US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Since when did ALPA National provide professional negotiators that you can blame in hindsight? They didn't. Come on oldie... admit it. There was no one but the company and east pilots that you and your buddies elected and assigned in the room when those contracts were "negotiated."
united pilot alpa shill, nice try. You lack credibility to those that are not trying to cash a lottery ticket.

Spin this one mr creditability.

ALPA's Professional Negotiators
What does a letter about the FA's transition agreement with pilots have to do with anything the pilots went through. I told you what the BK2 filings by US said. I could care less if you believe in some make believe nonsense.

What does a letter about the FA's transition agreement with pilots have to do with anything the pilots went through. I told you what the BK2 filings by US said. I could care less if you believe in some make believe nonsense.

In fact, when our most recent concessionary negotiations began we were told by Jerry Glass and other members of management our labor costs had to mirror those of America West.

It is a know fact USAirway management try to get the passengers service agent to HP bottom of the industry pay and work rules. The USAirways agents had to have a strike vote and threaten a strike just to kept industry standard
It is a know fact USAirway management try to get the passengers service agent to HP bottom of the industry pay and work rules. The USAirways agents had to have a strike vote and threaten a strike

Often, a "known fact" is something that's repeated so much that everyone believes it. As I originally said, in BK2 filings US said they wanted (needed) to reach the average cost per asm of 5 lcc carriers. It just happened that HP's cost was very close to that average. Were the customer service contracts identical? I know that for pilots the contracts aren't identical.

Really? Then why all the threats about being released by the NMB? (Something that will never happen under current circumstances.) Why not start those "creative methods" now? What are you waiting for? Pressure the company to join your DOH cram down and attach themselves to the pursuant law suit that you and they will certainly lose.

Oh yeah. You have already said that if you win the LOA93 grievance then there is no reason for a contract. See how things always go full circle and end up right back in your lap?

Nothing but more tough talk. You are part of a group who never met a concession you didn't agree to, and never took a stand against ANY management.

This is a link on the alpa web site for two plus years, it shut you down and your invertebrate fellow alpa and united pilots.

Yes, you had a judge that told you not to call in sick, not to write something up, not to be a pilot and you sat and pooed your pants. Spin this please.

Notice to all united pilots from alpa on alpa website
Guess who's back spreading nonsense.....where's the proof Nos?


I provided a link for my post in regards to jetz, find one thing wrong with it and report back how you can protect your fellow alpa shill. There is no playground attendant to protect your misinformation anymore, you have to provide facts.
Guess who's back spreading nonsense.....where's the proof Nos?


boeing boy former Piedmont pilot, here is a former Piedmont pilot that is a man.

USAPA update September 2010

""Most of us who attended the Leadership Walk in Philadelphia last week did so at some amount of personal inconvenience. And we understand. Our personal lives have been shrink-wrapped into the space left over after flying our collective butts off, and for most of us heading to the airport in full uniform on our off days isn't first on our to-do list. But take a look at one of the pilots in this picture from last week's picketing event:

Second from the left, in the old blue uniform. That's Captain Tom Stanges, hired in June 1981 by Piedmont Airlines. Why is Tom not wearing the new, black uniform? Because he's battling cancer. Tom has been out on Long Term Disability since 2007, when he discovered a lump on his neck that turned out to be cancerous. As you can imagine, his life and his career have been turned upside down while he fights the disease. How many of us would have hung up our old blue uniform and steered well clear of the difficulties facing our group if we were in Tom's shoes?

Tom is not that type of guy. Between surgeries and visits to specialists, Tom has found the time and strength to attend several union meetings during the past few years. He's provided USAPA with valuable information about the real costs of LOA 84 and LOA 93, which have wreaked havoc on our sick and disability benefits, and which give the Company “offsets” from payments a pilot might receive from additional insurance, earnings from other employment, pension benefits, state disability benefits and a long list of other possibilities. In other words, Tom has helped raise our awareness that payouts from additional insurance, for example, go to the Company to “offset” its LTD costs. (I'm sure we all take comfort in that.)

Every USAPA pilot should be proud of the turnout we had at the Philadelphia Leadership Walk, but let's face it: the effort Captain Tom Stanges made to attend and walk the line in hot, humid conditions puts most of us to shame. Clearly Tom is a fighter, a guy who is fully engaged in life and in the valiant battle USAPA is waging to restore the piloting profession to its rightful status.

