US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Here is a little more info for you since you now have such high regard for my opinion.

When you lose the LOA grievence, all the hypothetical points of what may or may not happen are moot. Personally, I think you are going to lose, so none of my prognostication will come to pass, I am just pointing out that it would be a very shallow victory at best.

Here is the flip side of the coin, and the much more likely outcome. You lose, and remain on LOA93 indefinitely, while usapa continues down its dead end DOH road. The company not willing to hitch its wagon to usapa's DFR horses, particularly when that dead end road has no cul de sac to turn the wagon around.

Further, Kasher may come back with something in his ruling that may make usapa regret filing the thing in the first place.

Spoken like a true politician. When you are caught completly flat footed and sprouting out and out lies and falsehoods change the subject to something completely different.

The East may or may not loose LOA93, that is true, that was not what I was addressing in your origional post. Are you delusional enough to believe that the company can impose contract terms when even Judge Wake stated he could not?

Your if /then statements are a joke. What may happen may happen and I don't think it will resemble anything you have posted recently. You are totally out of touch and out to lunch with your posts.
You are nothing but a bitter, wanna-be-real-airline-pilot wasting away on LOA 93, and hoping to steal from others to repair your miserable career.

Accept your lot in life. You might live longer.

I am THE messenger. :lol:
Pan Am, Eastern, TWA, original Frontier Airlines, Braniff, Midway, this is an alpa message to the former pilots, from an alpa shill now regional airline recruiter. The years of dues paying and hard work flying the line. alpa will turn their back on you. Please add the airlines I omitted.

Usairways pilots drew the line in the sands of PHX, no more.

Oh, I remembered one more, Aloha.

Aloha, alpa.
united pilot alpa shill, nice try. You lack credibility to those that are not trying to cash a lottery ticket.

Spin this one mr creditability.

ALPA's Professional Negotiators
Glad to se I'm getting under your skin!

Do you even read your own garbage? That link says nothing about negotiating for you. They are there completely to support your own MEC, not do the work for you. Notice the words "monitor the collective bargaining process" and "enforce collective bargaining agreements once they are signed."

Again, a useless link that does not disprove the fact that you created your own filth and should live in it.

You also have provided no proof that I work for ALPA. Just more lies.
Often, a "known fact" is something that's repeated so much that everyone believes it. As I originally said, in BK2 filings US said they wanted (needed) to reach the average cost per asm of 5 lcc carriers. It just happened that HP's cost was very close to that average. Were the customer service contracts identical? I know that for pilots the contracts aren't identical.


So does that mean that what the guy told me about going to Tempe wasn't true, or as I believe you said and "urban legend"? Wouldn't using AWA and jetBlue as a template serve that purpose? What PROOF do you have that he didn't say that to me, or as you implied we are one or both liars?
Glad to se I'm getting under your skin!

Do you even read your own garbage? That link says nothing about negotiating for you. They are there completely to support your own MEC, not do the work for you. Notice the words "monitor the collective bargaining process" and "enforce collective bargaining agreements once they are signed."

Again, a useless link that does not disprove the fact that you created your own filth and should live in it.

You also have provided no proof that I work for ALPA. Just more lies.

Interesting day. And not the first time I have come to this conclusion. You do not currently fly for UAL. If you do, you must be the most naive, uninformed UAL pilot on your property. You can scream "proof" ten times a day like BB..but you don't work for UAL. talk too much..couple of real red herrings over the last few days.

Go hop in that entry level Beamer of yours and take a spin around the airport parking lot..we will all be cheering.

I have no idea where you are currently employed..but it is not at UAL.


Love how ALPA is using regionals to say the good things about ALPA. Where are all the Majors with their great stories about how great ALPA negotiators are?

And I can't help but notice the irony of a "Professional Negotiator" page that pretends to talk about Professional Negotiators but talks about Prater coming in with 60,000 pilots to swoop in and secure ASA's new contract. Oh, big money (made possible by the goal post established by ALPA's LOA93... ALPA is the self-proclaimed Rainmaker....).

And since ALPA is all that, how come they have a negotiations web page that hasn't been updated with stellar examples of their prowess since 2008?
Your pilot group has yet to go on strike. There are many pilots at AWA that walked lines at CO and EA, one of which your union attempted a RICO suit against. Your pilot group certainly doesn't measure up to anything unique in this industry- especially when compared to the AWA pilot group. Your friends are saying otherwise, I disagree.
When you climb your way out of your hole I might have a change of opinion, as of right now you guys are completely ineffective as a pilot group.
What could we go on strike for, we had the best contract in the industry, hands down. From the 70's on. I never worked more than 120-130 day a year. Get alpo to send you our contracts if they will. Cv-580 paid more than b727 . DC-9 paid more than 757. 4:30 min day and if you wanted you could get 2 a day. Go on strike, we were in heaven. Go look how much I made 767I before we let the inmates run the place about 200
4. As for right now read my past posts I'll be the first in line.
Spoken like a true politician. When you are caught completly flat footed and sprouting out and out lies and falsehoods change the subject to something completely different.

The East may or may not loose LOA93, that is true, that was not what I was addressing in your origional post. Are you delusional enough to believe that the company can impose contract terms when even Judge Wake stated he could not?

Your if /then statements are a joke. What may happen may happen and I don't think it will resemble anything you have posted recently. You are totally out of touch and out to lunch with your posts.

Trust me, I will not be running for usapa office.

What lies and falsehoods did I sprout? Hemminway wrote a letter to the West pilots claiming the company felt they could impose loa93 on the West. That is a fact.

Do I believe the company could impose the West contract on the east, no. Do I believe the company can impose a contract, certainly upon being released by the NMB they can. Do I believe the company will honor Kasher's decision, most definitely. If that decision does not favor them will they still honor it, yep.

All my posts are jokes. Try and take away a laugh or two.

Time to go harvest the mushrooms.
You can thank Capt Cleary of USAPA for you, 767jetz, not having to bend over in security 767jetz ual pilot.

""The united pilots MEC Security Committee has been advised of revised TSA screening measures tentatively scheduled for implementation today.

The most significant revision to pilots involves changes in pat down screening procedures. The revised procedures may include hand inspections of the body, without the use of wands, which have been traditionally employed as part of the screening process.

Airline crewmembers are not excluded from the screening protocols.''

October ual pilots update
Almost 1500 united pilots on furlough. I have more to follow.

Interesting quote from ual mess update;

""Even so, the Continental MEC and
master chairman have publicly stated that they will refuse to abide by ALPA merger policy if the decision goes against
them. With this kind of attitude we are not optimistic about the future as it relates to our two pilot groups’ chances for
making United Airlines the premier, world-class airline we believe it can and should be.""

united pilots update November, 2010

ual pilots message November
ual mec update in November'

""Brothers and sisters, when the Continental MEC decides to come sit at the adult table, we will welcome them with
open arms and put this silly nonsense behind us.""

How is the ual continental pilots merger going jetz? Thank you for coming on this thread and bragging how your group has it all together and helping USAPA handle their problems.


Oh, there is much more to follow. Keep coming back to inspire all of us on this thread with your expertise.
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