US Pilots Labor Discussion

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ATL 7ER CAPT 15 Increased utilization
ATL 73N CAPT 5 Increased utilization
ATL 73N F/O 5 Increased utilization
DTW 744 CAPT 20 Increased utilization
DTW 744 F/O 15 Increased utilization
DTW 330 CAPT 10 Increased utilization
DTW 330 F/O 5 Increased utilization
LAX 73N CAPT 5 Increased utilization
LAX 73N F/O 5 Increased utilization
NYC 765 F/O 5 Increased utilization
NYC 73N CAPT 5 Increased utilization
NYC 73N F/O 5 Increased utilization
SEA 7ER CAPT 5 Increased utilization
SLC 7ER CAPT 5 Increased utilization
SLC 73N CAPT 5 Increased utilization
SLC 73N F/O 5 Increased utilization

This is what happens when you quit fighting each other and let your airline operate. This is the small bid that will precede the big one in May. That's 55 net new widebody Captain spots, the lowest paid position pays $182 an hour, the highest $217. There is also 20 737N Captain spots that pay $175 an hour. The 747-400 First Officer spots pay more than your 757 Captains. USAPA is stepping over $20 bills to pick up pennies. 300+ new hires since the merger, with more to come this year. Our MD-88 Captains make more than your A-330 Captains. Wake up USAPA.
Congratulations. You are lucky enough to work for an airline that actually wants to grow, and provide a decent product. We don't. The sole purpose of USAirways is to burn Jet A and provide a steady diet of low hanging fruit for transient CEO's to pick....This has nothing to do with USAPA.
You conveniently lost your memory on this one. You were a part of a group of pilots that stapled Empire pilots to the bottom of the pilot group you worked for.

No proof still I take it. Or painting with a very broad brush.

Where's the proof that I wanted to staple them?
Where's the proof that as an ALPA rep I was responsible for the decision to staple them?

Admit it Nos - you have no clue and just spout lies....

No proof still I take it. Or painting with a very broad brush.

Where's the proof that I wanted to staple them?
Where's the proof that as an ALPA rep I was responsible for the decision to staple them?

Admit it Nos - you have no clue and just spout lies....

It happened. I did not say you wanted it, I stated "you were part of a group that stapled Empire pilots to the bottom of your list." You may not have wanted this to happen, but showed no courage to stop it.

Many other pilots have stood by and watched this happen. My point is now you dare lecture other pilots about any seniority issue that is not a staple job. Hypocrite. alpa shill. You are the company you keep.
No proof still I take it. Or painting with a very broad brush.

Where's the proof that I wanted to staple them?
Where's the proof that as an ALPA rep I was responsible for the decision to staple them?

Admit it Nos - you have no clue and just spout lies....


So tired of having to read your tourette’s induced tweets and tick tock countdowns. So I will take another shot on my own. (Otherwise can we all agree just let Jim be "right"…. so he can move on to his next quest for relevance in any of this?)

I already addressed the red herring issue of you being a Rep. But you are correct Jim..there is no proof about any the above. The sad fact is you did nothing. Nothing at all. You were not responsible in any other way than standing on the opposite corner as the mugging took place, with just a little more skip in your stride as you left the scene, knowing darn well you would personally gain from the event. They got stapled. No Date of Hire..ever. What DID you do? It’s a question Jim.

The pilots that voted in this union did just the opposite. They may not succeed. But they did not sit idly by and spend over 20 years sitting on their hands and saying "" Much less going on a public forum like you have and berating others for doing what you would not.

It happened. I did not say you wanted it, I stated "you were part of a group that stapled Empire pilots to the bottom of your list." You may not have wanted this to happen, but showed no courage to stop it.

Trying to worm out of this. Priceless. Let's review the claims you leveled at me.

The former Empire pilots are so lucky you put them on the bottom of your list,

Claim: I put the Empire pilots on the bottom of my list. Prove it.

You are on this board all day admonishing something that you were clearly part of whilst at the last airline you worked. You stapled a group to the bottom of your list, why.

Again, claiming that I stapled the Empire pilots to the bottom. Prove it.

All the Empire Airline Pilots brought a job to your former airline and you stapled them to the bottom. Your hypocrisy never ends.

Once again the claim that I stapled the Empire pilots. Prove it.

The following is what you witnessed at your own previous airline you worked for, and represented them as an ALPA Rep and stood by and did nothing. A staple job pure and simple, now you pontificate here about a DOH list with C and R and pilots getting screwed. Hypocrisy, pure and simple.

Claim: That I was an ALPA rep, and further that I "stood by and did nothing". Prove both.

You never answered my question on how you handled the Empire Merger as an ALPA rep.

Another claim that I was an ALPA rep who "handled" the Empire merger. Prove both.

Proof Nos. You stated the claims, prove them. Until you do or admit you can't, you're no better than a 5 year old caught with his hand in the cookie jar, making infantile excuses. Prove that the claims you've made are true or admit that you are a liar.

Trying to worm out of this. Priceless. Let's review the claims you leveled at me.

Claim: I put the Empire pilots on the bottom of my list. Prove it.

Again, claiming that I stapled the Empire pilots to the bottom. Prove it.

Once again the claim that I stapled the Empire pilots. Prove it.

Claim: That I was an ALPA rep, and further that I "stood by and did nothing". Prove both.

Another claim that I was an ALPA rep who "handled" the Empire merger. Prove both.

Proof Nos. You stated the claims, prove them. Until you do or admit you can't, you're no better than a 5 year old caught with his hand in the cookie jar, making infantile excuses. Prove that the claims you've made are true or admit that you are a liar.

Do you like watching the Rockford Files?

It is against the board rules and other obvious problems, posting your name. The bid closing committee is all I have to say.

You were part of a group that stapled other pilots to the bottom of your list. Many other pilots were part of a group that witnessed such an occurrence. They are not on this board almost daily, hypocritically lecturing others about seniority issues.

IMHO, you are an alpa shill, hypocrite and your other ulterior motive is kinship. I will not take the bait, I will end your fishing trip at this time.
Prove your accusations or admit to lying. Trying to weasel out is the cowards way. You are a coward as well as a liar.

Prove your claims that I stapled the Empire pilots, that I was an ALPA rep then or ever, that I stood by and said nothing. In other words for once act like a man and not a child.

Prove your accusations or admit to lying. Trying to weasel out is the cowards way. You are a coward as well as a liar.

Prove your claims that I stapled the Empire pilots, that I was an ALPA rep then or ever, that I stood by and said nothing. In other words for once act like a man and not a child.


He doesnt have to prove anything Jim - this isnt a court of law, its a web board man. And he is not lying. There are a number of people out there that know you Jim, you see the aviation community is a small one. It is very telling that you are not providing any evidence to defend the claims made against you. You are a hipocrite.

And heres another one while we are at it - you were also a party of a group of pilots that voted in a concessionary contract ( B-scale ) to deprive new hire pilots of pay to enrichen yourself at their expense just prior to your Empire staple job.
How did you vote on this? Or will you lie about this as well? How about providing documents that prove you wrote your reps to prevent any of this. Or better yet provide meeting minutes that prove you stood up to decry these selfish acts of yours. Its because you cant.
You say that Nos the Liar doesn't have to prove the accusations he made about me yet demand that I disprove the accusations you make. Are you Nos2? Both of you are no better than pond scum. Making up things and demanding that I disprove them. It's the typical East poster's childish style - say anything while hiding behind a keyboard and expect no accountability. Even your post proves to me that you know nothing about me yet you, like Nos the Liar, throw around accusations pretending that what you say is a fact, all the while while hiding behind your mommy's apron.

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