US Pilots Labor Discussion

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So what is your proposal other than the NIC?
NIC with C&R's.

Arbitration already produced a fair result. There is no need for other proposals. That time long since past. It was called Negotiate and Mediate. There are no more "proposals" once you miss that train and get on the Arbitration train.
It's ok, CLEAR has a flair to overstate his position as one of authority and omniscience, besides not being able to distinguish between a question and statements of fact! MM!
More about fighting for our families and children. We were willing to pay our dues. Are you?

Ohhh good one!! Yeah paid my dues went to my carrier and was moving up. USAir in BK we buy you and now you think you get use taking care of your family as justification for you not honoring your agreements and stealing from me!!! Send your wife to my house I have something for her since you feel you need to use family in your arguement :angry:

AWA320 says NO to UBS's
Growth flying? You might ask those angry f/os how big USAIRWAYS was prior 911, were just making up for the reduction in flying, better yet ask JIM! MM! And why should an EAST pilot give up his recaptured flying to someone that wasn't even hired?
Absolutely laughable. This is how twisted and perverted the east thinking is. So after you shrunk and went bankrupt twice, any additional flying up until the point you reach the same number of pilots you had before the bloodletting is not considered growth?????!!!! Talk about Fantasy Island. Hey Boss, is your real name Tatoo? So now we have a new catchphrase... "recaptured flying." You really do have delusions of grandeur!

Hate to burst your bubble, but any flying that came to the east after AWA came along and saved your sorry butt from Chapter 7 is considered growth. Same goes for the west. (oh wait, the west was already growing when they absorbed the east.)

I would love to know what the CO pilots think of your ideas. Are you suggesting that until UA adds back the additional 4000 pilots we had before 9/11, noting is considered growth? We had about 10,500 pilots back then. Guess what? Now with the merger we have about 10,500 pilots again (not including furloughs.) Should CO be stapled? No growth for them until each and every UA pilot is back on the property? Ask them what they think of DOH. Maybe you think that over 2200 of our pilots, including over 1000 who are now furloughed, should be senior to their 737 and 757 captains?

You and the rest of your angry f/os are living on an island of isolation from reality and the rest of the world. Hope you're enjoying those Mesa/Republic/Shuttle America/regional jet pay rates. You deserve to rot there.

PS. any progress on that GED yet? :lol:
where are your numbers from. You must of made them up as well

this is the offiicial numbers.

wrong again
Might want to check your own facts.

Do you even know how to read a table? You are taking credit for all of the retirements. That label on the left side of the bottom one. east AND west is combined. You don;t get credit for our retirements too. I know you want everything but that is just a little of obvious.

Get it right man. Even with the facts in front of you you guys cannot help but lie.

I sure hope the captain checks your hold over times when you look at the chart. You might think you are good for 2 hours in a blizzard.
wrong junior.. doesn't matter if they are forced out.. those are protected captain positions.


Effective on the Commencement Date, the combined number of Captain positions that existed in LAS and PHX as of 1 June 2008 and the combined number of First Officer positions that existed in LAS and PHX as of 1 June 2008 shall be initially allocated to pilots on the West seniority list as protected Captain positions and protected First Officer positions. Protected positions shall not be available for integrated seniority bidding and shall only be available to West pilots for bidding during the term of these conditions.
And what is the term of those conditions? One year? Five? Infinity? Or just until the next contract when seniority can be renegotiated like a crew meal? What about when that flying is moved to the east as the company sees fit in order to operate their airline in the most efficient manner? Do those protections carry through to the east? As BB points out, when a west captain retires his 757 spot and creates a new vacancy in a 737 left seat, is that new vacancy protected and only allowed to be given to a west pilot?

Answer the questions with facts and not attacks, if you can.
wrong wrong wrong... maybe jim should reply you are a liar?

The mechanics of the process are as follows:
A snapshot of the number of positions available in each applicable aircraft position will be recorded. For this example, we will say there are an equal number of AB320 captain positions West and East, 100 each. Now we will assume that 20 AB320 positions are eliminated in PHX. There are now 180 total positions available, down from the original 200. In order to maintain the original ratio of 1 to 1, system-wide there will be 90 positions allocated for East pilots and 90 positions will be allocated for West pilots. The overall result is that there will be a loss of 20 actual bid positions in PHX, the loss of which will be shared with the East pilot group. This means that 10 West pilots will lose their seat and 10 West AB320 captains will be permitted to displace to the East operation, displacing 10 East AB320 captains, and thus maintaining the original ratio. Displaced pilots will be placed within any base bid category in system-wide seniority order. Displacement captain positions will be filled by a seniority bid from within the existing applicable aircraft type captain bid category. Keep in mind that this procedure is bi-directional; East pilots may displace West if East flying is reduced. West captains displaced to the East will retain protected position rights in PHX and LAS.

Yet the west captain going east is at the bottom of the list and on reserve forever, while the east captain going west takes a senior lineholding position. And what happens when the ratio is not 1 to 1 as in your example? And what if postions are not eliminated but shifted? No protection whatsoever. Your C&R's are a joke. If not the same C&R's could be applied to the NIC, right?
Absolutely laughable. This is how twisted and perverted the east thinking is. So after you shrunk and went bankrupt twice, any additional flying up until the point you reach the same number of pilots you had before the bloodletting is not considered growth?????!!!! Talk about Fantasy Island. Hey Boss, is your real name Tatoo? So now we have a new catchphrase... "recaptured flying." You really do have delusions of grandeur!

Hate to burst your bubble, but any flying that came to the east after AWA came along and saved your sorry butt from Chapter 7 is considered growth. Same goes for the west. (oh wait, the west was already growing when they absorbed the east.)

I would love to know what the CO pilots think of your ideas. Are you suggesting that until UA adds back the additional 4000 pilots we had before 9/11, noting is considered growth? We had about 10,500 pilots back then. Guess what? Now with the merger we have about 10,500 pilots again (not including furloughs.) Should CO be stapled? No growth for them until each and every UA pilot is back on the property? Ask them what they think of DOH. Maybe you think that over 2200 of our pilots, including over 1000 who are now furloughed, should be senior to their 737 and 757 captains?

You and the rest of your angry f/os are living on an island of isolation from reality and the rest of the world. Hope you're enjoying those Mesa/Republic/Shuttle America/regional jet pay rates. You deserve to rot there.

PS. any progress on that GED yet? :lol:
Obviously you haven't gotten a life yet. Pretty sad supposedly flying to all those great international destinations, then scurrying off to your darkened room to obsess about another airline and its' pilots while the rest of the crew is probably out on the town. Pretty sad..... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ohhh good one!! Yeah paid my dues went to my carrier and was moving up. USAir in BK we buy you and now you think you get use taking care of your family as justification for you not honoring your agreements and stealing from me!!! Send your wife to my house I have something for her since you feel you need to use family in your arguement :angry:

AWA320 says NO to UBS's
This, gentlemen, is just one more reason why we need more money in public education!
Well, business as usual around here... Not even difficult questions posted and the easters around here refuse to answer them, just resort to mud slinging...
Luvthe9, do you ever think you will grow up?
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