoint, but I've been building and racing cars for almost 20 years.

As for the marriage, not enough time for it to be the miserable account you seem to be familiar with. Only been married for 5 years. Kids both under 2. I won't start slandering your family though since 2 wrongs don't make a right. It's bad enough for you to have to live such a pathetic existence.

PS. I'm done with this childish discussion.
Thanks. Actually however I don't argue with the ignorant so I have no intention of debating with Nic.


Of course you do not, that would require you to have a defensible arguement.

Like Barrister you got nothing but accusations of hallucinogen use and attempts at undermining credibility.
I did more homework as you suggested and found out one of our former East pilots will be your mediator.
Yup. I'm sure he'll do a fine job too. But you conveniently forgot to respond to my last post about your old information. That was the whole reason for your homework assignment... to correct your previous error and admit it. You failed again. Par for the course.
Wow, you really think you're ona roll, don't you. Make all the cracks you want, it won't change your sad pathetic situation.

Midlife crisis???? Sorry to disappoint, but I've been building and racing cars for almost 20 years.

As for the marriage, not enough time for it to be the miserable account you seem to be familiar with. Only been married for 5 years. Kids both under 2. I won't start slandering your family though since 2 wrongs don't make a right. It's bad enough for you to have to live such a pathetic existence.

PS. I'm done with this childish discussion.

767, I have looked over my posts from yesterday, and I think I owe you an apology. Not many members of the travelling public come on these forums. I should have been much more welcoming. Since you are idle in Aviation right now (other than that model you are building) I can understand your need for other endeavors involving danger and speed..thus your racing career.

Might I suggest the thread “Philadelphia Spotting”…..might get you a little closer to the career you so love, and give you some ideas on paint jobs for your 767. That CAL paint job is a ####..but the UAL part is easy, just add the “United” decal from your other kit to the model.

Hope those CAL guys and gals keep your widebody seat warm for you while you are absent. Also hope after this is all done you can get them out it.

Why do you care what he does in his spare time, and, even more importantly, why do you think he gives a crap what you do with yours, or what sort of property makes you feel more secure in your manhood?

Um... Earth to oldie... Perhaps because of posts like this:

You do not currently fly for UAL.

..but you don't work for UAL.

Go hop in that entry level Beamer of yours and take a spin around the airport parking lot..we will all be cheering.

I have no idea where you are currently employed..but it is not at UAL.


and this:

I have never been that excited about any car, excepting maybe a few 99 cent "red line" Hot Wheels

Drive that beast down the CLT airport.

You do not currently fly for UAL, so I don't even understand your moniker.

Maybe you have an Aurora 767 model kit at home.


So you ask why I think he gives a crap? I have no idea why he gives a crap. But apparently he does. He is the one who brought up all the subjects I responded to. He brought up my car. I thought maybe he was actually interested. He is the one obsessed with who I work for... all obvious attempts to redirect the conversation away from my spot on comments that got under his skin, for which he had no better response but to get personal. Now THAT's telling. So why don't you redirect your questions to him and ask why he finds me so important to want to know so many details about me. Then give him the number to your therapist. :lol:
It depends on the group. UAL has 99 hires on the street right now. I just ran into one in Qatar yesterday.
OK. Then Excluding those hired in 1999 or later, care to answer the actual question?

If you were to compare a UAL or AA career with your career (Assuming you were hired before 1999). Over the lifetime who do you think will make more money and had a better career?
Um... Earth to oldie... Perhaps because of posts like this:

and this:

So you ask why I think he gives a crap? I have no idea why he gives a crap. But apparently he does. He is the one who brought up all the subjects I responded to. He brought up my car. I thought maybe he was actually interested. He is the one obsessed with who I work for... all obvious attempts to redirect the conversation away from my spot on comments that got under his skin, for which he had no better response but to get personal. Now THAT's telling. So why don't you redirect your questions to him and ask why he finds me so important to want to know so many details about me. Then give him the number to your therapist. :lol:
What? Did he hit a nerve? YOU are the small minded person, on here ONLY to stir the pot. You know, as much time as you spend on this board, I actually think he may be right about you being a furloughed pilot wannabe.

I think that maybe at one time you worked at US Airways, and have never gotten it out of your system.

Talk about needing therapy. You know, the government might even pick up the tab for you if you are out of work. You really should look into it.
You know, as much time as you spend on this board, I actually think he may be right about you being a furloughed pilot wannabe.

I think that maybe at one time you worked at US Airways, and have never gotten it out of your system.

What a bunch of cry babies. Your DOH experiment must really be close to implosion if this is all you've got left in your arsenal. :lol: Pathetic, grumpy old men who wish upon a star that everyone else would have as crappy a career so they can feel better about themselves.

Oh, and are you living by those double standards again? What makes you think I care if you, RR, Nos, BS, or any other AFO believe I'm a UA pilot or not? I don't care if you think I "fly rubber dog s**t out of Hong Kong." It doesn't change your misery under LOA 93, the fact that DOH will never happen, the fact that by the end of this year our f/o's will be making as much as your captains, The fact that you are an embarrassment and laughing stock of our profession, and your fate is completely out of your hands in the the hands of the legal system.

You guys are like a bunch of cockroaches who scurry around and can't stand when someone shines a light on you. And I'm all too happy to help my west brothers and sisters shine the spotlight! :D

PS. It's been fun the last couple of days winding you guys up, while in bed recovering from the flu. You all make such easy targets! :D Back to the real world of short call tomorrow, so you and your playmates feel free to have the last word. I look forward to it. I'm sure it will be filled with insight, logic, and wisdom. (NOT!)
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