US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I believe you when you said that, and it does seem to ring a bell. Now answer my question, please.
Was that the one about just HP & B6 being suitable for the comparison the company used in BK2? If so, I don't remember the specific numbers for each of the lcc's used other than that HP was very close to the average the company wanted. If the company wanted an HP contract, why is the East contract worse in so many areas?

The thing I remember thinking is that management wanted the employees to offset the greater efficiencies of the lcc's used - B6 had no one at top of scale, a single fleet type at that time. HP had more aircraft utilization per day by a long shot. many pilots not at top of scale. Every lcc used had an efficiency advantage over US so to get to their employee cost per ASM meant having a worse contract than all of them - not just HP.
Prove that I was an ALPA rep.
Prove that I stapled the Empire pilots.
Prove that I did not speak out about the Empire pilots being stapled.
Prove that I'm only out for "myself and kin".

You've never offered proof for any of those. Time to show your cards. Tick tock...

Was that the one about just HP & B6 being suitable for the comparison the company used in BK2? If so, I don't remember the specific numbers for each of the lcc's used other than that HP was very close to the average the company wanted. If the company wanted an HP contract, why is the East contract worse in so many areas?

The thing I remember thinking is that management wanted the employees to offset the greater efficiencies of the lcc's used - B6 had no one at top of scale, a single fleet type at that time. HP had more aircraft utilization per day by a long shot. many pilots not at top of scale. Every lcc used had an efficiency advantage over US so to get to their employee cost per ASM meant having a worse contract than all of them - not just HP.

Go back and look. Proof, answer, please.
Not my problem. I'm holding you to the rules made up by your cohorts. I am not the one who plays the guilt by association game or who said "you are the company you keep" line. You can thank your fellow partners in crime for that.

As I've said before, I'm quite happy judging individuals by their actions and not that of their peers. But when you guys don't follow the same rules, then the game is on. Maybe if you spent some time reigning in your more offensive and provoking members here, this place would be a bit more civil. Do you PM them and admonish them for their behavior? Or are you afraid of being ostracized, and save you comments for those on the other side alone?
Come on guys! Remember, our UAL friend wants to now control your board. Clean your acts up or he isn't going to be happy for the 23.5 hrs he spends on YOUR airline web board! Do what it takes to make him happy and agreeable. One can only what the wife is thinking! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
What could we go on strike for, we had the best contract in the industry, hands down. From the 70's on. I never worked more than 120-130 day a year. Get alpo to send you our contracts if they will. Cv-580 paid more than b727 . DC-9 paid more than 757. 4:30 min day and if you wanted you could get 2 a day. Go on strike, we were in heaven. Go look how much I made 767I before we let the inmates run the place about 200
4. As for right now read my past posts I'll be the first in line.
Go back and look. Proof, answer, please.
Sounds like Nos.

I don't know what I can tell you that I haven't already. Back when some outfit was paid to archive and make available the BK filings it was relatively easy to find a particular filing. But they stopped keeping those records about a year after US stopped paying them, so now individual filings are a lot harder to find. Believe whatever you want, just make sure you label it as your belief instead of passing it off as fact.

You guys just haven't been around long enough. I was making more on the 727 at PI than my peer at US. Did US have the worst contract in the industry for the last 30-40 years - certainly not, but for much of that it didn't have the best either.

It's like saying you have a super bowl team and only a few players went to the super bowl when they played for other teams earlier in their careers. USAir pilots have never demonstrated they are a super bowl team (i.e. executing a strike) and to claim otherwise is ridiculous.
So in your way of thinking, Southwest pilots are junior varsity? You have to have a strike to prove you are worthy, even though you have a good relation with management and can work things out without striking? Ridiculous!
Prove that I was an ALPA rep.
Prove that I stapled the Empire pilots.
Prove that I did not speak out about the Empire pilots being stapled.
Prove that I'm only out for "myself and kin".

You've never offered proof for any of those. Time to show your cards. Tick tock...


You didn't have a problem with the stapling job Piedmont (and now USAPA is conveniently forgetting about) did to Empire pilots and YOU did not speak out against what the Piedmont ALPA pilots did to the Empire Pilots. I would know! Period!
Sounds like Nos.

I don't know what I can tell you that I haven't already. Back when some outfit was paid to archive and make available the BK filings it was relatively easy to find a particular filing. But they stopped keeping those records about a year after US stopped paying them, so now individual filings are a lot harder to find. Believe whatever you want, just make sure you label it as your belief instead of passing it off as fact.



Stop. Listen. I believe what you said was published. I am not calling you a liar, a cheat, a fabricator. Go back, read what you wrote, what I wrote. Answer. Proof. That's all I ask.
I have no idea where you are currently employed..but it is not at UAL.
Your P***s envy is showing again.

Looks like I got under your skin as well. Glad to see my presence is working. It is an obvious sign of defeat and desperation when one can only respond with immature attacks and no substance whatsoever.

I find it quite entertaining how devoted some of you are to knowing where a person is employed, while I could really not care less who you think I work for. Oh the irony! :lol: I must be very important to your psychological wellbeing. Thanks for demonstrating your devotion. :lol:

Did you know that most of us here can gauge how close the imminent implosion of USAPA is by the volume of the rhetoric and mud slinging from the eastholes around here? You've been handed the rope and you just about have that noose finished and around your collective necks. Enjoy LOA93 until retirement. :p
Almost 1500 united pilots on furlough. I have more to follow.

united pilots update November, 2010

ual pilots message November
Wow, that's some old news. Almost 3 months ago. Perhaps you missed the more recent news that the impasse has been resolved, and the Joint Negotiating Committee has passed all sections of the contract across the table to the company. Perhaps you also missed the news about the CO pilots signing an agreement to NOT use JCBA negotiations as a forum on seniority, as per ALPA merger policy.

Sorry Nos. Once again you are wrong. A day late and a dollar short. (Or in LOA93 terms, Millions of dollars short.)

Now go do some more homework and try again. :lol:
Pan Am, Eastern, TWA, original Frontier Airlines, Braniff, Midway, this is an alpa message to the former pilots, from an alpa shill now regional airline recruiter. The years of dues paying and hard work flying the line. alpa will turn their back on you. Please add the airlines I omitted.

Usairways pilots drew the line in the sands of PHX, no more.

Oh, I remembered one more, Aloha.

Aloha, alpa.
This is funny. A usapa shill telling someone else that they are an ALPA shill.

Pot meet kettle.
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