Thank you, Captain Tom, for fighting with us. We wish you the best in your recovery and look forward to your return to the flight deck!

What follows is a note that Tom wrote to Strike Prep Committee Co-Chairman Rick Odato when we initially asked Tom about writing this story. It's reprinted here with Tom's permission:

“Hi Rick :

I am humbled by your complimentary gesture. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Becoming an airline pilot was the fulfillment of a childhood dream and one that will never fade from my heart. Although I am now amongst the "walking wounded", my feet will never walk away from my fellow brother and sister pilots with whom I've shared so much of my life. Wednesday was a joy for me. To once again be together with the ones who I have so much respect for was a real boost to my morale. I enjoyed it very much and it was for a very serious issue for all of us and our families. After the street event, I mention to Mike Cleary that it will always be the case that there will be those who will just not participate. As such, it is up to the rest of us to carry their load as well. It's just the way it is, but I'll always be present so long as my legs will get me there!

I am very appreciative of the efforts that everyone has engaged themselves in to get us this far with the appropriate representation for our needs. USAPA has emerged as a true representative union. One that we never had before and therefore led us all down a path of workplace abuse and personal loss. The mandate is loud and clear. NEVER AGAIN! The pilots MUST achieve the reparations we've been waiting for. It's long overdue and anything less would be considered an indictment against the union. This is what I see as Parker's goal. It's not so much about the money, as it is about winning the "game". All he has to do is say the word and it'll be done. He knows that if he can get the pilots to accept less than what we're demanding, he can break the solidarity. Break the solidarity, then break the union. This is very serious business we're engaged in with these people. He's testing our resolve. A resolve that he doesn't believe we possess. He's going to hold his position hard and fast until we convince him otherwise. By whatever means we pursue; he'll be watching. It's vital that we keep the pressure on him until he breaks. Every person has a "breaking point" and eventually we'll find his. It'll happen, but we've got to maintain the pressure.

I'll be very pleased to be in contact with the communications folks should they care to reach me. It's the least that I can do to provide support for our endeavor. I'm not going away unless the Lord wants me first. lol. My cell #: xxx-xxx-xxxx. It was great to see you again in PHL, Rick. All the best – Tom"

In case you're wondering, that's a good union pilot!""

USAPA Communications
boeing boy former Piedmont pilot, here is a former Piedmont pilot that is a man.
Shouldn't you be berating him for not giving the Empire pilots their DOH then? Maybe Tom can tell you what you obviously don't believe if said by anyone else. Still waiting on that proof, although I know you cannot provide it since none exists.

There is no playground attendant to protect your misinformation anymore, you have to provide facts.

Only when you do.

Prove with facts when I was an ALPA rep.
Prove with facts that I stapled the Empire pilots.
Prove with facts that I did not speak up about the Empire pilots being stapled.

Proof Nos, proof...

Shouldn't you be berating him for not giving the Empire pilots their DOH then? Maybe Tom can tell you what you obviously don't believe if said by anyone else. Still waiting on that proof, although I know you cannot provide it since none exists.


He is not a hypocrite like you pontificating on this board daily, telling others to do opposite of what you did. He is not an alpa shill, looking out for himself and kin, he is standing up in a picket line for his fellow pilots and what is right.

You are a coward sir, I do not need a link or proof of this because it is available by reading the history of your posts.
Only when you do.

Prove with facts when I was an ALPA rep.
Prove with facts that I stapled the Empire pilots.
Prove with facts that I did not speak up about the Empire pilots being stapled.

Proof Nos, proof...

I have proof of where most Piedmont pilots stand thanks to Tom. You sound desperate, did you turn the light on above your mirror finally and had a clear look at yourself.
opposite of what you did....alpa shill, looking out for himself and kin
Prove what you claim I did then. You've made the assertions so prove them. For one who claims to always give proof, you haven't given any yet.

Prove that I was an ALPA rep.
Prove that I stapled the Empire pilots.
Prove that I did not speak out about the Empire pilots being stapled.
Prove that I'm only out for "myself and kin".

You've never offered proof for any of those. Time to show your cards.

He is not a hypocrite like you pontificating on this board daily, telling others to do opposite of what you did. He is not an alpa shill, looking out for himself and kin, he is standing up in a picket line for his fellow pilots and what is right.

You are a coward sir, I do not need a link or proof of this because it is available by reading the history of your posts.

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